Sunday, 25 December 2016

Recruitment in Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)   
Shahjahan Road, Dholpur House, New Delhi – 110069

UPSC Naukri Advt. No. 23/2016 for various Job vacancies

UPSC invites Online application by 12/01/2017 for following  various naukri job posts in various Government of India / Union Territories Ministries and Departments in the prescribed online format : 

Job Vacancies :

  1. Specialist Grade-III, Assistant Professor (Endocrinology) : 13 posts (SC-02, ST-01, OBC-04, UR-06) in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 
  2. Specialist Grade-III, Assistant Professor (Microbiology) : 15 posts (SC-01, ST-01, OBC-07, UR-06) in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 
  3. Specialist Grade-III, Assistant Professor (Urology) : 11 posts (SC-02, ST-01, OBC-02, UR-06) in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 
  4. Specialist Grade-III, Assistant Professor (Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases: 01 post (OBC-01) in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 
  5. Deputy Central Intelligence Officer / Technical (DCIO/Tech) : 06 posts  (SC-01,ST-01, OBC-01, UR-03) in  Intelligence Bureau (I.B.), Ministry of Home Affairs 
  6. Assistant Legislative Counsel : 06 posts (ST-02,OBC-01, UR-03) (Grade-IV of Indian Legal Service) Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice 
  7. One Assistant Legislative Counsel (Bengali) :  01 posts  (UR-01) in OfficialLanguages Wing, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice 
  8. Assistant Legislative Counsel (Marathi) :  01 post (OBC-01) in Official Languages Wing, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice 
  9. Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) : (UR-01) in Directorate General ofLighthouses & Lightships, Ministry of Shipping 
  10. Assistant Executive Engineer (Electronics) : 03 posts (SC-01, ST-01, UR-01) Directorate General of Lighthouses & Lightships, Ministry of Shipping 
  11. One Junior Ship Surveyor-cum-Assistant Director General (Technical) : 01 post (UR-01) Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Shipping
  12. Radio Inspector : 01 post (SC-01) in Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai, Ministry of Shipping 
  13. Professor (Technical) (Electronics & Communication Engineering: 03 posts (UR-03) in Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research, Department of Training & Technical Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
Application Fee : 

Rs. 25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

How to Apply :  

Apply Online at UPSC Online website at on or before 12/01/2017 for advt. no. 23/2016. 

Details and submission of application :

For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 23/2016  please view

Assiatant, Account Officer post in Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
(Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change)
"Parivesh Bhawan", East Arjun Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032

Online or Offline applications are invited for the following naukri job vacancies in Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on direct recruitment basis (Advt. No. 02/2016-Admn.(R) :

Vacancies :

  1. Law Officer : 02 Posts (UR-02), Scale of Pay: ₹15600-39100 Grade Pay ₹6600/-
  2. Senior Hindi Translator : 01 Post (UR), Scale of pay: ₹9300-34,800/- Grade Pay ₹4600/- 
  3. Assistant Accounts Officer : 01 Post (UR), Scale of pay: ₹9300-34800/- Grade ₹4600/-
  4. Assistant : 04 Posts (02-UR & 02 OBC), Scale of pay: ₹9300-34800/- Grade Pay ₹4200/-

How to Apply : 

Application in prescribed  format  along with a recent passport size photograph, photocopies of certificates & other testimonials should reach the Sr. Administrative Officer,  Central Pollution Control Board, "Parivesh Bhawan", East Arjun Nager, Shahdara, Delhi - 110032 on or before  22/01/2017. and the last date is 06/02/2017 for the candidates from far-flung areas.  

Details and Application Format :

Complete details and application form is available at

Probationary Managers in Vijaya Bank

Vijaya Bank 
(A Government of India Undertaking) 
Head Office, 41/2, M.G. Road, Bangalore - 560001

Vijaya Bank, a leading listed Public Sector Bank, having Head Office in Bangalore, with all India representation, invites applications (On-Line only) for recruitment for the post of Probationary Manager – Security and Probation Manager - Rajbhasha in MMG Scale-II only through Vijya Bank's website :

Vacancies :

  • Probationary Manager – Security : 20 posts (UR-10, OBC-05, SC-3, ST-2)
  • Probationary Manager – Rajbhasha : 10 posts (UR--5, OBC-02, SC-02, ST-01)
  • Probationary Manager – Law : 14 posts (UR-07, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01)
Pay Scale : Rs. 31705 - 45950,   Age : 20 - 45  years as on 01/10/2016.

Application fee : 

₹300/- (₹100/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) should be  paid by directly in any of the Vijaya Bank Branches by payment challan only. 

How to Apply :  

Apply Online at Vijaya Bank Website  from 19/12/2016 to 09/01/2017 only. Printout of the system generated application format should be send on or before 16/01/2017 and 20/01/2017 for the candidates from far-flung areas.

Details and Application Format :

Kindly visit for all the details and online submission of applications. 

Job vacancy in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
HAL Aircraft Division, Nashik (Maharashtra)

HAL Nashik invites applications from following posts :

Vacancies : 

  • Contract Basis 
    1. Senior Manager (MET) / Manager (MET) : 01 post
    2. Chief Manager (Aerodrome) / Sr. Manager (Aerodrome) / Manager (Aerodrome) : 01 post
    3. Dy. Manager (Aerodrome) / Officer (Aerodrome) / Asst. Officer (Aerodrome) : 02 posts
  • Permanent Basis 
    1. Medical Superintendent (General Medicine) : 01 post
    2. Medical Superintendent (General Medicine) : 01 post
    3. Medical Superintendent (Surgeon) : 01 post
    4. Medical Superintendent (Pediatrician: 01 post
    5. Senior Medical Officer (Pathology) : 01 post
    6. Dentist : 01 post

Application Fee : 

₹500/-  (exempted in case of SC/ST/PWD/Ex.Servicemen category) in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank (preferably State Bank of India) in Favour of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Payable at State Bank of India, Ojhar Township (SBI Branch Code : 1196). 

How to Apply : 

Application in the prescribed format should be send by post on or before 18/01/2017 to Senior Manager(Human Resources), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,Aircraft Division, Nasik Ojhar Township Post Office, Tal-Niphad, Dist. Nasik – 422207.

Details and Application Format : 

Please visit Career page at HAL website at details and application format.

Recruitment of Manager Officer in NMDC

National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Limited
(A Govt of India Enterprise) 
Khanij Bhavan, Masab Tank,  Hyderabad - 500028,  Telangana

NMDC invites online applications from suitable persons for following 22 (UR-11, OBC-06, SC-04, ST-01) Managerial / Officer naukri vacancy posts to  (Advertisement No. 03/2016)  :

 Vacancies : 

  1. General Manager (Finance) : 01 post
  2. Dy. General Manager (Safety) : 01 post
  3. Asst. General Manager (Safety) : 01 post
  4. Sr. Manager (Safety) : 02 posts
  5. Dy. Manager (Safety) : 04 posts
  6. Asst. Manager (Safety) : 10 posts
  7. Jr. Officer (Survey: 01 post
  8. Asst. Manager (Raj Bhasha) : 02 posts

How to Apply : 

Apply Online at NMDC website from 20/12/2016 to 21/01/2017 only. 

Details and Application Format : 

Please visit for more information and online application format. (advt. no. 03/2016)

Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

 Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...