Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Assistant Professor Vacancy in Delhi University 2019

Delhi University Assistant Professor Vacancies 2019

  1. African Studies : 01 vacancy
  2. Anthropology : 01 vacancy
  3. Bio-Chemistry : 01 vacancy
  4. Bio-Physics : 01 vacancy
  5. Botany : 01 vacancy
  6. (Dr.) B.R. Ambedkar Research Centre for Bio-Medical Research : 02 vacancies
  7. Buddhist Studies : 01 vacancy
  8. Business Economics : 01 vacancy
  9. Chemistry : 13 vacancies
  10. Cluster Innovation Centre : 02 vacancies
  11. Commerce : 16 vacancies
  12. Computer Science : 06 vacancies
  13. East Asian Studies : 06 vacancies
  14. Economics : 14 vacancies
  15. Education : 02 vacancies
  16. Electronic Science : 01 vacancy
  17. English : 02 vacancies
  18. Environmental Studies : 06 vacancies
  19. Financial Studies : 02 vacancies
  20. Geology : 05 vacancies
  21. Germanic & Romance Studies : 13 vacancies
  22. Hindi : 19 vacancies
  23. History : 01 vacancy
  24. Institute of Informatics & Communication : 01 vacancy
  25. Law : 12 vacancies
  26. Library & Information Science : 02 vacancies
  27. Linguistics : 04 vacancies
  28. Management Studies : 27 vacancies
  29. Mathematics : 02 vacancies
  30. Microbiology : 02 vacancies
  31. Modern Indian Languages & Literary Studies : 11 vacancies
  32. Music : 15 vacancies
  33. Operational Research : 03 vacancies
  34. Persian : 02 vacancies
  35. Philosophy : 02 vacancies
  36. Physics & Astrophysics  : 17 vacancies
  37. Plant Molecular Biology : 02  vacancies
  38. Political Science : 14  vacancies
  39. Psychology  : 01 vacancy
  40. Punjabi : 01 vacancy
  41. Sanskrit : 05  vacancies
  42. Slavonic & Finno-Ugrian Studies : 06 vacancies
  43. Sociology : 01 vacancy
  44. Social Work : 02 vacancies
  45. Statistics : 05 vacancies
  46. Zoology : 04 vacancies
  47. Assistant Professor Vacancies in Multilingual departments

    1. East Asian Studies: 06 vacancies
    2. Germanic and Romance Studies: 13 vacancies
    3. Modern Indian Languages : 11 vacancies
    4. Slavonic & Finno-Ugrian Studies : 06 vacancies 

    Application Fee  

    Rs. 500/- to be paid online. No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women  candidates.

    How to Apply for DU Assistant Professor Vacancy 2019?

    Apply or before 23/07/2019 only.

    See Also -Details and  Online Application for DU Assistant Professor Recruitment 2019
    Please visit http://www.du.ac.in for details and online application format.

    Navodaya Vidyalaya Commissioner Teachers Clerks Nurse Assistants Vacancy Recruitment 2019

    Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Govt. of India.

    NVS invites from the eligible  Indian citizens candidates  for recruitment for filling up the following of Assistant Commissioner, Post Graduate Teachers (PGT), Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT), Miscellaneous Category of Teachers ((Librarian, Art, Music, PET), Legal Assistant, Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant and Lower Division Clerk (LDC) in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas / Its Hq., / Regional Offices of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.

    NVS Teachers, Commissioners, Assistant, Nurse, Clerk Vacancy 2019

    1. Assistant Commissioner  : 05 vacancies (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-01, SC-01, Pay Scale : Level -12 Rs.78800-209200, Age : 45 years
    2. Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) : 430 vacancies (UR-215, EWS-19, OBC-111, SC-59, ST-26) (PWD-21) in 11 subjects, Pay Scale : Level-8 Rs.47600-151100, Age : 40 years 
      • Biology : 43
      • Chemistry : 45
      • Commerce : 16
      • Economics : 63
      • English : 37
      • Geography : 38
      • Hindi : 35
      • History : 46
      • Maths : 48
      • Physics : 39
      • Computer Science : 20 
    3. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) : 1154 vacancies (UR-530, EWS-58, OBC-310, SC-171, ST-85) (PWD-49) in 5 subjects, Pay Scale :  Level-7 Rs.44900-142400, Age : 35 years
      • English: 279
      • Hindi: 320
      • Maths: 256
      • Science: 139
      • Social Studies: 160  
    4. Miscellaneous Category of Teachers : 564 vacancies (UR-267, EWS-26, OBC-149, SC-82, ST-40) (PWD-25) in 5 subjects, Pay Scale :  Level-7 Rs.44900-142400, Age : 35 years
      • Music: 111
      • Art: 130
      • Primary Education Teacher (PET) Male: 148
      • Primary Education Teacher (PET) Female: 105
      • Librarian: 70
    5. Female Staff Nurse  : 55 vacancies (UR-27, EWS-02, OBC-14, SC-08, ST-04) (PWD-03), Pay Scale :  Level-7 Rs. 44900-142400, Age : 35 years   
    6. Legal Assistant : 01 vacancy (OBC-01) Vacancy, Pay Scale :  Level-6 Rs.35400-112400, Age : 18-32 years
    7. Catering Assistant  : 26 vacancies (UR-14, EWS-01, OBC-07, SC-03, ST-01) (PWD-02, Ex.SM-02), Pay Scale :  Level-4 Rs.25500-81100, Age :  35 years 
    8. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : 135 vacancies (UR-63, EWS-06, OBC-36, SC-20, ST-10) (PWD-06, Ex.SM-13), Pay Scale :  Level-2 Rs.19900-63200, Age :  18-27 years 

    JNV Recruitment Application Fee 

    Rs. 1500/- for the posts of  Assistant Commissioner, Rs. 1200/- for the posts of PGTs, TGTs, Miscellaneous Category Teachers & Female Staff Nurse and Rs. 1000/- for the government job vacancy posts of Legal Assistant, Catering Assistant & Lower Division Clerk (no fee from  SC/ST/PWD  candidates) to be paid online. 

    Mode of Selection

    Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in written examination / Computer Based Test (CBT) and interview / Personal Interaction put together.  The Written Examination / CBT for the recruitment to the notified posts except Assistant Commissioner and Legal Assistant is likely to be held at 42 cities cross India. The centre for the written examination / CBT for the post of Assistant Commissioner & Legal Assistant will be at Delhi / NCR only. The Written Examination / CBT for the recruitment will tentatively be held from 5th to 10th September 2019.

    How to Apply for NVS Teachers, Clerks, Assistant, Nurse, Commissioners Vacancy 2019? 

    Apply Online on prescribed form at Navodaya Vidyalaya Recruitment website from 10/07/2019 to 09/08/2019 only.  The candidates should take a printout of the online application and preserve it for their record and should not send the same to NVS or to any other address. The application printout will also have to be submitted during document verification at the time of interviews/document verification along with the self-attested copies of certificates in support of Age, Qualification, Experience, Caste, Non-Creamy Layer, Physical disability & Economically Weaker Section (EWS), as applicable

    Details and online Application Form

    Complete advertisement for NVS Teachers, Clerks, Assistant, Nurse, Commissioners Sarkari Naukri Vacancy 2019 and  is  available at  https://navodaya.gov.in/nvs/en/Recruitment/Notification-Vacancies/

    Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

     Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...