Wednesday, 20 November 2019

CCRAS Clerks Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

CCRAS Clerks Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

  1. Upper Division Clerk (UDC) : 14 vacancies in CCRAS (UR-08, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-01, ST-01) (PWD-02), Pay Scale : Pay Level-4 Rs.25500-81100
  2. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : 52 vacancies (UR-27, EWS-05, OBC-11, SC-06, ST-03) (PWD-05) (CCRAS-30, CCRH-21, CCRYN-1), Pay Scale : Pay Level-2 Rs.19900-63200

Selection Process 

Selection of candidates will be based on a written examination (OMR based) consisting of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). In the case of LCD, the same will be followed by a qualifying typing test. The written test will comprise 200 marks for UDC and 100 marks for LDC.

There will be 0.25 negative marking for each wrong answer in OMR based written examination.

Examination Centres  - The written examination shall be conducted at Delhi, Aurangabad, Chenna, Kolkata and Guwahati, Lucknow & Chandigarh.

Preference of the Council will be obtained from the candidates after the merit list is drawn. Depending upon the rank obtained by the candidate vis-a-vis their preference of the Council, allotment of Council would be decided.

Application Fee

Rs.200/- for the candidate wishes to apply. only through online Payment Gateway of State Bank of India – Multi-Payment Option System (SBI MOPS).

SC/ST/PWD/EWS/Women candidates are exempted from payment of application fee for CCRAS Group-A/B/C Job Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

How to Apply CCRAS Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2019?

Apply Online on prescribed format at CCRAS website http://ccras.nic.in from 20/11/2019 to 19/12/2019 only for CCRAS Clerk Government Job Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

UP PSC Computer Assistant Recruitment Examination 2019 Vacancies

UP PSC Computer Assistant Recruitment Examination 2019 Vacancies

  • Computer Assistant: 14 vacancies for UP Police, Pay Scale: Rs. 5200–20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/- (Pre-revised), Age: 18-40 years as on 01/07/2019, Qualification: Passed the Intermediate examination with Diploma in Computer Science from a recognized Institute/ University or Intermediate with the "O" level diploma from DOEACC or NIELET Society.

Application Fee 

Rs. 100/- (Rs.65/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PH candidates) plus Rs.25/- as On-line processing fee to be paid online.

How to Apply UPPSC Computer Assistant UP Police Recruitment 2019?

Apply Online on prescribed format at UP PSC recruitment website from 15/11/2019 to 16/12/2019 only for UP PSC Computer Assistant UP Police Recruitment 2019.

Details and online  application

Please visit Notification Section at UP PSC website for all the details, instructions, syllabus and a link to apply online for UP PSC Computer Assistant UP Police Recruitment 2019.

CBSE Direct Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

CBSE Direct Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Secretary : 14 vacancies (UR-08, EWS-01, OBC-03, SC-01, ST-01) (PWD-01), Age : 40 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-11 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹67700-208700
  2. Assistant Secretary (IT) : 07 vacancies (UR-04, EWS-01, OBC-01, ST-01), Age : 40 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-11 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹67700-208700
  3. Analyst (IT) : 14 vacancies (UR-06, EWS-02, OBC-03, SC-03) (PWD-01), Age : 35 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹56100-177500
  4. Junior Hindi Translator: 08 vacancies (UR-05, OBC-01, SC-01, ST-01), Age: 30 years, Pay Scale: Pay Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹.35400-112400
  5. Senior Assistant : 60 vacancies (UR-26, EWS-05, OBC-16, SC-09, ST-04) (PWD-02), Age : 30 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500-81100
  6. Stenographer : 25 vacancies (UR-13, EWS-02, OBC-06, SC-03, ST-01) (PWD-02), Age : 27 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500-81100
  7. Accountant : 06 vacancies (UR-02, EWS-01, OBC-02, ST-01) (PWD-01), Age : 30 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500-81100
  8. Junior Assistant : 204 vacancies (UR-85, EWS-20, OBC-54, SC-30, ST-15) (PWD-10), Age : 27 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹19900-63200
  9. Junior Accountant : 19 vacancies (UR-08, EWS-01, OBC-07, SC-02, ST-01) (PWD-01), Age : 27 years, Pay Scale : Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹19900-63200

Application Fee

Application fee of ₹1500 /- + Bank charges for Group-A posts (if applicable) and ₹800/- + Bank charges for Group B and C posts (if applicable) through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/Wallets. The candidate may generate payment acknowledge slip for future reference.

How to Apply Direct Recruitment 2019 in CBSE?

Apply Online on prescribed format at CBSE website from 15/11/2019 to 16/12/2019 only for Direct Recruitment in CBSE on All India Competitive Examination 2019.

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit for details and a link to apply online for Direct Recruitment in CBSE on All India Competitive Examination 2019.

Recruitment of Head Constable Sports quota in CISF

Recruitment of Head Constable Sports quota in CISF   

Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the Male/Female citizens of India to fill up following 300 post of Head constables (General Duty - GD) in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) against Sports Quota for the year 2019.

CISF Sports Person HC Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

  • Head Constable (HC) (General Duty): 300 vacancies, Pay Scale: Level-4 in the CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500-81100/- (Pre-revised  Pay Scale ₹5200-20200 Grade Pay ₹2400/-), Age: 18-23 years as on 01/08/2019, Qualification: 12th pass from a recognised educational Institution with credit of representing State/ National/ International in games, Sports and Athletics

Sport where the vacancy exists 

Athletics, Boxing, Basket Ball, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Handball, Judo, Kabaddi, Shooting, Swimming, Volley Ball, Wrestling, Weight

Application Fee

Application fee of ₹100/- in the form of Postal Order/Demand Draft drawn in favour of the officer mentioned in the detailed advertisement document and payable at the post office as mentioned in the detailed advertisement document. SC/ST & Female candidates are exempted from application fees.

How to Apply Sports Person Head Constable Recruitment in CISF 2019?

Application in the prescribed format should be sent on or before 17/12/2019 (Last date is 24/09/2019 for the candidates from North East)  to the DIG CISF for a particular sport as stated in the detailed advertisement.

Details and  Application Format  

For further details and online application form format for Sports Person Head Constable Recruitment in CISF 2019, please visit, Detailed advt. is also available at

MP High Court Law-Clerk-cum-Research-Assistant 2019 Vacancies

Online Applications on prescribed format are invited at MPOnline Portal from Indian Citizens for the following  posts of Law Clerk cum Research Assistants on contract basis in Madhya Pradesh  High Court, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) through the Online examination (Advertisement No.  123/Exam/Law Clerk/2019).

MP High Court Law-Clerk-cum-Research-Assistant 2019 Vacancies

  • Law Clerk cum Research Assistant: 30 vacancies (Principal Seat Jabalpur-18, Bench Indore-10, Bench Gwalior-02) on a contractual basis, Pay: Consolidate remuneration 20000/- per month, Age: 18-30 years as on 22/11/2019, Qualification: Law Graduate having a Degree in Law and must have basic knowledge of computer MS Office/ Open Office/ Ubuntu including retrieval of desired information from various search engines/processes such as Manputra, SCC Online, LexisNexis and Westlaw etc.   

How to Apply MP High Court Law-Clerk-cum-Research-Assistant Recruitment 2019?

Apply Online at MPOnline website from 15/11/2019 to 22/11/2019 only for Madhya Pradesh (MP) High Court Law-Clerk-cum-Research-Assistant Recruitment 2019.

Application Fee

₹800/- to be paid by all types of candidates.

Details and Online application 

For further information, please visit and apply online, kindly visit  for Madhya Pradesh (MP) High Court Law-Clerk-cum-Research-Assistant Recruitment 2019.

Class-IV Employee Vacancy Recruitment by Rajasthan High Court

Rajasthan High court at Jodhpur invites online application on prescribed format for Direct Recruitment to the posts of Class-IV Employees for District Courts in the state of Rajasthan through the establishment of Rajasthan High Court at Jodhpur through recruitment examination (Advertisement No. 2019/1051)

Rajasthan High Court Class-IV Employees 2019 Vacancies

  • Class-IV Employee: 3678 vacancies, Pay: ₹12400/- per month during the training period and pay scale level L-10 ₹33800-106700/-, Age: 18-40 years as on 01/01/2020

Application Fee

₹150/-  (₹100/- for SC/ST candidates)  to be paid online.

How to Apply High Court Rajasthan Personal Assistant Vacancy 2019?

Desirous candidates can apply online on prescribed format at Rajasthan High Court website from 18/11/2019 to 17/12/2019 only for High Court Rajasthan Class-IV Employee Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

    Details and application submission

    Please visit Recruitment Tab of Rajasthan High Court website for all the details and online submission of application for High Court Rajasthan Class-IV Employee Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

    AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Recruitment 2019 Vacancy

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences  (AIIMS), Rishikesh (Uttarakhand), an Autonomous Institute established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, invites online application on prescribed format from suitable candidates for recruitment of  following   of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Grade-II) on Direct Recruitment Basis in AIIMS Rishikesh Uttarakhand (Advertisement No. 2019/256/09/11/2019)

    AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Recruitment 2019 Vacancy

    • Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Grade-II):  372 vacancies (UR-150, EWS-36, OBC-119, SC-16, ST-51), Pay ₹9300-34800 with Grade pay of ₹4600/- (Pay Level-7 as per 7th CPC ₹44900-142400), Age : 21-30 years

    How to Apply at AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer Staff Nurse 2019 Vacancy?

    Apply Online on prescribed application format AIIMS  Rishikesh website from 09/11/2019 to 24/12/2019 only for Recruitment 2019 Nursing Officer Staff Nurse Jobs in AIIMS Rishikesh

    Details and Online Application Format

    Please visit  for detailed information and online recruitment application form format at AIIMS Rishikesh.

    Saturday, 2 November 2019

    UPSC Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I) 2020

    UPSC CDS-I 2020 Examination - 417 Vacancies 

    1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun: 100 vacancies
    2. Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala: 45 vacancies
    3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad: 32 vacancies
    4. Officers Training Academy, Chennai: 225 vacancies
    5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women): 16 vacancies

    Conditions of Eligibility

    (A) Age Limits, Sex and Marital Status

    1. For Indian Military Academy: Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January 1997 and not later than 1st January 2002 only are eligible.
    2. For Naval Academy: Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January 1997 and not later than 1st January 2002 only are eligible.
    3. For Air Force Academy: 20-24 years i.e. Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January 1997 and not later than 1st January 2001 only are eligible.
    4. For Officers' Training Academy - (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January 1996 and not later than 1st January 2002 only are eligible.
    5. For Officers Training- SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course :  (a) Unmarried Women, issueless widows who have not remarried, and issueless divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible. They should have been not earlier than 2nd January 1996 and not later than 1st January 2002.

    (B) Educational Qualifications

    1. For Indian Military Academy and Officers' Training Academy: Degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
    2. For Naval Academy: Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Institution.
    3. For Air Force Academy: Degree of a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Institution.
    4. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.

    (C) Physical Standards 

    candidates must be physically fit according to the physical standards for admission to combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) (I), 2020 as prescribed in the detailed advertisement at UPSC website.   

    Application Fee

    Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- either by depositing the money in any Branch of  SBI  cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI or by using Visa/ Master Credit/ Debit Card.

    format at from 30/10/2019 to 19/11/2019 6.00 pm for UPSC Combined Defence Service Exam (I) 2020.  The online Applications can be withdrawn from 26/11/2019 to 03/12/2019 till 6.00 PM.

    Detailed Information for UPSC Combined Defence Service Exam (I) 2020

    Complete details and other information are available at the commission website at

    SSC CGL Recruitment Examination 2019 Vacancies

    SSC CGL Recruitment Examination 2019 Vacancies

    1. Assistant Audit Officer in Indian Audit & Accounts Department under CAG in the pay level-8 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 47600-151100, Age: 30 years
    2. Assistant Accounts Officer in Indian Audit & Accounts Department under CAG in the pay level-8 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 47600-151100, Age: 30 years
    3. Assistant Section Officer in Central Secretariat Service (CSS) / Intelligence Bureau/ Ministry of Railway/ Ministry of External Affairs/ AFHQ / Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations etc. other than CSS cadre in the pay level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400, Age: 20-30 years
    4. Assistants in  Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations etc. other than CSS cadre in the pay level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400/-, Age: 30 years
    5. Assistants in  Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations etc. other than CSS cadre in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 30 years
    6. Assistants/Superintendents in  Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organisations etc. other than CSS cadre in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 30 years
    7. Inspectors of Income Tax / Inspector (Central Excise) / Inspector (Preventive Officer) / Inspector (Examiner) in CBDT / CBEC / Custom Houses (Group B Non-Gazetted) in the pay level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400, Age: 30 years
    8. Assistant Enforcement Officers in Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenu in the pay level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400, Age: 30 years
    9. Sub-Inspectors in Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 20-30 years
    10. Inspector Posts in Department of Posts in the pay level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400, Age: 18-30 years
    11. Inspector of Central Bureau of Narcotics in the pay level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 44900-142400, Age: 30 years
    12. Divisional Accountants in CAG Offices in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 30 years
    13. Sub-Inspectors in the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 30 years
    14. Junior Statistical Officer Gr.II in M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 32 years
    15. Statistical Investigator Gr.II in Registrar General of India in the pay level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs.35400-112400/-, Age: 30 years

    CGL Vacancies for which Interview is not required

    1. Auditors/ Junior Accountants / Accountants  in various CAG Offices/ CGDA / Other Ministry / Departments  in the pay scale Pay Level-5 Rs.29200-92300, Age : 18-27 years
    2. Senior Secretarial Assistant (SSA) / Upper Division Clerks (UDC)  in Directorate General Border Road Organisation /  various Central Government Offices/ Departments other than  CSCS in the pay scale Pay Level-4 Rs.25500-81100, Age: 18-27 years
    3. Tax Assistants in various CBDT/ CBEC in the pay scale Pay Level-4 Rs.25500-81100, Age : 18-27 years
    4. Sub-Inspector in Central Bureau of Narcotics (Group-C) in the pay scale Pay Level-4 Rs.25500-81100, Age: 18-27 years

    Educational Qualification for CGL Examination 2019 

    Graduation in any discipline from any recognised University. The candidates appearing in the final year of their graduation can also apply, however they must possess Essential qualification on or before 01/01/2010For the post of Junior Statistical Officer -  Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level: OR Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.

    Application Fee for CGL Examination 2019

    Rs. 100/- to be paid through BHIM UPI, Net Banking or by using Visa MasterCard, Maestro RuPay Credit, or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branch by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

    Apply Online on prescribed format at SSC Recruitment website from 22/10/2019 to 25/11/2019 only for SSC CGL Recruitment Examination 2019.   

    Friday, 1 November 2019

    ICAR-NET-2019 Examination by ASRB

    ICAR-NET-2019 Examination by ASRB  

    Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board (ASRB)  for  Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Pusa, New Delhi will hold a Competitive Examination named ICAR-NET-2019 from 09/12/2019 to 15/12/2019 through online mode at 32 centres across India.  (Advertisement No. 1(8)/2019-Exam.II

    application are invited by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) from Indian Citizens for ICAR NET Examination 2019 for Faculty Government Job vacancy of Lecturers/ Assistant Professor in Agriculture Universities in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and ICAR Research Institutes at various locations.

    ICAR-NET-2019 Details

    • Examination: Recruitment by  Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board ASRB Online Examination for  NET - 2019 (I)  from 09/12/2019 to 15/12/2019 with a single paper of 150 marks consisting of 150 objective type multiple choice questions to be solved in 2 hours (120 minutes). Each question carries one mark. 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in the ICAR-NET-2019
    • Age: A candidate seeking to appear in ICAR-NET-2019 must have attained the age of 21 years and there is no upper age.
    • Qualification:  for ICAR-NET-2019 Examination, a candidate must have a Master's degree or equivalent in the concerned subject.

    Application Fee: ₹1000/- for General category candidates, ₹500/- for General EWS and OBC candidates and ₹250/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates which can be made through Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking.

    How to Apply ICAR-NET-2019 Examination by ASRB?

    Apply Online on prescribed format for ICAR-NET-2019 Examination at ASRB ICAR Recruitment website from 15/10/2019 to 04/11/2019 only.

    Details and Application Format

    Please visit  Vacancy section at ASRB website at for complete details and more information,  as well as a link to the online application for ICAR-NET-2019 Examination by ASRB for ICAR Institutes

    Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

     Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...