Sunday, 15 December 2019

UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019

UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019

  • Block Education Officer (BEO): 309 vacancies, Age: 21-40 years as 01/07/2019, Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-, Qualification:  Bachelors degree in Education from a University established by law in India or qualification recognised by the Government or equivalent thereto and in case of Bachelors degree is not in Education, the L.T. diploma of the Government Training College or the Government Basic Training College awarded by the Registrar, Departmental Examinations, Uttar Pradesh: Provided that, other things being equal preference shall be given to those candidates who possess L.T. Diploma in Basic Education from Government Basic Training College or who hold a degree or diploma or certificate of any special course of training in Basic Education from any University or Board established by law in India or from the Education Department of any other State Government.

Rs. 100/- (Rs.65/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PH candidates) plus Rs.25/- as On-line processing fee to be paid online.

Apply Online on prescribed format at UP PSC recruitment website from 14/12/2019 to 13/01/2020 only for UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019. 

Please visit Notification Section at UP PSC website for all the details, instructions, syllabus and a link to apply online for UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019.

    Delhi Metro Rail Executive and Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2019

    Delhi Metro Rail Executive and Non-Executive Vacancy Recruitment 2019

    1. Regular Executive Category Vacancies - 60 posts
      1. Assistant Manager (Electrical) : 16 vacancies
      2. Assistant Manager (S&T) : 09 vacancies
      3. Assistant Manager (Civil) : 12 vacancies
      4. Assistant Manager (Operations) : 09 vacancies
      5. Assistant Manager (Architect) : 03 vacancies
      6. Assistant Manager (Traffic) : 01 vacancy
      7. Assistant Manager (Stores) : 04 vacancies
      8. Assistant Manager (Finance) : 03 vacancies
      9. Assistant Manager (Legal) : 03 vacancies
    2. Regular Executive Category Vacancies - 929 posts
      1. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 26 vacancies
      2. Junior Engineer (Electronics) : 66 vacancies
      3. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 59 vacancies
      4. Junior Engineer (Environment) : 08 vacancies
      5. Junior Engineer (Stores) : 05 vacancies
      6. First Inspector : 07 vacancies
      7. Architect Assistant : 04 vacancies
      8. Assistant Programmer : 23 vacancies
      9. Legal Assistant : 05 vacancies
      10. Customer Relations Assistant : 386 vacancies
      11. Accounts Assistant : 48 vacancies
      12. Stores Assistant : 08 vacancies
      13. Assistant/CC : 04 vacancies
      14. Office Assistant : 08 vacancies
      15. Stenographer : 09 vacancies
      16. Maintainer / Electrician : 101 vacancies
      17. Maintainer / Electronics Mechanic : 144 vacancies
      18. Maintainer / Fitter : 18 vacancies
    3. Executive posts on Contract Basis for 02 years - 106 vacancies
      1. Assistant Manager (Electrical) : 01 vacancy
      2. Assistant Manager (S&T) : 17 vacancies
      3. Assistant Manager (IT) : 07 vacancies
      4. Assistant Manager (Civil) : 73 vacancies
      5. Assistant Manager (Finance) : 08 vacancies
    4. Non-Executive posts on Contract Basis for 02 years - 398 vacancies
      1. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 120 vacancies
      2. Junior Engineer (Electronics) : 125 vacancies
      3. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 139 vacancies
      4. Assistant Programmer : 01 vacancy
      5. Architect Assistant : 10 vacancies
      6. Assistant/CC : 03 vacancies

    Suitable and desirous candidates should apply online on prescribed format on DMRC website from 14/12/2019 to 13/01/2020 only.
    Please view  for details and prescribed application format.  

    Recruitment of Constable Driver Vacancy in Bihar Police 2019

    Recruitment of  Constable Driver Vacancy in Bihar Police 2019

    Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) of Bihar Police invites Online application from Indian nationals for the following 1722 vacancy of Constable Driver in Constable grade of Bihar Police in Bihar state

    • Constable Driver: 1722 vacancies in Bihar Police, Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100, Age: 20-25 years as on 01/08/2019, Qualification: Intermediate / 10+2 or equivalent as on 01/08/2019 and LMV Driver License. 

    Application Fee

    ₹ 450/- (₹112/- for SC./ST/PWD  candidates)  to be paid by Net Banking or by Credit/Debit Card only.

    Apply Online on prescribed format at Bihar CSBC website from 30/11/2019 to 30/12/2019 only for Bihar Police  Constable Driver Recruitment by CSBC 2019

    Please visit 'Bihar Police' tab on CSBC Bihar Police Recruitment website on for details and online submission of application for Bihar Police Constable Driver Recruitment by CSBC 2019.

    RSMSSB Patwari Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

    RSMSSB Patwari Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

    • Patwari: 4207 vacancies (Non-Schedule Area - 3637, Schedule Area-570), Age  18-40 years as on 01/01/2020, Pay Scale: Pay Level L-5 starting basis pay Rs.20800/

    ₹ 450/- (₹ 350/- for non-Creamy layer OBC/MBC of Rajasthan, ₹ 250/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates of Rajasthan) to be paid online.

    Apply Online on prescribed format at RSMSSB website from 20/01/2020 to 19/02/2020 only for Recruitment of Patwari Vacancy by RSMSSB 2020.

    Information: For complete information and apply online for Recruitment of Patwari Vacancy by RSMSSB 2020, please visit RSMSSB website at 

    Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainee Vacancy in ECIL 2019

    Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainee Vacancy in ECIL 2019

    • Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET): 64 vacancies  (Electronics & Communication Engineering-30, Mechanical Engineering-24, Computer Science Engineering-10), Age: 25 years as 30/11/2019, Qualification: A First Class Engineering Degree with minimum 65% marks in aggregate (Second Class with 55% for SC/ST candidates) from AICTE approved Colleges / Recognized Indian Universities in the relevant discipline with GATE-2018 Or GATE-2019 score in EC, ME or CS paper codes.
      • Stipend and Pay: The selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year on a consolidated stipend of ₹48160/- per month during the Training Period. On successful completion of training, they will be appointed as Engineer for a period of three years with total emoluments of  ₹67920/-p.m., during 1st year, ₹69960/-p.m., during 2nd year & ₹72060/-p.m., during 3rd year and they will be absorbed as Technical Officer in the scale of pay of ₹40000-3%-140000/-. Further, on completion of one year service as Technical Officer, they will be considered for promotion to the post of Senior Technical Officer, in the scale of pay of  ₹50000-3%-160000/- depending on their performance and suitability.
    • Please apply Online on prescribed format at ECIL recruitment website from 06/12/2019 to 04/01/2019 only for ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2019. 
    Details and an online application form about ECIL Graduate Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2019 available at

    Friday, 6 December 2019

    Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination 2019 by SSC

    The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold an open competitive Computer Based Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level (CHSL) Examination 2019 from 16/03/2020 to 27/03/2020 

    • Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹19900 - 63200  
    • Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA): Pay Level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹19900 - 63200  
    • Postal Assistant (PA)  : Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500 - 81100
    • Sorting Assistant (SA) : Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500 - 81100 
    • Data Entry Operator (DEO) / Data Entry Operator Grade 'A' : Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix ₹25500 - 81100

        Exact number of vacancies will be announced on a later stage.

        Age: 18-27 years as on 01/01/2020.

        Qualification: Must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.  For Data Entry Operator (DEO Grade ‘A’) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) -  12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized Board or equivalent.

        Application Fee for CHSL Examination 2019

        ₹100/- to be paid through BHIM UPI, Net Banking or by using Visa MasterCard, Maestro RuPay Credit, or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branch by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

        How to Apply SSC CHSL Recruitment Examination 2019? 

        Apply Online on prescribed format at SSC Recruitment website from 03/12/2019 to 10/01/2020 only for SSC  CHSL Recruitment Examination 2019.   

        Indian Navy 10+2 (Technical) Cadet (B.Tech.) July 2020 Entry

        Online Applications on prescribed format are invited by Indian Navy from unmarried male candidates who have passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent examination from any Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in class Xth or class XIIth) to join the prestigious Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala for a four year degree course under the 10+2 Cadet (Technical) B.Tech. Cadet Entry Scheme into July 2020 batch, get B.Tech. degree and become Permanent Commission Officer in Indian Navy

        • Age: Between 17 to 19 and 1/2 years (candidates to be born between 02 January 2001 to 01 July 2003 both dates inclusive)
        • Educational Qualifications: Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 pattern) or it's equivalent from University/ Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English either in class X or class XII.
        • Physical Standards: Height and Weight: Minimum height Male - 157 cms, with correlated weight. EyeSight - The minimum acceptable standard for distant vision 6/12, 6/12 correctable to 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/night blind.
        • Starting Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 56100-11070 (Earlier Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs. 5400 plus MSP Rs. 6000/-)
        • Candidates should have appeared for JEE (Main) - 2019 (for B.E./B.Tech.) examination. The call will be made on the basis of JEE (Main) - 2019 All India Rank.

          How to Apply for Navy 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme July 2020 batch? 

          Apply Online on prescribed form format at Indian Navy Recruitment website from 29/11/2019 to 19/12/2019 only for Indian Navy 10+2 (Technical) Cadet (B.Tech.) July 2020 Entry.

        Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2020 Vacancies

        Indian Air Force invites online applications on prescribed format for the courses commencing in July 2020 for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) (Men and Women) in Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) branches. Online applications are also invited for grant of PC/SSC for NCC Special Entry Scheme (For Flying Branch) through Air Force Common Admission Online Test (AFCAT) - 01/2020. The course will commence in January 2021.

        • Flying Branch Short Service Commission (SSC) Men  /Women: 60 vacancies
        • Ground Duty Branch (Technical) Permanent  Commission (PC) Men: 63 vacancies (Aeronautical Engineering Electronics - 40, Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical - 23)
        • Ground Duty Branch (Technical) Short Service Commission (SSC) Men /Women: 42 vacancies (Aeronautical Engineering Electronics - 26, Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical - 16)
        • Ground Duty Branch (Non-Technical) Permanent Commission (PC) Men: 50 vacancies (Administration-24, Accounts-14, Logistics-12)
        • Ground Duty Branch (Non-Technical) Short Service Commission (SSC) Men /Women: 34 vacancies (Administration-16, Accounts-10, Logistics-08)
        • NCC Flying Branch Special Entry Permanent Commission (PC) Men  | Short Service Commission (SSC) Men /Women: 10% seats out of CDSE vacancies for PC and 10% seats out of AFCAT vacancies for SSC
        Pay Scale Offered: Level 10 ₹ 56100 - 110700  plus numerous allowances.
        AFCAT Examination: Online examination will be conducted on 22 February 2020 and 23 February 2020 for AFCAT 01/2020 examination.

        Age: Flying Branch - 20 to 24 years and for Ground Duty (Technical/Non-Technical) Branches - 20 to 26 years as on 01 January 2021

        Apply Online at Air Force AFCAT 01/2020 recruitment website and/or from 01/12/2019 to 30/12/2019 only for Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2020 Officer Vacancy Recruitment.

        Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

         Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...