Monday, 29 February 2016

naukrisarkarki: IHBT Require Technical Assistant , Senior Scienti...

naukrisarkarki: IHBT Require Technical Assistant , Senior Scienti...: Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT) (Under CSIR) Palampur-176061 (HP) Applications are invited for the following Scientist...

naukrisarkarki: UPSC Recruitment on Various Posts

naukrisarkarki: UPSC Recruitment on Various Posts: Union Public Service Commission  (UPSC)    Shahjahan Road, Dholpur House, New Delhi – 110069     UPSC Advertisement No. 04/2016 for various...

naukrisarkarki: UPSC Engineering Services Examination (IES) - 201...

naukrisarkarki: UPSC Engineering Services Examination (IES) - 201...: Union Public Service Commission  (UPSC)    Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069     Engineering Services Examination (IES) - 20...

naukrisarkarki: Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRD...

naukrisarkarki: Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRD...: Ministry of Defence Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC)   Lucknow Road, Timarpur, ...

naukrisarkarki: Jadavpur University invites application for Facul...

naukrisarkarki: Jadavpur University invites application for Facul...: JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY   Kolkata - 700032 (West Bengal) Employment Notification No. : A2/C/3/2016, A2/C/4/2016, A2/C/5/2016, A2/C/6/2016 The J...

naukrisarkarki: JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY require Various Post

naukrisarkarki: JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY require Various Post: JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY   Kolkata - 700032 (West Bengal) Employment Notification No. : A2/C/2/2016 The Jadavpur University invites application ...

naukrisarkarki: Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd. (B&R) Recruitment

naukrisarkarki: Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd. (B&R) Recruitment: Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd. (B&R) (A Government of India Enterprise) Kankaria Centre (5th Floor), 2/1, Russle Street, Kolkata-70...

Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd. (B&R) Recruitment

Bridge & Roof Co. (India) Ltd. (B&R)
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Kankaria Centre (5th Floor), 2/1, Russle Street, Kolkata-700071
Overseas Recruitment

B&R is a premier Construction company, invites applications from India nationals for the following positions currently available in Overseas division for location situated primarily in Middle East and South East Asian Countries.:
  1. Assistant General Manager (OS) 
  2. Construction Manager (OS)
  3. Manager (Commercial) OS 
  4. Deputy Construction Manager (OS)
  5. Deputy Construction Manager (QA&QC) (OS)
  6. Assistant Construction Manager (Safety) (OS) 
  7. Assistant Construction Manager (OS) 
  8. Construction Engineer (QA&QC) (OS)
How to Apply : Applications in prescribed format to General Manager (HR), Bridge and Roof Co. (India) Ltd., 5th Floor, Kankaria Centre (5th Floor), 2/1, Russle Street, Kolkata - 700071 on or before 19/03/2016.

Please visit for details and application format.

JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY require Various Post

Kolkata - 700032 (West Bengal)
Employment Notification No. : A2/C/2/2016

The Jadavpur University invites application from Indian Nationals in the prescribed form for the following  posts  :

  1. Junior Mechanic : 63 posts
  2. Junior Assistant cum-Typist : 62 posts
  3. Assistant Librarian Gr.-II : 08 posts
  4. Technical Assistant Gr.-II : 15 posts
  5. Store-Keeper : 02 posts
  6. Peon : 02 posts
  7. Helper : 19 posts
Application Forms : The application in prescribed format (1 original and 7 photo copies) to be submitted preferably by regitered post to the "Registrar, Jadavpur University, Post Box No. 12026, Cossipore Post Office,  Kolkata - 700002" on or before 11/03/2016

Please visit  for complete details and application format.

Jadavpur University invites application for Faculty posts in various subjects/disciplines

Kolkata - 700032 (West Bengal)

Employment Notification No. : A2/C/3/2016, A2/C/4/2016, A2/C/5/2016, A2/C/6/2016

The Jadavpur University invites application from Indian Nationals in the prescribed form for the following  Faculty posts in various subjects/disciplines  :

  1. Advertisement No. A2/C/3/2016 
    1. Professor : 02 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 14 posts
    3. Assistant Professor : 14 posts
  2. Advertisement No. A2/C/4/2016
    1. Associate Professor : 27 posts
    2. Assistant Professor : 27 posts
  3. Advertisement No. A2/C/5/2016
    1. Professor : 01 post
    2. Associate Professor : 01 post
    3. Assistant Professor : 02 posts
  4. Advertisement No. A2/C/6/2016
    1. Associate Professor : 01 post 
Application Forms : The application in prescribed format (1 original and 7 photo copies) to be submitted preferably by regitered post to the "Registrar, Jadavpur University, Post Box No. 12026, Cossipore Post Office,  Kolkata - 700002" on or before 12/04/2016

Please visit  for complete details and application format. (Details will be published on the website by 21/03/2016.)

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Recruitment

Ministry of Defence
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC)  Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi - 110054

Opportunity for young aspirants to join DRDO as Scientist 'B' and Aeronautical Development Agency as Scientist/Engineer 'B'  

RAC, DRDO invites Online applications for following 163 Scientist-B posts in DRDO and ADA various :

  1. Part I (Scientist B posts: 154 posts (DRDO-151, ADA-3) in Electronics & Comm Engg, Mechanical Engg, Computer Science & Engg, Electrical Engg, Chemical Engg,  Civil Engg, Aeronautical Engg, Textile Engg, Material Science & Engg/ Metallurgical Engg, Mathematics, Physics and  Chemistry. Screening for Interview will be based on valid Score of GATE – 2015 or GATE – 2016
  2. Part II (Scientist B posts: 09 posts (DRDO-9) in  Fire Tech Safety Engg, Biomedical Engg, Agriculture Science, Animal Science and Cognitive Science. Screening for Interview will be based on percentage of Marks in the Essential Qualification
Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 5400

Age : 28 years as on 10/04/2016.   

Application Fee :  Rs.100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates)  to be paid online.

How to Apply : Apply Online at DRDO RAC website  from 20/03/2016 to 10/04/2016.

Please visit for complete details and a link to apply online.

UPSC Engineering Services Examination (IES) - 2016

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)  
Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069

Engineering Services Examination (IES) - 2016

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the Engineering Services Examination, 2016 on 27th May, 2016 for recruitment to the approx. 602  posts (PH-32) of Indian Engineering Service Examination 2016. The Examination will be held at various centres across the country.
Categories :
  1. Category I - Civil Engineering
  2. Category II - Mechanical Engineering
  3. Category III - Electrical Engineering
  4. Category IV - Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
  • Age : Not less than 21 years and not more than 30 years as on 01/01/2016. The upper age is relax-able for SC/ST/OBC and certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the Notice.
  • Educational Qualification: Candidate must hold a degree in Engineering or equivalent OR passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution  of  Engineers  (India) OR passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) OR passed Associate Membership Examination  Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society ofIndia; OR passed Graduate   Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November, 1959. Provided that a candidate applying for the posts of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts) and Engineer Group A in Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing/ Monitoring Organisation may possess M.Sc.Degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject. Candidates who qualify on the results of the written part of the examination will be summoned for personality test.
  • Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.
Fee: Rs.200/- either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India/State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/ State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/ Master Credit/Debit card.. SC/ ST/ Female / PH candidates are exempted from payment (OBC candidates required to pay full fee).

How To Apply:  Apply Online at UPSC website from 27/02/2016 to 25/03/2016 at UPSC website . 

Candidates can obtain details of the examination and can get information about registration of their applications, venues of the examination and syllabus etc. at the website of the UPSC at  Guideline to the Candidates -->Examination Notice -->

Details also available at

UPSC Recruitment on Various Posts

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)  
Shahjahan Road, Dholpur House, New Delhi – 110069
UPSC Advertisement No. 04/2016 for various Job posts 

UPSC invites Online application by 17/03/2016 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are : 

  1. Three Air Safety Officer (Engineering) : 03 posts (UR-2, OBC-1) in Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation 
  2. Assistant Director of Census Operation (T) : 42 posts (SC-05, ST-03, OBC-11 & UR-23) in the Office of Registrar General, India, Ministry of Home affairs
  3. Assistant Director (Cipher) : 01 post (UR) in Directorate of Coordination (Police Wireless), Ministry of Home Affairs
  4. Extra Assistant Directors : 09 posts (SC-02, OBC-02 & UR-05) in Directorate of Coordination (Police Wireless), Ministry of Home Affairs
  5. Deputy Legislative Counsel (Hindi Branch) : 01 post (SC) in Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department, Official Languages Wing 
  6. Assistant Director, Grade-I (Costing) : 01 post (UR) in the Office of the Textile Commissioner, Mumbai, Ministry of Textiles 
  7. Scientists ‘B’ (Civil Engineering) : 16 posts (SC-02, ST-01, OBC-05 & UR-08)  in Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation      
How to Apply :  Apply Online at UPSC Online website at on or before 17/03/2016 for advt. no. 04/2016.

For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 04/2016  please view

IHBT Require Technical Assistant , Senior Scientist/ Scientist

Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (IHBT)(Under CSIR)
Palampur-176061 (HP)
Applications are invited for the following Scientist and Technical Posts (Advertisement no. 19/2015):

  • Senior Scientist/ Scientist : 06 Posts (UR-3, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 grade pay Rs. 7600/ Rs. 6000, Age : 37 / 32 years 
  • Technical Assistant  : 04 Posts (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1), Age : 28 years, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 -34800 grade pay Rs.4200/-
Application Fee : Rs.100/- (No fee for SC/PH/Employee of CSIR) in the form of Bank DD in favour of Director, CSIR-IHBT payable at Palampur.
    How to Apply : The applications on the prescribed format duly filled in and completed in all respects along with recent Photograph affixed on the application form together with attested copies of educational certificates, mark sheets, caste certificate, experience certificate application fee etc. should reach the office of Administrative Officer, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Post Box No. 6, Palampur-176 061 (H.P.) on or before 30/03/2016.

    Please visit for details and application format.

    UPSC invites Online application Medical Officer/Research Officer (Ayurveda, Senior Administrative Officers Grade-I, Stores Officers, Medical Officer/Research Officer (Ayurveda)

    Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)  
    Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069
    Advertisement No. 52/2016 (Special Recruitment)
    UPSC invites Online application by 17/03/2016 for following  various posts in various Government of India Ministries and Departments in the prescribed format. The posts are : 

    1. Medical  Officer/Research  Officer (Ayurveda) : 15 posts (SC-04 & UR-11) in  Ministry of AYUSH 
    2. Senior Administrative Officers Grade-I : 05 posts (SC-01, OBC-02 & UR-02) in  Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO),  Ministry of Defence
    3. Senior Administrative Officers Grade-II : 24 posts (SC-02,ST-01,  OBC-05  &  UR-06) in Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence
    4. Stores Officers : 12 posts (SC-01,ST-01, OBC-04 & UR-06)  in  Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence 
    How to Apply : Candidates should apply Online at UPSC website on or before 17/03/2016

    For Details of posts, qualification, instructions relating to Advt. No. 52/2016, please view please visit UPSC web site at for details and online submission of application.

    CRPF require Inspector & Sub Inspector

    Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
    Ministry of Home Affairs / Govt. of India

    Online Applications are invited from the Indian Citizens to fill up the vacancies of following 182 posts of Group ‘C’ non Ministerial non Gazetted combatised Para Medical Staff in CRPF on all India basis. The Posts are temporary but likely to become permanent.

    1. Sub Inspector (SI) Radio Operator : 01 post
    2. Sub Inspector (SI) Crypto : 04 posts
    3. Sub Inspector (SI) Technical : 04 posts
    4. Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Technical : 121 posts
    5. Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Draughtsman : 04 posts
    How to Apply : Apply Online at CRPF website from 02/03/206 to 02/04/2016 only.    

    Please visit  Recruitment->View All ->Paramedical Staff 'Apply' to view details and apply online  at CRPF website     

    Friday, 26 February 2016

    naukrisarkarki: MTNL Requires 66 Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) th...

    naukrisarkarki: MTNL Requires 66 Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) th...: Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) (A Govt. of India Enterprise) 6th Floor, Core-III, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Sadan, 9, CGO Complex, Lo...

    naukrisarkarki: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Lt...

    naukrisarkarki: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Lt...: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) (Under Ministry of Railways) 5th Floor, Pragati Maidan, Metro Station Buildin...

    Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL) (Under Ministry of Railways) require various posts

    Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd. (DFCCIL)
    (Under Ministry of Railways)
    5th Floor, Pragati Maidan, Metro Station Building Complex, New Delhi - 110001

    DFCCIL is a Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Railways, Government of India. DFCCIL invites Online applications for the following posts :

    1. Assistant Manager (Sig. & Tele.) : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    2. Assistant Manager (Electrical) : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    3. Assistant Manager (HR) : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    4. Assistant Manager (Optg.) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 24900 - 50500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    5. Executive (Civil) : 67 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 12600 - 32500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    6. Executive (Electrical) : 18 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 12600 - 32500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    7. Executive (Signal and Telecommunication) : 26 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 12600 - 32500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    8. Executive (Optg.) (Station Master & Controller) : 14 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 12600 - 32500 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    9. Jr. Executive Gr.III / Civil (Artisan) : 18 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 10000 - 25000 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    10. Jr. Executive Gr.III / Electrical (Artisan) : 10 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 10000 - 25000 (IDA), Age : 18-30 years
    11. Multi  Tasking  Staff  (Gr.-IV) (Civil)/ Trackman : 18 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 6000-12000, Age : 18-33 years
    12. Multi  Tasking  Staff  (Gr.-IV) (Operating)/ Trackman : 87 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 6000 - 12000, Age : 18-33 years
    13. Multi  Tasking  Staff  (Gr.-IV) (Electrical)/ Trackman : 07 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 6000 - 12000, Age : 18-33 years
    14. Multi  Tasking  Staff  (Gr.-IV) (S&T)/ Trackman : 05 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 6000 - 12000, Age : 18-33 years
    How to Apply : Apply Online at DFCCIL website from 30/01/2016 to 13/02/2016 only.
    Please visit for details and online  application format.

    MTNL Requires 66 Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) through GATE 2015

    Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)
    (A Govt. of India Enterprise)
    6th Floor, Core-III, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Sadan, 9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 

    MTNL Requires 66  Junior Telecom Officer (JTO)  through GATE 2015   

    MTNL invites bright, result oriented, young and energetic persons of Indian origin with initiative and enterprise, desirous of making a career with MTNL to join its team. The positions proposed to be filled are as under :

      • Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) : 66 posts  (Telecom-59, Electrical-5, Civil-2) (PH-2), Age : 21-30 years as on 21/03/2016. Relaxation in age as per rules.,Stipend : Rs.17000/- during training period. On On successful completion of training candidates will be appointed in the IDA Pay Scale of Rs. 20600-46500 plus DA.
       Selection is open to only those candidates who are qualified in GATE 2015.

      Application Fee : Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC / ST / PH candidates) to be paid online.  

      How to Apply : Apply Online at MTNL website from 24/02/2016 to 21/03/2016 only.  

      For further information and online application form format kindly visit

      Thursday, 25 February 2016

      naukrisarkarki: Bihar Vikas Mission (BVM)

      naukrisarkarki: Bihar Vikas Mission (BVM): Govt. of Bihar /  Bihar  Vikas Mission (BVM)   Bihar State Building Construction Corporation Campus, Hospital Road, Rajvanshi Nagar, Pat...

      naukrisarkarki: RITES LIMITED Gurgaon Recruitment of Civil Engine...

      naukrisarkarki: RITES LIMITED Gurgaon Recruitment of Civil Engine...: RITES LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon-122001     Recruitment of Civil Engineers o...

      naukrisarkarki: National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAA...

      naukrisarkarki: National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAA...: National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) (An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission)  P. O. Box No. 1075...

      naukrisarkarki: RITES LIMITED Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ST...

      naukrisarkarki: RITES LIMITED Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ST...: RITES LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon- 122001   Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ...

      naukrisarkarki: Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) (Special Recruitme...

      naukrisarkarki: Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) (Special Recruitme...: Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Aligarh, (UP) Advertisement No. 2/2016 (Special Recruitment Drive for  Persons with Disabilities (PWD)) App...

      naukrisarkarki: Cochin Shipyard Limited Special Recruitment Drive ...

      naukrisarkarki: Cochin Shipyard Limited Special Recruitment Drive ...: Cochin Shipyard Limited  Kochi - 15, Kerala  Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Online Applications are invited ...

      Cochin Shipyard Limited Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities (PwD)

      Cochin Shipyard Limited 
      Kochi - 15, Kerala 

      Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities (PwD)

      Online Applications are invited for the following posts in Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities  :

      1. Deputy Manager (Finance) : 01 post  
      2. Welder Cum Fitter : 05 posts
      How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send to The Chief General Manager (HR), Cochin Shipyard Ltd, Kochi - 682015, Kerala on or before 31/03/2016 only.  

      Please visit  for more information and Application Form.

      PS : Supervisory and Workmen Job posts in Cochin Shipyard, last date 29th Feb-2016. and Recruitment of Workmen and Supervisory Cadre 2016

      Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) (Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities (PWD

      Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
      Aligarh, (UP)

      Advertisement No. 2/2016 (Special Recruitment Drive for  Persons with Disabilities (PWD))

      Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following posts in Aligarh Muslim University  (AMU) :

      1. Professor : 11 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000
      2. Associate Professor : 11 posts,  Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs. 9000
      3. Assistant Professor  : 26 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs. 6000
      4. Research Associate : 02 posts,  Pay: Rs.12000/- per month 
      5. Registrar : 01 post,  Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 GP Rs.10000
      6. Controller of Examinations : 01 post,  Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 GP Rs.10000
      7. Finance Officer : 01 post,  Pay Scale : Rs.37400-67000 GP Rs.10000
      8. Deputy Librarian : 03 posts in Maulana Azad Library, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs. 8000
      9. Curator : 01 post in Maulana Azad Library, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs. 7600
      10. Assistant Librarian : 09 posts in Maulana Azad Library, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs. 6000
      11. Assistant Director, Physical Education : 01 post in Women's College, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 GP Rs. 6000
      12. Electronics Engineer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs. 5400
      13. Hindi Officer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 GP Rs. 5400
      14. Hindi Typist : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 1900 
      15. Security Officer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4600
      16. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200
      17. Junior Engineer  : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200
      18. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200 
      19. Junior Engineer (Water Supply & Sewerage) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200
      20. Technical Personal Assistant : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800 
      21. Technical Assistant (Computers) Mechanical Engineering (Workshop) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800 
      22. Senior Technical Assistant : 02 post, Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200
      23. Technical Assistant (Stores) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800 
      24. Technical Assistant : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800 
      25. Lab Assistant : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2400 
      26. Audio Visual Mechanic : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2000 
      27. Technical Assistant (Store) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800  
      28. Lab Assistant : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2400  
      How to Apply : Apply in the prescribed format may either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter of Administrative Block or sent by post, super-scribing on the top left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement number and date, to the Deputy Registrar (Selection Committee), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh - 202002 (UP), so as to reach him by 07/03/2016

      Kindly visit for complete details of the vacancies and application form is available at and also please visit for more information. 

      RITES LIMITED Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ST & Persons With Disability (PWD) on regular basis

      (A Govt. of India Enterprise)
      Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon-122001
       Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ST & Persons With Disability (PWD) on regular basis (Advt. No. 3-6/16)

      RITES Ltd. a premier consultancy organization., is in urgent need of dynamic, sincere and hard working qualified professionals for its various projects on regular basis  :
      1. Personal Assistant/ Stenographer : 05 posts (SC-3, ST-1, PWD-1)
      2. Junior Assistant (HR) : 06 posts (ST-6)
      3. Technical Assistant (Electrical) : 01 post (SC-1)
      4. Technical Assistant (Mechanical) : 02 posts (ST-2)
      How to Apply : Apply Online at Rites website from 24/02/206 to 09/03/2016 only. 
        Please visit  for details and  application format.

        National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

        National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
        (An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission) 
        P. O. Box No. 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore -560072, Karnataka

         Applications are invited for filling up the following posts in National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)   : 
        1.       Adviser : 01 post on deputation
        2.       Deputy Adviser : 02 posts
        3.       Assistant Adviser : 10 posts 
        4.       System Analyst : 01 post on deputation
        5.       Assistant Librarian : 01 post
        6.       Assistant (Publication) : 01 post
        7.       Junior Semi Professional Assistant : 07 posts
        8.      Technical Assistant : 01 post
        9.       Library Assistant : 02 posts
        10.   Driver : 01 post
        How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 31/03/2016 only.    
        Kindly view for more  information and  application format.

        RITES LIMITED Gurgaon Recruitment of Civil Engineers on contract basis through Walk-In-Interview

        (A Govt. of India Enterprise)
        Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon-122001 
          Recruitment of Civil Engineers on contract basis through Walk-In-Interview 

        RITES Ltd. a premier consultancy organization., is in urgent need of dynamic, sincere and hard working qualified professionals for its various projects.  Candidates shall be posted at the Central University of Kerala Project at Kasargod. However, candidates shall be  liable to be posted anywhere in India as per company requirements :
        ·  Engineer (Civil) : 07 posts (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1), Age : 31 years as on 01/03/2016

        Walk-In-Interview :  Registration for Interview will be on 14/03/2016 from 10.00 am to 12.00 am at  RITES Ltd. , GC/ BMRCL Office TTMC, A Block, 5th Floor, KH Road Shanthinagar, Bengaluru – 560027, Karnataka 

        Please view   for details and  application format.

        Bihar Vikas Mission (BVM)

        Govt. of Bihar / Bihar  Vikas Mission (BVM) 
        Bihar State Building Construction Corporation Campus,
        Hospital Road, Rajvanshi Nagar, Patna - 800023 (Bihar)

        Bihar  Vikas Mission (BVM) is a new entry established by Government of Bihar  to continue its primary agenda of sustained development in the state of Bihar and to drive the effective planning and execution of various key Government development programs :

        1.       Management Associate (Programme Management) : 28  posts 
        2.       Programme Analyst (Business Analytics) : 15 posts 
        3.       Technical Associate (Data and Technology) : 15 posts
        4.       Finance Associate (Costing and Finance) : 05 posts
        5.       Research Associate (Qualitative and Quantitative Research) : 15 posts
        6.       Communication Associate (Communications and Advocacy) : 10 posts
        7.       Project Lead (Domain Specialist across 6 domains) : 12 posts (2 per domain)

        How to Apply : Application with the relevant documents  can be submitted to Member Secretary, Bihar Vikas Mission cum Principal Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, Old Secretariat, Patna, Bihar. Alternatively an email to by 08/03/2016 only. 

        Please view details at

        Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

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