Monday, 29 February 2016

Jadavpur University invites application for Faculty posts in various subjects/disciplines

Kolkata - 700032 (West Bengal)

Employment Notification No. : A2/C/3/2016, A2/C/4/2016, A2/C/5/2016, A2/C/6/2016

The Jadavpur University invites application from Indian Nationals in the prescribed form for the following  Faculty posts in various subjects/disciplines  :

  1. Advertisement No. A2/C/3/2016 
    1. Professor : 02 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 14 posts
    3. Assistant Professor : 14 posts
  2. Advertisement No. A2/C/4/2016
    1. Associate Professor : 27 posts
    2. Assistant Professor : 27 posts
  3. Advertisement No. A2/C/5/2016
    1. Professor : 01 post
    2. Associate Professor : 01 post
    3. Assistant Professor : 02 posts
  4. Advertisement No. A2/C/6/2016
    1. Associate Professor : 01 post 
Application Forms : The application in prescribed format (1 original and 7 photo copies) to be submitted preferably by regitered post to the "Registrar, Jadavpur University, Post Box No. 12026, Cossipore Post Office,  Kolkata - 700002" on or before 12/04/2016

Please visit  for complete details and application format. (Details will be published on the website by 21/03/2016.)

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