Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Airport Authority of India (AAI) require Engineerings

Airport Authority of India (AAI) 
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110003

 Applications from eligible candidates are invited for following posts of Junior Executive  in various discipline in AAI  
  1. Junior Executive (Engineering Civil) : 50 posts (UR-21, OBC-13, SC-13, ST-3)
  2. Junior Executive (Engineering Electrical) : 50 posts (UR-21, OBC-13, SC-13, ST-3)
  3. Junior Executive (Information Technology) : 50 posts (UR-21, OBC-13, SC-13, ST-3)
  4. Junior Executive (Airport Operations) : 50 posts (UR-21, OBC-13, SC-13, ST-3)
    Age : 27 years for General and 32 years for SC and 30 years for OBC.,

    Pay Scale : Rs. 16400 - 40500

    How To Apply : Apply Online at Career -> Online Recruitment at AAI website on from 18/04/2016 to 17/05/2016 only.

    Please visit Career -> Online Recruitment at AAI website at  for details and online application format.

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