Saturday, 30 April 2016

Assistant , Staff Nurse and other post in National Jalma Institute of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases

National Jalma Institute of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases
Dr. M. Miyazaki Marg, Tajganj, Agra - 282001, (UP) 

Recruitment of various Staff posts 

Online applications are invited from Indian Citizen for the following posts   :
    1. Staff Nurse : 01 post
    2. Technical Assistant : 05 posts
    3. Technician-C : 01 post
    4. Technician-A : 02 posts
    5. Technician-A (Engg. Supp.) : 06 posts
    6. Junior Staff Nurse : 01 post. 
      How to Apply:  Apply Online at Jalna Institute website from01/05/2016 to 12/05/2016 only. 

      For further details and application format, Please visit h

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