Sunday, 25 February 2018

Non-Teaching vacancy in CUH

Applications in the prescribed format are invited  from the eligible candidates for appointment to the following Non-Teaching vacancy posts in various Departments of the Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendergarh, Haryana   :


  1. Finance Officer : 01 post
  2. Internal Audit Officer : 01 post
  3. Executive Engineer : 01 post
  4. Hindi Officer : 01 post
  5. System Analyst : 01 post
  6. Assistant Engineer : 01 post
  7. Security Officer : 01 post
  8. Private Secretary : 2 posts
  9. Personal Assistant : 2 posts
  10. Senior Technical Assistant : 04 posts (Engineering disciplines)
  11. Professional Assistant : 02 posts
  12. Security Inspector : 01 post
  13. Technical Assistant : 04 posts (Engineering disciplines)
  14. Technical Assistant (Computer) : 01 post (B.Ed./M.Ed.)
  15. Laboratory Assistant : 04 posts (3 UR, 1 OBC) (Engineering disciplines)
  16. Laboratory Assistant : 04 posts (3 UR, 1 OBC) (Science disciplines)
  17. Library Assistant : 02 posts
  18. Laboratory Attendant : 08 posts (6 UR, 2 OBC) (Engineering/ Science disciplines)
  19. Laboratory Attendant : 01 post
  20. Kitchen Attendant : 01 post 

Application Fee: ₹1000/- for Group-A post, ₹800/- for Group-B post and ₹500/- for Group-C post (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates) to be paid online.

The applications along with self-attested photocopies of all educational certificates must reach this University latest by 25/03/2018 by 5.00 p.m. through speed post only.

Please visit   for details and application format. (Kindly  remove HTTPS  and apply HTTP if  the link is not working

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