Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Guest Faculty Vacancy in Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University

Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University (HVSU), is first Government Skill University established by the Government of Haryana, which is functioning from its transit office and campus in Gurugram.

Applications from qualified subject experts are invited for the empanelment as Guest Faculty in the various subjects/disciplines/areas to impart training to students (Advt. No. HVSU/18/Estt/003)  :


  1. Mechanical Engineering : 05 posts
  2. Electrical Engineering : 01 post
  3. Electronics / Mechatronics Engineering : 02 posts
  4. Computer Science Engineering : 01 post
  5. Plastic Technology : 02 posts
  6. GIS/Remote Sensing : 03 posts
  7. Hotel Management and Catering Technology : 02 posts
  8. Public Health Management : 04 posts
  9. Mathematics : 01 post
  10. Management : 03 posts
  11. Environmental Sciences : 02 posts
  12. English : 01 post
  13. Physics : 02 posts


All empaneled Faculty shall be paid remuneration of Rs.500/-per hour/lecture with a ceiling up to
maximum payment of Rs. 30,000/-per month during their engagement with University for Teaching.

How to Apply?

Applications on prescribed form duly completed in all respects along with self-attested copies of testimonials should be sent to Registrar, Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University, 3rd floor, Plot No.147, Sector-44, Gurugram - 122003, Haryana by speed Post/registered post/ by hand on or before 21/07/2018 up to 5.00 PM..

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