Friday, 26 October 2018

Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I Scale by Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF) October 2018

Canara Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank, having headquarter in Bengaluru invites online applications from the eligible candidates to apply for admissions to the specially designed One year training course leading to Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance (PGDBF) either through Manipal Global Education Services Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru or NITTE Education International Pvt Ltd., Mangaluru, which are recognised by UGC for recruitment of Probationary Officers (Advt. No.  CB/RP/1/2018)  :

Probationary Officer vacancy 

  • Probationary Officers : 800 posts (UR-404, OBC-216, SC-120, ST-60) (PH-18), Age : 20-30 years as on 01/10/2018, Pay Scale : JMSG-I ₹ 23700-42020 Qualification :  A Degree (Graduation) with a minimum of 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PWBD) or equivalent grade, in any discipline from a University recognised by the Government of India or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.

Application Fee : Rs. 708/- (Rs. 118/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) including  intimation charges with GST @18%  to be paid online.

Apply Online, submission of Online application through Canal Bank website from 23/01/2018 to 13/11/2018 only.   

Please visit for more details and online submission of application

Hindi Translator Teacher Examination by SSC

Combined Recruitment of Junior Hindi Translators, Junior Translators, Senior Hindi Translator and Hindi Pradhyapak (Lecturer / Teacher) Examination, 2018

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold an open competitive Computer Based Examination for Combined Recruitment of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, Senior Hindi Translator and Hindi Pradhyapak (Lecturer / Teacher) Examination, 2018 in the month of January, 2019 (on 12/01/2019)  for Computer based Preliminary Examination and descriptive paper will be taken after this.

Vacancies :

  • Junior Translator in Central Secretariat Official Language Service (CSOLS) in the Pay Scale Level-6 ₹35400-112400
  • Junior Translator in M/o Railways (Railway Board) in the Pay Scale Level-6 ₹ 35400-112400
  • Junior Translator in Armed Forces Headquarters (AFHQ) in the Pay Scale Level-6 ₹ 35400-112400
  • Junior Translator/Junior Hindi Translator in subordinate offices who have adopted Model RRs of DoP&T for JT/JHT in the Pay Scale Level-6 ₹ 35400-112400
  • Senior Hindi Translator in various Central Government Ministries/ Departments/Offices in the Pay Scale Level-7 ₹ 44900-142400
  • Junior Translator/Junior Hindi Translator in subordinate offices who have not yet adopted Model RRs of DoP&T for JT/JHT in the Pay Scale of Level-6 ₹ 35400-112400
  • Hindi Pradhyapak (Teacher / Lecturer) in Central Hindi Training Institute (CHTI) in the Pay Scale of Level-8 ₹ 47600-151100
Age : 30 years as on 01/01/2019.

Application Fee 

Rs. 100/- to be paid  through SBI Challan/SBI Net banking or through credit/debit cards of any bank.. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

Apply Online at SSC Recruitment website from 22/10/2018 to 19/11/2018 only.

Details and Online Submission of Application

For further details like scheme of examination, syllabus, application form etc., visit SSC website at and apply online with details at

Stenographer Examination 2018 by SSC

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold an open competitive

Computer Based Examination from 01/02/2018 to  06/02/2018 for recruitment of Vacancy of Stenographer Grade ‘C’ (Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted) and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ (Group ‘C’) for various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations in the Government of India

Recruitment for these Vacancy Posts

  •  Stenographers Grade C / D  Vacancies of Stenographer Grade 'C' and Stenographers Grade 'D' are in Ministries/Departments of Central Government, including their Attached/ Subordinate offices located in States and Union Territories all over the country, Age : 18-27 years for Grade 'D' and and 18-30 for some Grade 'C' posts as on 01/01/2019, Relaxations in age as per rules, Qualification : Must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent from a recognized Board or University, 

Fee : Rs. 100/- to be paid online. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women and Ex-Serviceman. 

Apply Online from at SSC website at or   from 22/10/2018 to 19/11/2018

For further complete details with syllabus etc., please see   and apply online at SSC Recruitment website SSC Online at

Recruitment of Technical Officers in CSIR CMERI

CSIR-CMERI (Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute), Durgapur is a premier Institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), involved in multidisciplinary R&D programmes of both basic and appliednature across scientific disciplines for economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India.

CMERI is looking for dynamic and creative Technical Officers in various area / discipline for CSIR-CMERI Hqrs at Durgapur (West Bengal) and at the Institute Centre CSIR-CMERI CoEFM, Ludhiana (Punjab) and to any of the CSIR Labs/Institutes. (Advertisement No. - 05/2018) :

  • Technical Officer :  10 posts (UR-08, OBC-02), Pay Scale : Level – 7 of Pay Matrix (7th CPC) Rs.44900-142400, Age : 30 years 

How to Apply? 

Apply Online at CMERI website on or before 05/11/2018 only. Hard copy of the online application should be send to the The Administrative Officer,  CSIR - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur - 713209 (West Bengal) on or before 15/11/2018.

Details and Online Application 

Please visit for complete details and online application form

Recruitment of 100 Staff Nurse in UP

Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences(UPUMS), Saifai, Etawah (UP) is running full-fledged Medical College, Paramedical College, Nursing College, Pharmacy College, Multi Specialty 850 hospital and 150 bedded trauma and burn centre.

Applications are invited by Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences (UPUMS), Saifai, Etawah  for filling up the following vacancy posts of Staff Nurse for various  departments :


  • Staff Nurse :  100 post (UR-50, OBC-27, SC-21, ST-02), Age : 40 years, Pay Scale : Level-7 Rs. 44900-142400, Qualification :  Diploma in General Nursing and midwifery from a recognized institute or equivalent qualification for Male Nurse. Preference to those having 3 years exp. in a large hospital or Medical College or B.Sc. (Nursing) should be a registered “A” Grade Nurse & Midwife with a State Nursing Council or equivalent qualification for Male Nurses

Application Fee:  Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST candidates) to be paid online by Credit/Debit card OR Internet Banking.

Apply Online at UPUMS Website from 22/10/2018 to 12/11/2018 only and the hard copy of the same with the self attested copies of all the required documents enclosed in an envelope superscribed with advertisement number and name of the post, should reach the office of Vice Chancellor, U.P. University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah - 206130 (U.P) by speed post/registered post/ courier till 20/11/2018 5:00 PM.

Details and Application format

Please visit for more information and  application format.

Requirement Officer in IOCL

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” company requires result oriented experienced personnel with initiative and enterprise for its Paradip Refinery, Odisha.

IOCL is looking for energetic and dedicated Graduates (any discipline) and having passed the CA/ CMA Intermediate (or equivalent qualification) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (CA Institute) / Institute of Cost Accountants of India (CMA Institute) with at least three years of relevant experience, post CA/CMA Intermediate qualification, of working in finance function :


  • Assistant Officer Finance :  Age : 30 years as on 30/06/2018, Remuneration : Rs. 50000/- per month basic plus other allowances. The gross valuation of remuneration to the IOCL will be about Rs. 14.00 Lakhs per annum inclusive of performance related pay (PRP) 

Apply Online at IOCL website from 22/10/2018 to 10/11/2018 only.    
Please visit for details and Online submission of application. 

Security Assistant Executive Exam 2018 for Intelligence Bureau

On line applications are invited for direct recruitment to the following vacancy post of Security Assistant/Executive in various subsidiary in the Intelligence Bureau, (Ministry of Home Affairs), Government of India : 


  • Security Assistant/Executive : 1054 posts (UR-620, OBC-187, SC-180, ST-87) in various states, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200/- and Grade pay Rs. 2000/-, Age : 27 years, Qualification : Matriculation (Class X) or equivalent from a recognized Board., (ii) Knowledge of any local language ;

 Apply Online at MHA website from 20/10/2018 to 10/11/2018 only.

Details and Online Application Form

Please visit for all the details and a  link to apply Online.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Constable Vacancy in ITBP

Online applications are invited from Indian citizens for recruitment of  following vacancies of  Constable (Animal Transport) in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP)  :



  • Constable (Animal Transport) :  85 posts  (Male-72, Female-13)  (UR-43, OBC-23, SC-13, ST-06), Pay Scale : Level-3 in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix  Rs. 21700 – 69100, Age : 18-25 years  as on 13/11/2018., Qualification : Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board.

Application Fee: Rs. 100/- to be paid online.  No fee for SC/ST/Female candidates.

Apply Online at ITBP Recruitment website from 15/10/2018 to 13/11/2018  only.  

Details and Application Format

For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteriahow to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Online Application Form, please visit  

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

vacancy in Bank Note Press

Bank Note Press (BNP), Dewas is an industrial unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India limited, Wholly owned by government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs. General Manager, Bank Note Press, Dewas (MP)  invites online application for the following  vacancy posts :


  1. Safety Officer : 01 post
  2. Welfare Officer : 01 post
  3. Supervisor (Printing and Platemaking) : 15 posts
  4. Supervisor (Electrical) : 01 post
  5. Supervisor (Information Technology) : 01 post
  6. Supervisor (Air Conditioning) : 02 posts
  7. Supervisor (Technical Support-Civil) : 03 posts
  8. Supervisor (Ink Factory) : 05 posts
  9. Junior Office Assistant : 18 posts
  10. Junior Technician (Ink Factory) : 30 posts
  11. Junior Technician (Printing & Platemaking) : 09 posts 

Apply Online at Bank Note Press Dewas website from 13/10/2018 to 09/11/2018 only. 

Please visit  for details and online application format

Recruitment of Insurance Medical Officers Allopathic in ESIC

 Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) is a statutory body constituted under an Act of Parliament (ESI Act, 1948) and works under the administrative control of Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) invites online application from desired and eligible candidates for the following vacancy posts of   Insurance Medical Officer (Allopathic) (IMO) in various ESIC Hospitals/ Dispensaries  across India   :


  • Insurance Medical Officer (IMO) Grade – II (Allopathic) : 771 posts (UR-338, OBC-252, SC-122, ST-59), Pay Scale : Level-10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix Rs. 56100 - 177500, Age : 30 years as on 10/11/2018. 

Application Fee: Rs. 500/-  to be paid online .  Rs. 250/- fee for SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental Candidates/ Female Candidates & Ex Servicemen.

Apply online at ESIC  Recruitment website  from 12/10/2018 to 10/11/2018 only

Details and application format

Please visit for details and   online applicationforma

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Recruitment of Officers and in EXIM Bank

Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank), an all India financial institution engaged in financing, facilitating and promoting India’s international trade, having a network of 19 offices in India and overseas and Learning Centres in Bangalore, Ahmadabad and Pune and headquarter at Mumbai,  invites applications from  suitable candidates meeting the desired eligibility criteria for the following Govt. Job vacancy posts in for young bright Management Trainees and IT Professionals  :

Vacancy details

  • Management Trainee - (Corporate Loans & Advances) : 20 posts (UR-11, OBC-05, SC-03, ST-01)
  • IT Officers : 02 posts (UR-01, SC-01) on contract

Application Fee: Application fees and intimation charges (Non-refundable) of  Rs. 600/- for  OBC candidates, Rs. 100/- (Intimation charges) for SC/ST/PWD candidates.

Apply Online at EXIM Bank website from 13/10/2018 to 10/11/2018 only.

Details and Online application format

Please visit  for details and application format.

Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

 Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...