Monday, 1 October 2018

High Court Stenographer Recruitment

Online Applications are invited by Chhattisgarh High Court, Bilaspur in prescribed proforma for recruitment to the following vacancy posts, from eligible candidates having required Qualifications  


  1. Stenographer : 60 posts, Pay Scale : 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level-9 Rs. 38100-120400, Age : 21-30 years
  2. Stenographer (Bilingual) : 01  post, Pay Scale : 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level-9 Rs. 38100-120400, Age : 21-30 years

The application strictly in prescribed proforma  must reach the Registrar General, High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bodri, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)  – 495220 by Registered Post/ Speed Post/ Other Courier/ Humdast along with self attested copies of testimonials/certificates regarding age, Caste, qualification, experience certificate (if any), etc. and self attested passport size photograph affixed on or before 12/10/2018.  

Please visit for more information and application format. 

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