Saturday, 3 November 2018

Recruitment in Andhra Pradesh Police

State Level Police Recruitment Board, Andhra Pradesh (AP)  invites Online application  for the following 3137 Vacancy posts    in Police, Prisons, Fire Services and Prosecutions Departments of Andhra Pradesh Government(Advt. No. (216 /R&T/ Rect.1/ 2018) :


  1. Sub Inspector (SI) (Civil) : 150 posts
  2. RSI (AR) : 75 posts
  3. RSI ARSP : 75 posts
  4. Station Fire Officer : 20 posts
  5. Dy. Jailor (Men) : 10 posts
  6. Dy. Jailor (Women) : 04 posts
  7. Asst. Public Prosecutors : 50 posts
  8. Police Constable (PC) (Civil) :  1600 posts
  9. Police Constable (PC) (AR) :  300 posts
  10. Police Constable (PC) (APSP) :  300 posts
  11. Warder (Male) : 100 posts
  12. Warder (Women) : 23 posts
  13. Firemen : 400 posts
  14. Driver Operators : 30 posts 
Apply Online at Andhra Police Recruitment Board website from 05/11/2018 to 24/11/2018 only for the posts of S.I., R.S.L, Station Fire Officer and Dy. Jailor and from 12/11/2018 07/12/2018 for the posts of  Police Constables, Warder and Firemen.

Details and Submission of application 

All other details along with online application format is available at

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