UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019
- Block Education Officer (BEO): 309 vacancies, Age: 21-40 years as 01/07/2019, Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-, Qualification: Bachelors degree in Education from a University established by law in India or qualification recognised by the Government or equivalent thereto and in case of Bachelors degree is not in Education, the L.T. diploma of the Government Training College or the Government Basic Training College awarded by the Registrar, Departmental Examinations, Uttar Pradesh: Provided that, other things being equal preference shall be given to those candidates who possess L.T. Diploma in Basic Education from Government Basic Training College or who hold a degree or diploma or certificate of any special course of training in Basic Education from any University or Board established by law in India or from the Education Department of any other State Government.
Rs. 100/- (Rs.65/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PH candidates) plus Rs.25/- as On-line processing fee to be paid online.
Apply Online on prescribed format at UP PSC recruitment website from 14/12/2019 to 13/01/2020 only for UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019.
Please visit Notification Section at UP PSC website http://uppsc.up.nic.in for all the details, instructions, syllabus and a link to apply online for UP PSC Block Education Officer Recruitment Examination 2019.