Friday, 27 September 2019

Law Clerk Vacancy by Bombay High Court

Recruitment for Law Clerk Vacancy by Bombay High Court 

Online APPLICATION are invited for the recruitment of following 181 VACENCY of Law Clerks on the High Court of Judicature at Bombay  and its Benches at Nagpur and Aurangabad for current vacancies and for wish lists :

Bombay High Court Law Clerk 2019 Vacancy

  • Law Clerk: 51 vacancies Bombay High Court-23, Nagpur Bench-14, Aurangabad-14), Pay : Each Law Clerk will be paid a consolidated amount of  Rs. 20000 per month as Stipend / Honorarium for the assignment, or such amount as may be prescribed from time to time by the Government, Age: 21-30 years, Qualification:  Fresh Law Graduates who have passed the final LL.B.  Examination in the first attempt with a minimum of 55% marks or  (ii) Candidates possessing a Post Graduate Degree in Law.

How to Apply for Clerk Vacancy 2019 in Bombay High Court?

Application for Bombay High Court Law Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2019  should be submitted  along with his/her self attested documents upon recommended by the Principals of aforesaid institutions   /   Presidents   of   Bar   Associations   addressed   to   the Registrar (Personnel), High Court, Appellate Side, Bombay,  5th floor, New Mantralaya Building, G. T. Hospital Compound, Behind Ashoka Shopping   Centre,   Near   Crowford   Market,   L.T.   Marg, Mumbai – 400 001 on or before  01/10/2019 till 5.00 p.m. by Speed   Post/R.P.A.D./Hand   delivery/Courier.  The cover containing the application shall be super scribed as : “Application for Appointment of Law Clerk”.

Details and Online Application Submission

For more information and online application form for Bombay High Court Law Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2019, please visit

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