Thursday, 14 February 2019

Recruitment for Clerks and Stenographers Vacancy in BARC

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)   invites on-line application for the following  vacancy posts of upper Division Clerks (UDC) and Stenographers for its various offices located across India and other constituent units of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) located in Mumbai, Tarapur, Visakhapatnam and Kolkata (Advertisement No.   01/2019-R-III)  :


  1. Upper Division Clerk (UDC) : 47 posts (UR-32, OBC-11, ST-04), Age : 18-27 years, Pay Scale : Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix starting Rs. 25500 (basic), Qualification : Degree from recognised university with at least 50% marks. 
  2. Stenographers : 13 posts (UR-05, OBC-06, SC-01, ST-01), Age : 18-27 years, Pay Scale : Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix starting Rs. 25500 (basic), Qualification : Matriculation or equivalent with speed of 80 WPM in English Stenography and Typing speed of English of 30 WPM
Please submit Online Application at BARC Recruitment website from 31/01/2019 to 25/02/2019 only.

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit for complete details and online submission of the application.

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