Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Coast Guard 1/2020 Navik Vacancy

Coast Guard 1/2020 Navik Vacancy 

  • Navik (Domestic Branch - DB) in the Pay Scale: Pay Scale Level 3 Rs. 21700 in 7th Pay Commission pay matrix, Age: 18-22 years, Born between 01 April 1998 to 31 March  2002, Qualification: 10th Class with 50% marks  (45% marks for SC/ST and outstanding sportsperson of National level who have obtained 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in any field sports events) in a aggregate 

How to Apply for Coast Guard 1/2020 Navik Vacancy?

Apply Online on prescribed format at Indian Coast Guard recruitment website from 30/10/2019 to 08/11/2019 only for Coast Guard 1/2020 Navik Vacancy.

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit  for details and apply online for Coast Guard 1/2020 Navik Vacancy. 

UP PSC and Forest Conservator / Officer Recruitment Examination 2019 Vacancies

UP PSC and Forest Conservator / Officer Recruitment Examination 2019 Vacancies

  • Presently, the number of vacancies for the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination under General Recruitment are about 300 and for Special Recruitment number of vacancy is 09 and for the Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer Services Examination the number of vacancies for the post of Assistant conservator of Forest is 02 and for the post of Range Forest Officer the number of vacancies is 53.


21-40 years as on 01/07/2019. Relaxation for reserved categories as per Govt. orders.


A Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent and special qualification for some vacancy posts.

Pay Scale 

Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs 4600/- (except Naib Tehsildar whose grade pay is Rs. 4200/-) to Rs. 15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-   and for  Assistant conservator Rs.15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs.5400/-, (Level-10 in the pay matrix Group), Range Forest Officer Rs.9300-34800/- Grade Pay Rs.4800/-, (Level-8 pay matrix)

Application Fee 

Rs. 100/- (Rs.65/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PH candidates) plus Rs.25/- as On-line processing fee to be paid online.

apply online on prescribed format at UP PSC recruitment website from 16/10/2019 to 13/11/2019 only for UP PSC Combined State Upper Subordinate Services and Forest Officer Conservator Examination 2019.

Details and online  application

Please visit Notification Section at UP PSC website for all the details,

Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector 2019 Vacancies

Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector 2019 Vacancies

  1. Sub-Inspector (Civil) Men: 205 vacancies
  2. Sub-Inspector (Civil) Women :  65 vacancies  
  3. Sub-Inspector (Civil) In-Service :  32 vacancies


21-28 years (30 years for SC/ST) (35 years for General In-Service and 40 years for SC/ST In-Service)


Graduation in any discipline from any recognised University / Institution or equivalent qualification.

Application Fee

Application fee of  Rs. 250/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/Category-1) to submitted online at Karnataka Police recruitment website.

How to Apply Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector  Civil Recruitment 2019?

Apply Online on prescribed format at the Karnataka Police recruitment website from 16/10/2019 to 06/11/2019 only for Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector (Civil) Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

Details and Application format

For further information like educational qualification, pay scale, age, experience etc. for Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector  Civil Recruitment 2019, please visit

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Recruitment of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' in Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science Engineering disciplines

Recruitment 3/2019 of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' in  Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science Engineering disciplines

ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB) of  Indian Space Research Organisation under Department of Space, Government of India  offers Scientist/Engineer `SC' in the Level-10 of 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix starting ₹56100 to the to young engineering graduates in the Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science  fields (Advertisement No. ICRB:03:2019)

ISRO ICRB invites for Recruitment 2019 of Scientists/ Engineers 'SC' in Electronics, Mechanical and Computer Science Engineering disciplines in ISRO.

This recruitment is being done by ISRO ICRB for constituent ISRO Centres (Group ‘A’ Gazetted posts) and in Autonomous Body (Group ‘A’ Non-Gazetted posts).

  • Scientist/Engineer SC - Electronics (Code : BE 001) : 131 vacancies
  • Scientist/Engineer SC - Mechanical (Code : BE 002) : 135 vacancies
  • Scientist/Engineer SC - Computer Science (Code : BE 003) : 58 vacancies
  • Scientist/Engineer SC - Electronics - Autonomous Bodies (Code : BE 008) : 03 vacancies


BE/B.Tech in First Class or equivalent with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available) OR CGPA 6.84/10.

Age Limit

35 years as on 14/11/2019. Ex-serviceman and Persons with Disabilities [PWD] are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders).

Selection by Written Examination

written test for selection for  Scientist/Engineer 'SC' Recruitment Advt. No. 3/2019 for in ISRO 2019 will be conducted on 12/01/2020.

Application Fee 

The Application Fee is ₹100/- for each application by ‘online’ using Internet Banking/Debit Card or ‘Offline’by visiting nearest SBI Branch. All Women candidates/Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX], Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.

How to apply for ISRO Scientist/Engineer 'SC' Recruitment 3/2019?

The application for on-line registration is hosted in the ISRO web-site between 15/10/2019 and 04/11/2019 for Scientist-Engineer-Vacancy SC Recruitment in ISRO Advt No. 03/2019

Details and Online Application Submission

Please visit for further information and complete details and online submission of application for ISRO Scientist/Engineer 'SC' Recruitment 03/2019.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Recruitment of Constable Vacancy in Bihar Police 2019

Recruitment of  Constable Vacancy in Bihar Police 2019

Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) of Bihar Police invites online application from Indian nationals for the  following  11880 of Constable  in Bihar Police, Bihar Military Police (BMP), Special India Reserve Battalion (SIRB) and Bihar State Industrial Security Battalion (BSISB) in Constable grade of Bihar Police 

CSBC Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

  • Constable :  11880 vacancies (UR-4778, EWS-118, OBC-1419, MBC-2129, OBC Women-354, SC-1893, ST-119), Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 - 22200 grade Pay Rs. 2000/-, Age :  18-25  years  as on 01/08/2019, Qualification : Intermediate / 10+2 or equivalent as on 01/08/2019.

Application Fee: 

₹ 450/- (₹ 112/- for SC./ST/PWD  candidates)  to be paid by Net Banking or by Credit/Debit Card only.

How to Apply Bihar Police Constable Recruitment by CSBC 2019?

apply on prescribed format at Bihar CSBC website from 05/10/2019 to 04/11/2019 only for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment by CSBC 2019.

Details and online submission 

Please visit  for details and online submission of application for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment by CSBC 2019.

Delhi Police Head Constable Ministerial Recruitment Examination

Delhi Police Head Constable (Ministerial) 2019 Vacancies

  • Head Constable (Ministerial) : 554 vacancies (UR-209, EWS-55, OBC-128, SC-83, ST-79) (Male-372, Female-182), Pay Scale : Level-4 of Pay Matrix Rs. 25500-81100, 

  • Age: 18-25 years as on 01/07/2019. Relaxation in age as per rules to reserved category., 

  • Qualification: 10+2 (Senior Secondary) pass from a recognised board., Professional Qualification: Speed in English Typing - 30 WPM or Speed in Hindi Typing - 25 WPM

Application Fee

Rs.100/- to be paid online. No fee for SC/ST/Ex.Serviceman/PWD and Women candidates.

Apply Online on prescribed format for Delhi Police Recruitment website from 14/10/2019 to 13/11/2019 only for Delhi Police Head Constable Ministerial Recruitment Examination 2019.

Detailed Information  

Please visit for details and online application format for Delhi Police Head Constable Ministerial Recruitment Examination 2019.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Chandigarh Admin Clerk Steno-Typist 2019 Vacancies

Chandigarh Admin Clerk Steno-Typist 2019 Vacancies

  1. Clerk : 357 vacancies (UR-162, EWS-34, OBC-92, SC-69, ) (PWD-14, Ex.SM-50) on a regular basis, Pay Scale: ₹10300-34800 Grade Pay ₹3200, Qualification : Bachelor Degree from a recognised University/Institution and proficiency in computer operation and a speed of 35 words per minute in English Typewriting on Computer, Age : 18-37 years as on 01/01/2019
  2. Stenographer-Typist (English) : 48 vacancies (UR-23, EWS-03, OBC-12, SC-10) (PWD-02, Ex.SM-07) on a regular basis, Pay Scale: ₹10300-34800 Grade Pay ₹3200, Qualification : Bachelor Degree from a recognised University/Institution and proficiency in computer operation and a speed of 80 words per minute in Stenography (English) and a speed of 20 words per minute in transcripting the same on Computer, Age : 18-37 years as on 01/01/2019

Application Fee: ₹500/- (₹500 for SC/Ex.SM/PWD candidates) to be paid through online mode/challan

How to Apply Chandigarh  Administration Clerk and Steno-Typist Vacancy 2019?

Apply Online at  Chandigarh Administration Recruitment website from 30/09/2019 to 31/10/2019 only for Chandigarh  Administration Clerk and Steno-Typist Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

Details and Online Application Format

Please visit for details and online submission of application for Chandigarh  Administration Clerk and Steno-Typist Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

Allahabad High Court Review Officer and Computer Assistant Vacancies

Allahabad High Court Review Officer  and Computer Assistant Vacancies

  • Review Officer: 132 vacancies (Advt. No. 02/R.O./2019), Age: 21-35 years as on 01/07/2019, Pay Scale: Pay Level-8 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix $47600-151100, Qualification: Graduation + required computer qualification
  • Computer Assistant: 15 vacancies (Advt. No. 03/R.O./2019), Age: 21-35 years as on 01/07/2019, Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix $25500-81100, Qualification: Graduation + required computer qualification

Application Fee: Rs. 750/- for General Category and Rs. 500/- for SC/ST  through the Payment - Challan in any branch of the State Bank of India.

Apply online on prescribed format at Allahabad High Court Website from 30/09/2019 to  21/10/2019 only for both  Review Officer and Computer Assistant vacancy in Allahabad High Court.

Details and Application Format

For more information and Apply Online for  Review Officer and Computer Assistant vacancy recruitment in Allahabad High Court 2019, kindly visit

Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

 Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...