Thursday, 6 October 2016

Specialist Officers in India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) Limited

India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) Limited  
(A Wholy owned undertaking of the Department of Posts, Govt. of India)
Post Box No. 760, Speed Post Centre, Market Road, Bhai Veer Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110001

Online Applications are invited form the eligible persons for filling the  following vacancies of Specialist Officers in India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) Limited :

Vacancies : 

  1. Scale - I Officers  vacancies - Apply Online from 04/10/2016 to 25/10/2016
    1. Assistant  Manager (Territory) : 650 posts (UR-327, OBC-176, SC-98, ST-49) vacancies in JMGS-I Scale Rs.23700-42020, Age : 20-30 years as on 01/09/2016
  2. Scale - II & III Offices  vacancies -  Apply Online from 07/10/2016 to 01/11/2016
    1. Manager : 652 posts in various disciplines / specialisatios (UR-326, OBC-179, SC-98, ST-49) (PWD-21) vacancies in MMGS-II Scale Rs. 31705-45950, Age : 23-35 years as on 01/09/2016 
    2. Senior Manager : 408 posts in various disciplines / specialisatios (UR-204, OBC-112, SC-61, ST-31) (PWD-12) vacancies in MMGS-III Scale Rs. 42020-51490, Age : 26-35 years as on 01/09/2016 
  3. Scale - IV to VI   Offices  vacancies -  Apply Online from 04/10/2016 to 25/10/2016
    1. Chief Manager : 03 posts in various disciplines / specialisatios (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1) vacancies in SMGS-IV Scale Rs. 50030-59170, Age : 29-50 years as on 01/09/2016 
    2. Assistant General  Manager (AGM) : 07 posts in various disciplines / specialisatios (UR-4, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1) vacancies in SMGS-IV Scale Rs.59170-66070, Age : 32-50 years as on 01/09/2016 
    3. Deputy General  Manager (DGM) : 02 posts in various disciplines / specialisatios (UR-1, OBC-1) vacancies in TEGS-VI Scale 68680-76520, Age : 35-50 years as on 01/09/2016 
  4. Scale-VII/CGM/ Contract/ Deputation posts - Apply Online from 28/09/2016 to 19/10/2016 only
    1. Chief Technology Officer / CGM (Technology) : 01 post
    2. AGM (Enterprise/ Integration Architect) : 01 post
    3. Chief Manager (Banking & Payment Solution Architect) : 01 post
    4. Chief Manager (Digital Technology Innovation) : 01 post
    5. Chief Manager (Security Architect)  : 01 post
    6. Chief Manager (IT Project Management) : 01 post
    7. Chief Manager (Product and Digital Innovation) : 01 post
    8. Chief Manager (Fraud Monitoring) : 02 posts
    9. Company Secretary : 01 post
    10. Chief General Manager (CGM) (Operations)/ Chief Operations Officer : 01 post
    11. General Manager (GM) (Risk & Compliance/ Chief Risk and Compliance Officer) : 01 post
    12. General Manager (GM) (Finance) : 01 post
    13. General Manager (GM) (HR and Administration) : 01 post
    14. Chief General Manager (CGM) (Sales and Marketing) : 01 post
    15. Multiple Positions across Sales, Product, Marketing, Finance, HR & Administration, Internal Audit, Operations, Risk & Compliance and Technology Functions : 24 posts on deputation

Application Fee : 

Rs.700/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/PWD/Women candidates) to be paid online

How to Apply : 

Apply Online at India Post Payments Bank recruitment page between the dates mentioned above against the vacancies only. 

Details and online submission of application :

Please visit 'Work with IPPB' Tab at  for details and online submission of  application.

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