Tuesday, 14 January 2020

BEL Ghaziabad Assistant Engineer Recruitment

BEL Ghaziabad Assistant Engineer Recruitment 2020 Vacancies  

  1. Sr. Assistant Engineer PS-ANTENNA : 05 vacancies (UR-03, OBC-01, SC-01) 
  2. Sr. Assistant Engineer PS-SCCS : 06 vacancies (UR-04, OBC-01, SC-01)

How to Apply for BEL Ghaziabad Engineer Vacancy 2019

Candidates  should submit their application in the prescribed format along with the copies of the relevant documents in support of eligibility and the application fee payment receipt/Challan with the Journal Number, in a sealed cover super scribing “‘SR ASST. ENGINEER (FIXED TERM) - ELECTRICAL / SIGNALS / ELECTRONICS/ ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONS” and addressed to DGM (HR&A), Bharat Electronics Limited, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Ghaziabad - 201010 by post/courier. The last date of receiving the completed application is 01/02/2020.

Details and Application Format

Please visit http://bel-india.in/CareersGridbind.aspx?MId=29&LId=1&subject=1&link=0&issnno=1&name=Recruitment%20-%20Advertisements  for details and    online application format.   

DSSSB Government Jobs Recruitment Advt. 01/2020 Vacancies

DSSSB Government Jobs Recruitment Advt. 01/2020 Vacancies

  1. Store Keeper: 01 vacancy in G.B. Pant Govt. Engineering College
  2. Section Officer (Horticulture) : 09 vacancies in Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
  3. Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 46 vacancies in Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
  4. Veterinary Livestock Inspector: 78 vacancies in Animal Husbandry Unit in Development Department
  5. Investigator: 15 vacancies in the Department of Social Welfare
  6. Stenographer (English) : 38 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  7. Stenographer (Hindi) : 06 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  8. Superintendent: 23 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  9. Pharmacist: 15 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  10. Legal Assistant: 04 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  11. Manager (Public Relations) : 01 vacancy in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  12. Junior Telephone Operator: 10 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  13. Junior Clerk: 10 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  14. Draftsman: 02 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  15. Hindi Translatorcum Assistant: 02 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  16. Labour Welfare Inspector: 04 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  17. Accountant: 18 vacancies in Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC)
  18. Lab. Assistant (Biology): 10 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL)

Application Fee 

₹100/- (No fee from SC/ST/PH/Ex.SM candidates) to be paid online only through SBI e-pay.

DSSSB  Advt. 01/2020 Selection Criteria

The selection for DSSSB Vacancy 01/2020  shall be made through One Tier and Two Tier examination scheme and Skill Test wherever applicable.

DSSSB will conduct One Tier and Two Tier Examination for the vacancy posts advertised. However, DSSSB reserves the right to change/amend the examination scheme, if so required, any time before the examination.

How to Apply for DSSSB  Recruitment Advt. No. 01/2020?

Apply Online on prescribed format at  DSSSB website https://dsssbonline.nic.in   from 07/01/2020 to 06/02/2020 only for Delhi Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment by DSSSB Advt. No. 01/2020.

Details and Online Submission of Application 

For Online Application forms, Complete details, Scheme, examination schedule, General instructions, fee concession to specified categories of candidates and Syllabus of Examination for the Delhi Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment by DSSSB Advt. No. 01/2020, please visit the DSSSB Website at  http://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/current-vacancies/Delhi-subordinate-services-selection-board

DSSSB Teacher Recruitment

About DSSSB 

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi has instituted the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB)  with the purpose of recruiting capable, competent, highly skilled individuals by conducting written tests, professional tests and personal interviews wherever as desired for various departments and organisations of Government of Delhi.

DSSSB Government Teacher Recruitment Advt. 02/2020 Vacancies

  1. PGT Biology - Male : 07 vacancies
  2. PGT Biology – Female : 02 vacancies
  3. PGT Chemistry - Male  : 01 vacancy
  4. PGT Chemistry - Female : 02 vacancies
  5. PGT Commerce - Male : 61 vacancies
  6. PGT Commerce - Female : 32 vacancies
  7. PGT English – Male : 42 vacancies
  8. PGT English - Female : 56 vacancies
  9. PGT History – Male : 22 vacancies
  10. PGT Maths – Male : 46 vacancies
  11. PGT Maths – Female : 26 vacancies
  12. PGT Physics – Male : 22 vacancies
  13. PGT Physics – Female : 29 vacancies
  14. PGT Sanskrit – Female : 10 vacancies
  15. PGT Geography - Male : 35 vacancies
  16. PGT Punjabi - Female : 01 vacancy
  17. Educational and Vocational Guidance Counselor (EVGC) - Male  : 198 vacancies
  18. Educational and Vocational Guidance Counselor (EVGC) - Female : 118 vacancies 

Application Fee 

₹100/- (No fee from SC/ST/PH/Ex.SM candidates) to be paid online only through SBI e-pay.

DSSSB  Teacher Recruitment Advt. 02/2020 Selection Criteria

The selection for DSSSB Teacher Vacancy Recruitment 02/2020  shall be made through One Tier and Two Tier examination scheme and Skill Test wherever applicable.

DSSSB will conduct One Tier and Two Tier Examination for the vacancy posts advertised. However, DSSSB reserves the right to change/amend the examination scheme, if so required, any time before the examination.

How to Apply for DSSSB  Teacher Recruitment  Advt. No. 02/2020?

Apply Online on prescribed format at  DSSSB website https://dsssbonline.nic.in   from 14/01/2020 to 13/02/2020 only for Delhi Government Teacher Jobs Vacancy Recruitment by DSSSB Advt. No. 02/2020.

Details and Online Submission of Application 

For Online Application forms, Complete details, Scheme, examination schedule, General instructions, fee concession to specified categories of candidates and Syllabus of Examination for the Delhi Government Teacher Jobs Vacancy Recruitment by DSSSB Advt. No. 02/2020, please visit the DSSSB Website at  http://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/current-vacancies/Delhi-subordinate-services-selection-board

DSSSB Government Jobs Recruitment Advt. 03/2020 Vacancies

DSSSB Government Jobs Recruitment Advt. 03/2020 Vacancies

  1. Assistant Grade - I: 103 vacancies in Delhi State Civil Supplies Corporation
  2. Store Keeper: 01 vacancy in Ch. Brahm Prakash Government Engineering College
  3. Driver: 38 vacancies in South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC)
  4. Ahlmad: 06 vacancies in Labour Department
  5. Electrical Overseer: 08 vacancies in Labour Department
  6. Inspecting Officer: 11 vacancies in Labour Department
  7. Workshop Instructor: 02 vacancies in G.B. Pant Government Engineering College 
  8. Caretaker: 01 vacancy in G.B. Pant Government Engineering College 
  9. Laboratory Assistant (Chemistry) : 17 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  10. Laboratory Assistant (Lie-Detection) : 02 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  11. Laboratory Assistant (Physics) : 02 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  12. Laboratory Assistant (HRD/Quality Control) : 01 vacancy in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  13. Laboratory Assistant (Documents) : 06 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  14. Laboratory Assistant (Photo) : 01 vacancy in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  15. Scientific Assistant (Ballistics) : 03 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  16. Scientific Assistant (Lie-Detection) : 02 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory 
  17. Scientific Assistant (Documents) : 04 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  18. Scientific Assistant (Physics) : 02 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  19. Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) : 06 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  20. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Photo) : 02 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  21. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Documents) : 04 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  22. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Biology) : 04 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  23. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Ballistics) : 03 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  24. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Physics) : 02 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  25. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) : 10 vacancies in Forensic Science Laboratory
  26. Sr. Scientific Assistant (Lie-Detection) : 01 vacancy in Forensic Science Laboratory
  27. Laboratory Technician: 14 vacancies in Delhi Jal Board (DJB)

Application Fee 

₹100/- (No fee from SC/ST/PH/Ex.SM candidates) to be paid online only through SBI e-pay.

DSSSB  Advt. 03/2020 Selection Criteria

The selection for DSSSB Vacancy 03/2020  shall be made through One Tier and Two Tier examination scheme and Skill Test wherever applicable.

DSSSB will conduct One Tier and Two Tier Examination for the vacancy posts advertised. However, DSSSB reserves the right to change/amend the examination scheme, if so required, any time before the examination.

How to Apply for DSSSB  Recruitment Advt. No. 03/2020?

Apply Online on prescribed format at  DSSSB website https://dsssbonline.nic.in   from 21/01/2020 to 20/02/2020 only for Delhi Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment by DSSSB Advt. No. 03/2020.

Details and Online Submission of Application 

For Online Application forms, Complete details, Scheme, examination schedule, General instructions, fee concession to specified categories of candidates and Syllabus of Examination for the Delhi Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment by DSSSB Advt. No. 03/2020, please visit the DSSSB Website at  http://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/current-vacancies/Delhi-subordinate-services-selection-board

Thursday, 9 January 2020

RCON Civil & Electrical Engineers Recruitment 2020 Vacancie

RCON Civil & Electrical Engineers Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  1. Works Engineer/Civil: 48 vacancies (UR-22, OBC-12, SC-7, ST-3, EWS-4), Age: 30 years, Payment: ₹31000/- consolidated per month
  2. Geologist : 04 vacancies (UR-3, OBC-1), Age : 30 years, Payment : ₹31000/- consolidated per month
  3. Sr. Works Engineer/Civil : 19 vacancies (UR-10, OBC-5, SC-2, ST-1, EWS-1), Age : 35 years, Payment : ₹ 35000/- consolidated per month
  4. Site Supervisor/Civil: 01 vacancy (UR-1), Age: 30 years, Payment: ₹ 22000/- consolidated per month
  5. Sr. Site Supervisor/Civil : 21 vacancies (UR-10, OBC-5, SC-3, ST-1, EWS-2), Age : 35 years, Payment : ₹ .25000/- consolidated per month
  6. Sr. Works Engineer/Electrical: 01 vacancy (UR-1), Age: 35 years, Payment: ₹ 35000/- consolidated per month
  7. Site Supervisor/Electrical: 02 vacancies (UR-2), Age: 30 years, Payment: ₹ 22000/- consolidated per month
  8. Sr. Site Supervisor/Electrical: 04 vacancies (UR-3, OBC-1), Age: 35 years, Payment: ₹ 25000/- consolidated per month

Apply Online on prescribed format at Ircon website from 01/01/2020 to 21/01/2020 only for Civil and Electrical Engineers Vacancy Recruitment in Ircon International 2020.

Please visit 'HR & Career' Section and then see the contract vacancy link at Ircon International website at  https://www.ircon.org for more information and Online Application Format for Civil and Electrical Engineers Vacancy Recruitment in Ircon International 2020.

Combined State Engineering Services Examination by UP PSC 2019-20

Combined State Engineering Services Examination by UP PSC 2019-20

Online applications on prescribed format are invited by Uttar Pradesh (UP)  Public Service Commission (PSC), Prayagraj for various 712 Engineering Government Job posts by Combined State Engineering Services Recruitment Examination 2019 for the recruitment and selection of Engineers in various Departments/Organisations of Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) (Advertisement. No. A-5/E-1/2019). 

UP PSC Engineering Services Examination 2019 Vacancies

  • Engineers: 20 vacancies in Special Recruitment, Age: 21-40 years as 01/07/2019, Pay Scale: ₹15600-39100 Grade Pay ₹5400/-
    • Mandi Parishad: 02 Engineers (Electrical/Mechanical)
    • Nagar Vikas Vibhag: 18 Engineers (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) 
  • Engineers: 692 vacancies in General Recruitment, Age: 21-40 years as 01/07/2019, Pay Scale: ₹15600-39100 Grade Pay ₹5400/-
    • Irrigation Deptt. : 244 Engineers (Civil/Mechanical)
    • Minor Irrigation Deptt. : 18 Engineers (Agriculture/Civil/Mechanical) 
    • Rural Engineering Deptt. : 57 Engineers (Civil)
    • Public Works Deptt. (P.W.D) : 154 Engineers (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)
    • Mandi Parishad: 36 Engineers (Civil/ Electrical/Mechanical)
    • Housing and Urban: 51 Engineers (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)  
    • Nagar Vikas Vibhag: 49 Engineers (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical/Electrical Mechanical)  
    • Medical Deptt. : 04 Engineers (Civil)
    • Panchayati Raj Deptt. : 01 Engineer (Civil)
    • Agriculture Deptt. : 12 Engineers (Agriculture)
    • Irrigation and Water Bhoomi Sanrakshan: 31 Engineers(Agriculture/Civil) 
    • Energy Department: 21 Engineers (Electrical)
    • Labour Deptt. (Factories) : 13 Engineers (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) 
    • Labour Deptt. (Boilers) : 01 Engineer (Mechanical) 

Application Fee 

Rs. 200/- (Rs.80a/- for SC/ST) (No fee for PH candidates) plus Rs.25/- as On-line processing fee to be paid online.

How to Apply UP PSC Combined State Engineering Services Examination 2019-20 ?

Apply Online on prescribed format at UP PSC recruitment website from 30/12/2019 to 30/01/2020 only for UP PSC Combined State Engineering Services Examination 2019-20. 

Details and online  application

Please visit Notification Section at UP PSC website  http://uppsc.up.nic.in for all the details, instructions, syllabus and a link to apply online for UPPSC Combined State Engineering Services Examination 2019-20.

SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

SBI Junior Associate Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  • Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales):   8224 Vacancies across various State in India, Age : 20-28 years as on 01/01/2020, Pay Scale: ₹ 11765 - 31450, Qualification: Graduate in any disciplines from a recognised university or any equivalent qualification.   

Application Fee 

₹ 750/-  (No fee for SC/ST/PWD) to be paid online.

Preliminary Recruitment Examination (online) of 1 hour duration consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks for Junior Associate Vacancies 2020 in SBI will be conducted tentatively in the month of February/ March 2020 and Main Examination  (online objective type) of 2 hours and 40 minutes duration of 200 marks will be conducted tentatively on 19/04/2020.

Apply Online on prescribed format at SBI website from 03/01/2020 to 26/01/2020 only for SBI Recruitment 2020 for 8000 Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) Vacancy

For more information and online application format, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website https://www.sbi.co.in/careers/ongoing-recruitment.html for SBI Recruitment 2020 for 8000 Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) Vacancy

NABARD Development Assistant Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

NABARD  Development Assistant Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

  • Office Attendant: 73 vacancies (UR-48, EWS-02, OBC-13, SC-01, ST-09) (PWD-06, Ex.SM-17), Age : 18-30 years as on 01/12/2019, Qualification: candidate should have passed 10th Standard (S.S.C./Matriculation) from the concerned State/UT coming under the State/Regional Office to which he/she is applying, Pay Scale : ₹10940-23700/-

₹450/- (50/- for SC/ST/PWBD candidates)  including intimation charges etc. to be paid online.

The candidates can apply online on prescribed format on NABARD website between 25/12/2019 and 12/01/2020 only for NABARD Office Attendant Vacancy Recruitment 2019-20.

For further information and online submission of application for NABARD Office Attendant Vacancy Recruitment 2019-20, please visit https://www.nabard.org/careers-notices1.aspx?cid=693&id=26 

HP SSC Vacancies

HP SSC Vacancies

  1. Staff Nurse: 349 vacancies in Health & Famly Welfare and Medical Education & Research Department
  2. Statistical Assistant: 08 vacancies in Health & Famly Welfare Department
  3. Laboratory Technician (Medical Laboratory Technician Gr.II): 10 vacancies in Health & Famly Welfare Department
  4. Perfusionist: 01 vacancy in Medical Education & Research Department
  5. Laboratory Technician: 01 vacancy in Ayurveda Department
  6. Laboratory Assistant (Physics and Ballistic): 01 vacancy in Forensic Service Department
  7. Computer Operators: 11 vacancies in Social Justice & Empowerment Department
  8. Electrician: 05 vacancies in Electrical Inspectorate Department
  9. Steno-Typist: 31 vacancies in IPH&HPPERC Department
  10. Store Keepers: 09 vacancies in HIMFED
  11. Marketing Assistant: 02 vacancies in HIMFED
  12. Supervisor (LDR): 41 vacancies in Women & Child Development Department
  13. Junior Auditor: 13 vacancies in Local Audit Department
  14. Auditor (Panchayat): 05 vacancies in Panchayati Raj Department
  15. Computer Programmer: 03 vacancies in Panchayati Raj Department
  16. Conductor: 568 vacancies in HRTC
  17. Clerk: 09 vacancies in Various Departments
  18. Junior Scale Stenographer: 03 vacancies in Prosecution
  19. Junior Engineer (Civil): 03 vacancies in Town & Country Planning
  20. Field Assistant: 01 vacancy in HP Minorities Finance & Development Corporation
  21. Accounts Clerk: 13 vacancies in HP State Forest Development Corporation Limited
  22. Civil Defence Instructor/Chief Instructor/Platoon Commander/Administrative Officer and Assistant Store Officer: 03 vacancies in Home Guards & Civil Defence Department
  23. Senior Technician (Electrical): 01 vacancy in MILKFED
  24. Technician (Refrigeration): 04 vacancies in MILKFED
  25. Technician (Electrical): 04 vacancies in MILKFED

Rs.360/- (Rs. 120/- for SC/ST/OBC/Ex.SM/PWD of Himachal only) to be paid online / Payment challan / Lokmitra Kendra.

Apply Online on prescribed format at HPSSC website from 31/12/2019 to 30/01/2020 only.

Please visit http://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/AllNotifications.aspx?id=2 for details and online submission of application.

Monday, 6 January 2020

DRDO CEPTAM Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

DRDO CEPTAM Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

  • Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS): 1817 vacancies (UR-849, EWS-188, OBC-503, SC-163, ST-114) (ESM-135, MSP-50) (PWD-73), Pay Scale: Pay Matrix Level-1 ₹18000-56900 as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age: 18-25 years, Qualification: 10th Class pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or Industrial Training Institute (ITI) pass
Application Fee     ₹100/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD/ESM/Women are exempted from Exam fee)  to be paid online mode.Apply Online on prescribed format for the posts mentioned above under DRDO CEPTAM MTS MTS Vacancy Recruitment 2019  from 23/12/2019 to 23/01/2020 only.

Details and Online submission of application

For complete information and application form for DRDO CEPTAM  MTS Vacancy Recruitment 2019, please visit https://www.drdo.gov.in/ceptm-advertisement/500

Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

 Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...