Thursday, 9 January 2020

RCON Civil & Electrical Engineers Recruitment 2020 Vacancie

RCON Civil & Electrical Engineers Recruitment 2020 Vacancies

  1. Works Engineer/Civil: 48 vacancies (UR-22, OBC-12, SC-7, ST-3, EWS-4), Age: 30 years, Payment: ₹31000/- consolidated per month
  2. Geologist : 04 vacancies (UR-3, OBC-1), Age : 30 years, Payment : ₹31000/- consolidated per month
  3. Sr. Works Engineer/Civil : 19 vacancies (UR-10, OBC-5, SC-2, ST-1, EWS-1), Age : 35 years, Payment : ₹ 35000/- consolidated per month
  4. Site Supervisor/Civil: 01 vacancy (UR-1), Age: 30 years, Payment: ₹ 22000/- consolidated per month
  5. Sr. Site Supervisor/Civil : 21 vacancies (UR-10, OBC-5, SC-3, ST-1, EWS-2), Age : 35 years, Payment : ₹ .25000/- consolidated per month
  6. Sr. Works Engineer/Electrical: 01 vacancy (UR-1), Age: 35 years, Payment: ₹ 35000/- consolidated per month
  7. Site Supervisor/Electrical: 02 vacancies (UR-2), Age: 30 years, Payment: ₹ 22000/- consolidated per month
  8. Sr. Site Supervisor/Electrical: 04 vacancies (UR-3, OBC-1), Age: 35 years, Payment: ₹ 25000/- consolidated per month

Apply Online on prescribed format at Ircon website from 01/01/2020 to 21/01/2020 only for Civil and Electrical Engineers Vacancy Recruitment in Ircon International 2020.

Please visit 'HR & Career' Section and then see the contract vacancy link at Ircon International website at for more information and Online Application Format for Civil and Electrical Engineers Vacancy Recruitment in Ircon International 2020.

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