Friday, 16 September 2016

Industrial Trainee (Finance) in NLC

NLC India Limited
(Formerly - Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited)
Corp Office : Block -1, Neyveli - 607801, Tamilnadu

Wall-In-Interview for Industrial Trainee (Finance)  in NLC

NLC India Limited requires suitable candidates for engagement as Industrial Trainee (Finance) purely for a period of 12 months only  :

Vacancies :

  • Industrial Trainee (Finance)  : 28 posts, Pay : Rs. 10000/- per month consolidated,  Age : 28 years, Qualification : Pass in Intermediate Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) (or) Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI)

    Method of Selection: 

    Selection will be based on performance in the Personal Interview.

    Walk-In-Interview :

    Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may Walk-In for an Interview at 09:00 Hours on 23/09/2016 at NLC India Limited, Registered Office, First Floor, No.8, Mayor Sathyamurthy Road, FSD, Egmore Complex of FCI, Chetpet, Chennai – 600031along with all the original certificates including community certificate, a set of Photostat copy of all the certificates and filled in Application Form in the prescribed format.
    For more details and online submission of application, please visit Neyveli Lignite website at

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