Monday, 5 September 2016

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Recruitment

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
(Eastern Region - ER)
234/4, A.J.C. Bose Road, Nizam Palace, 1st MSO Building, 8th Floor, Kolkata - 700020

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Eastern Region (ER), Kolkata, invites application for the following  job posts  in Government departments / organisations :

Naukri Vacancies :

  1. Assistant Archivist (General) : 01 post
  2. Data Processing Assistant : 01 post
  3. Duplicating Machine Operator : 01 post
  4. Scientific Assistant (Mechanical) : 04 posts
  5. Senior Instructor (Weaving)  : 02 posts
  6. Senior Instructor (Weaving)  : 02 posts
  7. Laboratory Assistant : 01 post
  8. Laboratory Assistant : 18 posts
  9. Field Attendant (with Multi-Tasking) : 19 posts
  10. Office Attendant (Multi-Tasking Staff) : 40 posts
  11. Occupational Therapist : 01 post
  12. Speech Therapist : 01 post
  13. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance) : 40 posts
  14. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance) : 14 posts
  15. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance) : 07 posts
  16. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance) : 24 posts
  17. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance) : 20 posts
  18. Junior Geographical Assistant : 02 posts
  19. Research Assistant : 05 posts
  20. Junior Chemist : 05 posts
  21. Deputy Ranger : 02 posts
  22. Library Clerk : 01 post
  23. Meteorological Assistant : 01 post
  24. Scientific Assistant (Chemical) : 28 posts
  25. Scientific Assistant (Rubber, Plastic & Textile) : 05 posts
  26. Scientific Assistant (Mechanical) : 05 posts
  27. Scientific Assistant (Electrical) : 08 posts
  28. Scientific Assistant (Civil)  : 13 posts
  29. Scientific Assistant (Non-Destructive) : 03 posts
  30. Heraldic Assistant : 01 post
  31. Senior Research Assistant : 04 posts 

Fee Payable 

Rs. 100/-  through “SBI Net-Banking/ Credit Cards/ Debit Cards” or through SBI Challan at any branch of SBI. (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) .

How to Apply : 

Apply online at SSC Recruitment website on or before 26/09/2016 only.

Detailed information  :

For further detailed information,   please view

1 comment:

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