Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Hyderabad University Faculty and Non-Teaching vacancy

Hyderabad University Faculty and Non-Teaching vacancy 

The University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Telangana  invites application for following  Faculty and Non-Teaching positions in its various Schools, Departments and Centres.

Vacancies :

  1. Faculty vacancy  
    1. Professor : 11 posts, Pay Scale : ₹37400-67000 AGP ₹10000/-
    2. Associate Professor : 19 posts, Pay Scale : ₹37400-67000 AGP ₹9000/-
    3. Assistant Professor : 11 posts, Pay Scale : ₹15600-39100 AGP ₹ 6000/-
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancy 
    1. Controller of Examinations : 01 post, Pay Scale : ₹37400-67000 GP ₹10000
    2. Deputy Registrar : 01 post, Pay Scale : ₹ 15600 - 39100 GP ₹7600
    3. Deputy Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : ₹15600 - 39100 GP ₹ 8000
    4. Assistant Registrar : 02 posts, Pay Scale : ₹15600 - 39100 GP ₹5400
    5. Section Officer : 02 posts on deputation, Pay Scale : ₹ 9300-34800 GP ₹4600
    6. Senior Assistant : 02 posts on deputation, Pay Scale : ₹ 9300-34800 GP ₹4200
    7. Personal Assistant : 05 posts on deputation, Pay Scale : ₹9300-34800 GP ₹4200

Application Fee :  ₹1000/-   for candidates under General, OBC and Third Gender categories and  ₹300/-  for candidates under ‘SC/ST/PWD’ category (whether the post is reserved for these categories or not)  and ₹ 1250/-  for candidates applying from abroad to be paid online.

How to Apply : Apply Online at University of Hyderabad website on or before 15/05/2017 only and take printout of the system generated application form and send it  to Assistant Registrar (HR Section), Room 225, First Floor, administration Building, University of Hyderabad, Prof. C.R. Rao Road, Central University P.O., Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500046 (Telangana), India on or before 19/05/2017 by 5.00 pm.

Details and Online Application Form :Please visit Recruitment section at University of Hyderabad website at detailed information and online submission of application. 

Recruitment of Librarian in Indian Statistical Institute

Recruitment of Librarian in Indian Statistical Institute

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for recruitment to the following posts of Librarians in the  Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), at Kolkata / Delhi/ Bangalore  :

Vacancy :
  1. Chief Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : ₹37400-67000 AGP ₹10000
  2. Deputy Librarian : 01 post, Pay Scale : ₹15600-39100 AGP ₹8000
  3. Assistant Librarian : 02 posts, Pay Scale : ₹15600-39100 AGP ₹6000

    How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach the The Senior Administrative Officer, Personnel Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 , B.T. Road, Kolkata-700108  on or before 31/05/2016

    Details and Application format : Please view,%20DL,%20AL.pdf for further details and application format.

    Job Vacancy in All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA)

    Job Vacancy in All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA)

    All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) is a newly setup Institute as Autonomous Organisation under the aegis of Ministry of Ayush, Government of India headquartered at New Delhi. AIIA invites applications on the prescribed format for the following teaching faculty  posts, hospital staff and administrative & other staff posts :

    Vacancies : 

    1. Teaching Faculty
      1. Professor : 05 posts 
      2. Associate Professor : 06 posts  
      3. Assistant Professor : 01 post
    2. Hospital Staff
      1. Senior Medical Officer  (Casualty) : 01 post
      2. Medical Officer (Casualty) : 01 post
      3. Dietician : 01 post
      4. Lab Assistant : 02 posts
      5. Stenography Assistant : 01 post
      6. Medical Record Clerk : 01 post
    3. Pharmacy
      1. Pharmacy Manager : 01 post
      2. Pharmacist : 01 post
    4. Administrative & Other Staff
      1. Computer Programmer : 01 post
      2. Account Officer : 01 post
      3. Assistant Administrative Officer : 01 post
      4. Private Secretary : 02 posts
      5. Assistant Store Officer : 01 post
      6. Sr. Hindi Translator : 01 post
      7. Jr. account Officer : 01 post
      8. Assistant Security Officer : 01 post
      9. Assistant : 02 posts
      10. Personal Assistant : 02 posts
      11. Store Keeper : 02 posts
      12. Accountant : 01 post
      13. Security Officer : 01 post
      14. Fire Officer : 01 post
      15. UDC : 02 posts
      16. LDC : 02 posts

    How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send with 45 days of the publication of the advertisement in Employment News to The Director, All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA),Gautampuri, Sarita Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110076.

    Details and application format : Please visit for more information and application format.

    Registrar vacancy in IIT Bhilai

    Registrar vacancy in IIT Bhilai

    Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai is an institute of national importance established to provide for education and research in various branches of engineering, technology, science, and arts. IIT Bhilai is in search of suitable Indian Nationals for the appointment on the post of Registrar   and Deputy Register.


    1. Registrar : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 GP Rs. 10000/-
    2. Deputy Registrar : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 GP Rs. 9000/-

    How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 28/04/2017 to The Director, Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai, GEC Campus, Sejbahar, Raipur – 492015, Chhattisgarh.

    Details and application format : Please view for details and  application format. 

    Faculty vacancy in IIT Bhilai

    Faculty vacancy in IIT Bhilai

    Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai is an institute of national importance established to provide for education and research in various branches of engineering, technology, science, and arts. IIT Bhilai invites applications from Indian nationals including Persons of Indian Origins (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs), and Foreign Nationals to the posts of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at IIT Bhilai from exceptionally bright and highly motivated candidates with an established record of independent, high quality research and commitment to teaching in the departments of Computer Science and  Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Humanities. 


    1. Assistant Professor in the pay scale of rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 8000
    2. Associate Professor in the pay scale of Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 9500
    3. Professor in the pay scale of Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10500

    Areas and Discipline :

    • Chemistry : All areas
    • Computer Science and Engineering All areas
    • Electrical Engineering : All areas
    • Humanities : Applied Areas of Humanities, including but not limiting to Cultural Studies, Ethics, Economics, and English
    • Mathematics : All areas
    • Mechanical Engineering : All areas
    • Physics : All areas
    How to Apply : Applications are welcome throughout the year and should be sent by e-mail to

    Details and application format : Please view for details and  application format. 

    Recruitment of Officers in Bank of India

    Recruitment of Officers in Bank of India 

    Bank of India (BoI) , India's International Bank, invites online applications for recruitment of  the following  Specialist Officers  for various posts and in various Grade/ Scale under Project No. 2017-18/1 & 2017-18/2  :

    Vacancies :

    1. Project no. 2017-18/1
      1. Officer Credit : 270 posts in JMGS-I Scale ₹23700-42020, Age : 21-30 years
      2. Manager : 400 posts in MMGS-II Scale ₹ 31705-45950, Age : 23-35 years
    2. Project No. 2017-18/2
      1. Security Officer : 17 posts  in MMGS-II Scale 31705-45950
      2. Technical (Appraisal) : 10 posts in JMGS-I Scale 23700-42020
      3. Technical (Premises) : 05 posts in JMGS-I Scale  23700-42020

    Application Fee : The application fees ₹600/- (₹100/- for SC/ ST candidates) to be paid in any Bank of India branch with the help of payment challan only. Please take Transaction no. after payment. 

    How to Apply : Apply Online at Bank of India website from 20/04/2017 to 05/05/2017 for the Officer posts under Recruitment Project No. 2017-18/1 and from 26/04/2017 to 12/05/2017 for Officer Recruitment Project no. 2017-18/2. 

    Details and Online application format :For more information and apply Online, please visit

    Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

     Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...