Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Vacancy Recruitment in National Seeds Corporation

Vacancy Recruitment in National Seeds Corporation

National Seeds Corporation Limited (NCS), A Government of India Undertaking under the administrative 
control of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers WelfareDepartment of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, New Delhi is an apex body engaged in production of quality seeds and distribution,  invites application from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on direct recruitment basis at Corporate Office and Regional Offices :

Vacancies :

  1. Assistant (Legal) : 03 posts
  2. Management Trainee : 64 posts
    1. Materials Management : 02 posts
    2. Legal : 01 post
    3. Assistant Company Secretary : 01 post
    4. Production : 30 posts
    5. Marketing : 09 posts
    6. Agriculture Engineering : 05 posts
    7. Civil Engineering : 02 posts
    8. Human Resource (HR) : 07 posts
    9. F&A : 06 posts
  3. Senior Trainees /  Diploma Trainees  : 54 posts
    1. Marketing : 40 posts
    2. Civil Engineering : 05 posts
    3. Agricultural Engineering : 07 posts
    4. Electrical Engineering : 02 posts
  4. Trainees 
    1. Agriculture : 26 posts
    2. Technician : 08 posts
    3. Human Resource (HR) : 11 posts
    4. Accounts : 15 posts
    5. Stores : 06 posts
    6. Laboratory : 02 posts

Application Fee : Rs. 500/- plus Rs. 25/- as processing fee to be paid online.  SC/ST/PWD candidates   are   exempted   from   application   fee.  

How to Apply : Apply Online at National Seeds Corporation  from 15/04/2017 to 06/05/2017 only. 

Details and Application Format :Please visit for more details and online application form.

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