Saturday, 30 December 2017

Teaching positions in Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN)

Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN), Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu invites application in the prescribed format from the eligible candidates for the recruitment of following 66  teaching faculty positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in various disciplines / subjects on regular basis :

Faculty Vacancies :

  1. Professor : 13 posts in various subjects / disciplines, Pay Scale : ₹37400-67000 AGP ₹10000
  2. Associate Professor : 30 posts in various subjects / disciplines, Pay Scale : ₹37400-67000 AGP ₹9000
  3. Assistant Professor : 23 posts in various subjects / disciplines, Pay Scale : ₹15600-39100 AGP ₹6000

Application Fee : ₹500 /- for SC / ST / PWD candidates and for Others ₹750/- (UR & OBC) category   to be paid either by a crossed Demand Draft in favour of “Central University of Tamil Nadu” payable at Thiruvarur / Tiruvarur, Tamil Nadu or by online at SBI Payment Gateway as prescribed in the detailed advt.

Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 22/01/2018 to the Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Cell, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Neelakudi Campus, Thiruvarur - 610005 (Tamil Nadu).

Please view for details and Online application format.

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