Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Clerks Recruitment in Haryana Courts by SSSC

 Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of following Government Job posts of  Clerks on behalf of the District and Sessions Judges of UT of Haryana by Society for Centralized Recruitment of Staff in Subordinate Courts (SSSC) in Haryana under High Court of Punjab and Haryana    by way of direct recruitment through a competitive examination :


  • Clerk :  352 posts (UR-183, SC/ST-60, BC-A - 40, BC-B - 29, PH-1, ESM - 39) in District and Sessions Judges courts of Haryana, Pay Scale : ₹5910-20200 Grade Pay ₹1900/-, Age : 18 - 42  years as on 01/01/2019, Qualification : The applicant should possess a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or equivalent thereto from a recognized university. He/she should have passed matriculation examination with Hindi as one of the subject and must have proficiency in operation of computers (word processing and spread sheets)

Application Fee: Application fee of ₹750/- for male and Rs. 375/- for Female candidates (₹200/- for male  SC/ST/OB/Ex.SM and Rs. 100/- for female candidates of Haryana only), ₹750/- for all candidates of other states)  to be deposited in any branch of State Bank of India by ‘Cash Deposit Receipt’ printed at the time of registration.

How to Apply: Apply Online at SSSC website from 07/01/2019 to 04/02/2019 only for Registration Step-I and last date is 07/02/2019 for Registration Step-II.  

Details and online application submission: Please visit for detailed information and online application format

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