Friday, 4 January 2019

Instructor Recruitment by Haryana SSC

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) invites Online applications from eligible candidates for direct recruitment for the following various job vacancy of Instructors for Skill Development and Industrial Training Department of  Haryana Government   (Advt. No. 5/2018) :


  1. Turner Instructor (Theory) : 61 posts  
  2. Fitter Instructor (Theory) : 61 posts  
  3. Welder (Gas & Electric) Instructor (Theory) : 66 posts  
  4. Craft Instructor Stenography (Hindi)  (Theory) : 17 posts 
  5. Craft Instructor Stenography (English)  (Theory) : 20 posts
  6. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Instructor (Theory) : 50 posts  
  7. Senior Instructor Hospitality (Theory) : 03 posts  
  8. Food Production Instructor (Theory) : 04 posts  
  9. Food & Beverage Service Instructor (Theory) : 01 post  
  10. Lab Attendant Food Production Instructor (Theory) : 04 posts  
  11. Health Sanitary Instructor (Theory) : 05 posts 
  12. Litho Offset Machine Minder Instructor (Theory) : 03 posts  
  13. Desk Top Publisher Operator Instructor (Theory) : 02 posts  
  14. Mechanic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Instructor (Theory) : 44 posts  
  15. Electrician Instructor (Theory) : 100 posts  
  16. Mechanic Electronics Instructor (Theory) : 35 posts  
  17. Interior Decoration and Designing Instructor (Theory) : 03 posts  
  18. Mechanic Consumer Electronics Instructor (Theory) : 07 posts  
  19. Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance Instructor (Theory) : 03 posts 
  20. Sheet Metal Worker Instructor  (Theory) : 07 posts  
  21. Wireman Instructor  (Theory) : 35 posts 
  22. Millwright Mechanic (Mechanical)  Instructor  (Theory) : 32 posts  
  23. Millwright Mechanic (Electrical/Electronics)  Instructor  (Theory) : 14 posts  
  24. Painter (General) Instructor  (Theory) : 20 posts  
  25. Plastic Processing Operator Instructor  (Theory) : 03 posts  
  26. Foundry man (Moulder) Instructor  (Theory) : 01 post  
  27. Plumber Instructor  (Theory) : 36 posts  
  28. Instrument Mechanic Instructor  (Theory) : 05 posts  
  29. Mechanic Agriculture Machinery Instructor  (Theory) : 03 posts  
  30. Architectural Assistant  (Theory) : 04 posts 
  31. Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance Instructor  (Theory) : 02 posts  
  32. Mechanic Computer Hardware Instructor  (Theory) : 08 posts  
  33. Tractor Mechanic Instructor  (Theory) : 13 posts  
  34. Machinist Instructor (Theory) : 40 posts  
  35. Carpenter Instructor (Theory) : 33 posts  
  36. Mechanic Diesel Instructor (Theory) : 24 posts 
  37. Mechanic Motor Vehicle Instructor (Theory) : 32 posts  
  38. Machinist-Grinder Instructor (Theory) : 04 posts  
  39. Tool & Die Maker (Dies & Moulds)  Instructor (Theory) : 05 posts  
  40. Draughtsman (Civil)  Instructor (Theory) : 53 posts  
  41. Draughtsman (Mechanical)  Instructor (Theory) : 30 posts  
  42. Craft Instructor (Women) Fashion Technology (Theory) : 04 posts  
  43. Craft Instructor (Women) Hair & Skin Care (Theory) : 19 posts  
  44. Craft Instructor (Women) Dress Making  (Theory) : 20 posts  
  45. Craft Instructor (Women) Embroidery & Needle Work (Theory) : 04 posts  
  46. Craft Instructor (Women) Computer Aided Embroidery (Theory) : 13 posts  
  47. Craft Instructor (women) Cutting & Sewing (Theory) : 20 posts  

Application Fee 

Rs. 150/- (Rs. 75/- for Female of Haryana only), Rs. 35/- for SC/BC/EPBG Male, Rs. 18/- for SC/BC/EPBG Female  candidates of Haryana to be paid online by Net Banking or e-Challan in any branch of SBI, PNB and IDBI Bank etc.

Details and Application Format 

For details and instructions etc., please visit at  for detailed information and also find  link for   online submission of application. 

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