Friday, 26 April 2019

UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandants Recruitment Examination

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold a written Examination on 18/08/2019  for recruitment of 323  vacancy  posts (BSF-100, CRPF-108,  CISF-28, ITBP-21, SSB-66) of Assistant Commandants (Group A) in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) viz. Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF),  Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) under Central Armed Forces (Assistant Commandant Recruitment Examination, 2019 (Advt. No. 9/2019-CAPF). 


  • Age : 20-25 years as on 1st August, 2019. The upper age is relaxable for SC/ ST/ OBC and certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the Notice.
  • Educational QualificationBachelor's degree of any recognised university or an equivalent qualification.
  • Physical Standards: Candidates must be physically fit according to the Regulations given in notice.
  • Sex : Both male and female candidates are eligible for appointment to BSF, CRPF. However, only male candidates are eligible for appointment in ITBP.
Possession of NCC B or C Certificate will be a desirable qualification. The desirable qualifications will be given consideration at the time of Interview/ Personality Test only.  

Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/- revised to Pay Level 10Rs.56100 in 7th CPC Pay Matrix

Selection Procedure

Selection will be based on the basis of a written examination to be conducted on 18/08/2019 by the UPSC followed by Physical Standards/ Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Standards Test to be conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Personality Test/ Interview to be conducted by UPSC.

Application Fee: Rs. 200/- (SC/ST/Women candidates are exempted) to be deposited in Branches of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI  or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.

How To Apply for CAPF Assistant Commandant Vacancy?

Apply Online at UPSC website from 24/04/2019 to 20/05/2019 only. The online Applications can be withdrawn from 27/05/2019 to 03/06/2019 till 6.00 PM

Detailed Information for UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam 2019

Candidates can obtain details of the examination at

Recruitment for Group-C Vacancies in BDS UHSR

Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences (PBDSUHS), Rohtak has been established as state university in the year of 2008.

Online applications are invited for the following 976 Group-C  vacancy  posts in  BDS UHS, Rohtak :

Group-C Vacancies at UHS Rohtak 

  1. Staff Nurse : 595 vacancies
  2. Clerk : 54 vacancies
  3. Steno Typist : 30 vacancies
  4. Store Keeper : 25 vacancies
  5. Laboratory Technician : 113 vacancies
  6. Laboratory Attendant : 123 vacancies
  7. Operation Theatre Technician : 36 vacancies

Online Submission of Application

Apply Online by prescribed application form  at Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences  website from 22/04/2019 to 15/05/2019 only. 

Details and application form for UHST Vacancies 

Please visit for details and online submission of application.

Recruitment of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff by SSC

Staff Selection Commission (SSC),  will hold a competitive recruitment examination 2019 for recruitment  of vacancy posts of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)for which Matriculation or equivalent is the minimum qualification in various Central Government Ministries / Departments / Offices, in different States / Union Territories:

MTS Vacancies

  • Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff  : 10000 posts approx. (Actual Vacancies will be determined in due course in various States and UTs), Pay Scale :  Pay Level-1 of 7th CPC  (old pay scale - Rs. ₹5200 - 20200 grade pay ₹1800), Age : 18-25 years as on 01/08/2019, Qualification : Matriculation (10th) or equivalent, Date of Computer based online Examinations (Tier-I) : 02/08/2019 to 06/09/2019, Tier-II Description Examination on :  17/11/2019

Fee Payable: Rs.100/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST/PH and Ex-Servicemen) to be paid online up to 31/05/2019 only.

How to Apply for SSC MTS Exam 2019?  

Apply online at SSC website from 22/04/2019 to 29/05/2019 only.

Details and Application Format

For further details and online submission of application, please visit  at

Recruitment of Head-Constable Radio in BSF

 Border Security Force (BSF) Communication Wing invites online application from eligible Indian Citizens (Male & Female) for filling up the vacancies for Head Constable (Radio Operator) and Head Constable (Radio Mechanics) Non-Gazetted & Non-Ministerial posts in Group-C on All India basis  :

BSF Head-Constable Vacancies

  • Head-Constable (Radio Operator) : 300 posts (UR-269, EWS-31), Pay Scale : Level- 4 of 7th CPC Rs. 25500-81100, Age : 18-25 years as on 12/06/2019 
  • Head-Constable (Radio Mechanics) : 772 vacancies (UR-349, EWS-54, OBC-151, SC-146, ST-72), Pay Scale : Level- 4 of 7th CPC Rs. 25500-81100, Age : 18-25 years as on 12/06/2019 

Application Fee: Rs. 100/-  to be paid online through SBI online payment gateway. No fee from Women/SC/ST/ Ex.SM candidates.

Apply Online at BSF Recruitment website from 14/05/2019 to 12/06/2019 only.  

Details and online application format 

For more information, please view   and apply  online.

Recruitment of Teachers and Lecturers by Chhattisgarh Vyapam

Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (VYAPAM), Raipur invites online application for following  vacancy posts of Lecturers and Teachers in the schools in the state of Chhattisgarh :

Chhattisgarh Vyapam Vacancies 

    • Lecturer Mathematics : 670 vacancies
    • Lecturer English : 410 vacancies
    • Lecturer Physics : 635 vacancies
    • Lecturer Chemistry : 368 vacancies
    • Lecturer Biology : 541 vacancies
    • Lecturer Commerce : 553 vacancies
    • Teacher (English) : 2000 vacancies
    • Teacher (Mathematics) : 1500 vacancies
    • Teacher (Science) : 1000 vacancies
    • Teacher (Agriculture) : 196 vacancies
    • Teacher English Medium (English) : 152 vacancies
    • Teacher English Medium (Science Group) : 152 vacancies
    • Teacher English Medium (Social Science) : 152 vacancies
    • Vyapam Teacher : 745 vacancies
    • Assistant Teacher (Science Group) : 4000 vacancies
    • Assistant Teacher  Science (Laboratory) : 1200 vacancies
    • Assistant Teacher (Science Group) : 4000 vacancies
    • Assistant Teacher English Medium : 153 vacancies

    Apply Online at CG Vyapam website from 16/04/2019 to 12/05/2019 only. 

    Recruitment Examination on 14/07/2019

    Age :   21-35 years

    Application Fee

    Rs. 350/- for General and other state candidates and Rs. 250/-  for OBC and Rs. 200/- for SC/ ST/  PWD candidates to be paid online.

    Detailed information and online application form

    Please Visit  for detailed information and online submission of application at

    Saturday, 13 April 2019

    Recruitment of Junior Associates in SBI 2019-20

    State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications from  Indian citizens  for recruitment to the appointment of 8653 Government Job Vacancy of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in Clerical Cadre in State Bank of India (SBI). Candidates can apply for vacancies in One state only. (Advertisement No. CRPD/CR/2019-20/03).

    Local Language of the State

    The candidates applying for Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) vacancies of a particular State, should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in the specified opted local language of that State. The test for knowledge of specified opted local language will be conducted as a part of selection process. It will be conducted after qualifying the online main examination but before joining the Bank. Candidates who fail to qualify this test will not be offered appointment. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be required to undergo the language test

    SBI Junior Associate Vacancies

    • Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales)  :   8653 (UR-3674, EWS-853, OBC-1966, SC-1361, ST-799) Vacancies, Age : 20-28 years as on 01/04/2019, Pay Scale : ₹ 11765 - 31450, Qualification : Graduate in any disciplines from a recognised university or any equivalent qualification.  

    Application Fee: ₹ 750/-  (₹125/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be paid online.

    Recruitment Examination for Junior Associate Vacancies

    Preliminary Recruitment Examination (online) of 1 hour duration consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks  for Junior Associate Vacancies in SBI will be conducted tentatively in the month of June 2019 and Main Examination  (online objective type) of 2 hours and 40 minutes duration of 200 marks will be conducted tentatively on 10/08/2019.

    How to Apply for SBI Junior Associates Vacancies? 

    Apply Online at SBI website from 12/04/2019 to 03/05/2019 only.

    Details and Application Format

    For more information and online application format, please visit the Recruitmentpage at SBI website 

    Recruitment of 198 Clerks vacancy in Kurukshetra University

    Kurukshetra University invites Online Applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment of following  vacancy posts of Clerks on 198 Budget posts. 

    Located in Kurukshetra (Haryana), the land of the Bhagwad Gita,  Kurukshetra University is a premier institute of higher learning in India.  

    Faculty Vacancy

    • Clerk : 198 posts, Pay Scale : Pay Level-2 ₹19900-63200 + ₹40 Special Pay, Age : 18-50 years, Qualification : Graduate from a recognized University (ii) Matric with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subject.  OR  10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subjects (iii) The candidate shall have to qualify the Test in Computer Appreciation and Application. This test will be based on Introduction to Computer & Windows, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Power Point, Internet Browsing and Email Management 

    Application Fee

    Rs.1200/- (Rs. 300/- for Male and Female of SC/BC-A/BC-B/EWS Category of Haryana State Only, Rs.600/- for Female of General Category of Haryana State Only and No fee for Male and Female of PWD Category of Haryana State Only) to be paid only. 

    Apply Online at Kurukshetra University website from 09/04/2019 to 15/05/2019 only.

    Details and application format

    Complete details and application for available at Job/Career slink at left Sidebar in Kurukshetra University website at

    Thursday, 11 April 2019

    Probationary Officer Recruitment in SBI

    State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment for the recruitment of following 2000  vacancy position of Probationary Officers (PO)  in State Bank of India (SBI) on regular basis : 

    State Bank of India (SBI) traces its ancestry to Bank of Calcutta founded in 1806. It was the first bank established in India, and over a period of time, evolved into State Bank of India (SBI). SBI represents a sterling legacy of over 200 years. It is the oldest commercial bank in the Indian subcontinent, strengthening the nation’s trillion-dollar economy and serving the aspirations of its vast population. The Bank is India’s largest commercial Bank in terms of assets, deposits, branches, number of customers and employees, enjoying the faith of millions of customers across the social spectrum.

    A Fortune 500 company, SBI has entered into the league of top 50 global banks with a balance sheet size of over Rs 30 lakh crore, over 24,000 branches and 59,000+ ATMs serving over 42 crore customers as on on 1st April 2017. SBI has an overseas presence through 195 foreign offices spread across 36 Countries.

    Working as an Employee / Officer in State Bank of India (SBI) is a pride in itself. Probationary Officers (PO) in State Bank of India is prestigious career option and it give a lot of  working experience and  give assured career progression up to Managing Director of SBI. If you are seeking an officer or a banking career, then you should apply for this vacancy and should not miss this opportunity.

    Online Recruitment Process

    Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join State Bank of India as a Probationary Officer, is required to register online at SBI website for the Recruitment Process.  The examination will be held in three phases i.e. Preliminary examination (Objective Type of 100 marks and Online), Main examination and Group Exercise & Interview. The candidates who are shortlisted after Preliminary examination will have to appear for Main examination (Objective Type of 200 marks and online). The candidates shortlisted after the main examination will be subsequently called for a Group Exercises & Interview.  Preliminary Examination for PO vacancies will be held on 8th, 9th & 15th, 16th, June 2019 and the online main examination for passed candidates will held on 20th July  2019.

    Probationary Officer (PO) Vacancies

    Probationary Officers (PO)  : 2000 posts (UR-810, OBC-540, EWS-200, SC-300, ST-150) (PWD-133), Qualification : Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government. Those who are in the Final year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply, Age : Not below 21 years and not above 30 years as on 01/04/2019, relaxation in age for reserved category candidates is as per rules, Pay Scale :  Rs. 23700 - 42020, the candidates will start with basic pay of Rs. 27620/- (with 4 advance increments) in  Junior Management Grade Scale-I  (JMGS-I)

    Application Fee    

    Rs. 750/-  (Rs. 120/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online. 

    Apply Online at SBI website from 02/04/2019 to 22/04/2019 only. 

    Details and Application Format

    For more information and application format, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website

    Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

     Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...