Friday, 26 April 2019

Recruitment for Group-C Vacancies in BDS UHSR

Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences (PBDSUHS), Rohtak has been established as state university in the year of 2008.

Online applications are invited for the following 976 Group-C  vacancy  posts in  BDS UHS, Rohtak :

Group-C Vacancies at UHS Rohtak 

  1. Staff Nurse : 595 vacancies
  2. Clerk : 54 vacancies
  3. Steno Typist : 30 vacancies
  4. Store Keeper : 25 vacancies
  5. Laboratory Technician : 113 vacancies
  6. Laboratory Attendant : 123 vacancies
  7. Operation Theatre Technician : 36 vacancies

Online Submission of Application

Apply Online by prescribed application form  at Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences  website from 22/04/2019 to 15/05/2019 only. 

Details and application form for UHST Vacancies 

Please visit for details and online submission of application.

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