Thursday, 11 April 2019

Probationary Officer Recruitment in SBI

State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment for the recruitment of following 2000  vacancy position of Probationary Officers (PO)  in State Bank of India (SBI) on regular basis : 

State Bank of India (SBI) traces its ancestry to Bank of Calcutta founded in 1806. It was the first bank established in India, and over a period of time, evolved into State Bank of India (SBI). SBI represents a sterling legacy of over 200 years. It is the oldest commercial bank in the Indian subcontinent, strengthening the nation’s trillion-dollar economy and serving the aspirations of its vast population. The Bank is India’s largest commercial Bank in terms of assets, deposits, branches, number of customers and employees, enjoying the faith of millions of customers across the social spectrum.

A Fortune 500 company, SBI has entered into the league of top 50 global banks with a balance sheet size of over Rs 30 lakh crore, over 24,000 branches and 59,000+ ATMs serving over 42 crore customers as on on 1st April 2017. SBI has an overseas presence through 195 foreign offices spread across 36 Countries.

Working as an Employee / Officer in State Bank of India (SBI) is a pride in itself. Probationary Officers (PO) in State Bank of India is prestigious career option and it give a lot of  working experience and  give assured career progression up to Managing Director of SBI. If you are seeking an officer or a banking career, then you should apply for this vacancy and should not miss this opportunity.

Online Recruitment Process

Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join State Bank of India as a Probationary Officer, is required to register online at SBI website for the Recruitment Process.  The examination will be held in three phases i.e. Preliminary examination (Objective Type of 100 marks and Online), Main examination and Group Exercise & Interview. The candidates who are shortlisted after Preliminary examination will have to appear for Main examination (Objective Type of 200 marks and online). The candidates shortlisted after the main examination will be subsequently called for a Group Exercises & Interview.  Preliminary Examination for PO vacancies will be held on 8th, 9th & 15th, 16th, June 2019 and the online main examination for passed candidates will held on 20th July  2019.

Probationary Officer (PO) Vacancies

Probationary Officers (PO)  : 2000 posts (UR-810, OBC-540, EWS-200, SC-300, ST-150) (PWD-133), Qualification : Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central Government. Those who are in the Final year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply, Age : Not below 21 years and not above 30 years as on 01/04/2019, relaxation in age for reserved category candidates is as per rules, Pay Scale :  Rs. 23700 - 42020, the candidates will start with basic pay of Rs. 27620/- (with 4 advance increments) in  Junior Management Grade Scale-I  (JMGS-I)

Application Fee    

Rs. 750/-  (Rs. 120/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online. 

Apply Online at SBI website from 02/04/2019 to 22/04/2019 only. 

Details and Application Format

For more information and application format, please visit the Recruitment page at SBI website

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