Sunday, 29 September 2019

DSSSB Fire Operator 2019 Vacancies

DSSSB Fire Operator 2019 Vacancies 

  • Fire Operator: 706 vacancies (UR-190, OBC-115, EWS-21, SC-309, ST-71) (PWD-29) for Delhi Fire Service, Pay Scale*: ₹5200-20200 Grade Pay ₹2000/-, 
  • Age: 27 years
    * The pay scales are to be revised soon to 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Level

    Application Fee: ₹100/- (No fee from SC/ST/PH/Ex.SM candidates) to be paid online only through SBI e-pay.

    The selection for DSSSB Vacancy 2019 for Fire Operator for Delhi Fire Service  One Tier (G) examination scheme and Physical Endurance Test as prescribed by the Chief Fire Officer.

    How to Apply for DSSSB Fire Operator Vacancy 2019?

    Apply Online on prescribed format at  DSSSB website   from 07/10/2019 to 06/11/2019 only for DSSSB Fire Operator Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

    Friday, 27 September 2019

    DRDO Recruitment

    DRDO Recruitment of Admin & Allied Vacancies by CEPTAM-09  

    DRDO Admin & Allied Vacancy through CEPTAM-09 

    1. Stenographer Grade-II (English Typing): 13 vacancies
    2. Administrative Assistant ‘A’ (English Typing): 54 vacancies
    3. Administrative Assistant ‘A’ (Hindi Typing): 04 vacancies
    4. Store Assistant ‘A’ (English Typing): 28 vacancies
    5. Store Assistant ‘A’ (Hindi Typing): 04 vacancies
    6. Security Assistant ‘A’: 40 vacancies
    7. Clerk (Canteen Manager Grade-III): 03 vacancies
    8. Asstt Halwai-cum Cook: 29 vacancies
    9. Vehicle Operator ‘A’: 23 vacancies
    10. Fire Engine Driver ‘A’: 06 vacancies
    11. Fireman: 20 vacancies
    Pay Scale: Pay at level-2 (₹19900-63200) for all post codes except Stenographer Grade-II i.e. Pay at level-4 (₹25500-81100) as per 7th CPC Pay matrix and other benefits as per Govt. of India rules.

    Age : 18-27 years

    Application Fee

    ₹100/- (No fee for SC/ ST/ PWD/ ESM/ Women are exempted from Exam fee)  to be paid online mode.

    How to Apply DRDO Admin & Allied Vacancies under CEPTAM-09/A&A 2019?

    APPLY for the posts mentioned above under DRDO CEPTAM-09/A&A  from 21/09/2019 to 15/10/2019 only.

    Details and Online submission of application

    For complete information and application form for DRDO CEPTAM-09/A&A for Admin & Allied Vacancies Recruitment 2019, please visit

    Driver Recruitment in Haryana and Punjab Courts by SSSC 2019

    APPLICATION  are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of following POST of  Drivers on behalf of the District and Sessions Judges of  in the state of Haryana  and Punjab  by Society for Centralized Recruitment of Staff in Subordinate Courts (SSSC) in Haryana under High Court of Punjab and Haryana by way of direct recruitment. (Advertisement No. 26D & 27D/SSSC/HR/2019) 

    SSSC Driver recruitment 2019 Vacancies

    • Driver :  22  vacancies (Haryana Courts - 08, Punjab Courts - 14) in District and Sessions Judges courts of Haryana and Punjab, Pay Scale : Pay Level-01 ₹5910-20200 Grade Pay ₹2400/-, Age : 18 - 37  years, Qualification : The applicant should be at least middle pass with Punjabi/Hindi as one of the subjects. He should possess a valid licence for L.T.V.

    Application Fee

    Application fee of ₹750/- for male and Rs. 375/- for Female candidates (₹200/- for male  SC/ST/OB/Ex.SM and Rs. 100/- for female candidates of Haryana only), ₹750/- for all candidates of other states)  to be deposited in any branch of State Bank of India by ‘Cash Deposit Receipt’ printed at the time of registration.

    How to Apply for SSSC Driver Recruitment 2019 for Punjab and Haryana Courts?  

    Apply Online at SSSC website from 23/09/2019 to 22/10/2019 only for Registration Step-I and last date is 25/1-/2019 for Registration Step-II for SSSC Driver Recruitment 2019.   

    Details and online application submission

    Please visit for detailed information and online application format for SSSC Driver Recruitment 2019 for Punjab and Haryana Courts

    Stenographer Examination 2019 by SSC 2019

    Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ Examination 2019 by SSC 2019

    The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold an open competitive Computer Based Examination 2019 from 05/05/2020 to 07/05/2020 for Recruitment of Stenographer Grade ‘C’ (Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted) and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ (Group ‘C’) for various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations in the Government of India

    SSC Stenographer Recruitment 2019 Vacancies

    • Stenographers Grade C / D: Vacancies of Stenographer Grade 'C' and Stenographers Grade 'D' are in Ministries/Departments of Central Government, including their Attached/ Subordinate offices located in States and Union Territories all over the country. Number of Vacancies will be intimated later, Age: 18-27 years for Grade 'D' and 18-30 for some Grade 'C' posts as on 01/01/2020, Relaxations in age as per rules, Qualification: Must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent from a recognized Board or University

    Application Fee

    Rs. 100/- to be paid through BHIM UPI, Net Banking or by using Visa MasterCard, Maestro RuPay Credit, or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branch by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

      How to Apply SSC Stenographer Recruitment 2019? 

      Apply Online on prescribed format at SSC Recruitment website from 20/09/2019 to 18/10/2019 only for SSC Stenographer Recruitment 2019

      BTSC Staff Nurse and Tutor Vacancy 2019

      BTSC Staff Nurse and Tutor Vacancy 2019

      • Staff Nurse Grade-A : 9130 vacancies (UR-2498, EWS-625, MBC-2380, BC-1069, BC-Women-426, SC-2036, ST-96), Pay Scale : Pay Level-7, Age : 21-37 years, Relaxation in age as per rules.
      • Tutor : 169 vacancies (UR-66, EWS-16, MBC-31, BC-20, BC-Women-06, SC-29, ST-01), Pay Scale : Pay Level-8,  Age : 21-37 years, Relaxation in age as per rules.

      Application Fee 

      Rs. 200/- (Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/MBC/Women candidates of Bihar) to be paid online through Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Internet Banking Or SBI Payment e-challan

      How to Apply BTSC Nurse & Tutor Vacancy 2019?

      Eligible candidates have to apply only at   BTSC recruitment website from 25/07/2019 to 26/08/2019 19/09/2019 to 12/10/2019 only.

      Details and Application Format

      Please visit for details and  for BTSC Bihar Hospital Staff Nurse and Tutor Vacancy 2019.

      Law Clerk Vacancy by Bombay High Court

      Recruitment for Law Clerk Vacancy by Bombay High Court 

      Online APPLICATION are invited for the recruitment of following 181 VACENCY of Law Clerks on the High Court of Judicature at Bombay  and its Benches at Nagpur and Aurangabad for current vacancies and for wish lists :

      Bombay High Court Law Clerk 2019 Vacancy

      • Law Clerk: 51 vacancies Bombay High Court-23, Nagpur Bench-14, Aurangabad-14), Pay : Each Law Clerk will be paid a consolidated amount of  Rs. 20000 per month as Stipend / Honorarium for the assignment, or such amount as may be prescribed from time to time by the Government, Age: 21-30 years, Qualification:  Fresh Law Graduates who have passed the final LL.B.  Examination in the first attempt with a minimum of 55% marks or  (ii) Candidates possessing a Post Graduate Degree in Law.

      How to Apply for Clerk Vacancy 2019 in Bombay High Court?

      Application for Bombay High Court Law Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2019  should be submitted  along with his/her self attested documents upon recommended by the Principals of aforesaid institutions   /   Presidents   of   Bar   Associations   addressed   to   the Registrar (Personnel), High Court, Appellate Side, Bombay,  5th floor, New Mantralaya Building, G. T. Hospital Compound, Behind Ashoka Shopping   Centre,   Near   Crowford   Market,   L.T.   Marg, Mumbai – 400 001 on or before  01/10/2019 till 5.00 p.m. by Speed   Post/R.P.A.D./Hand   delivery/Courier.  The cover containing the application shall be super scribed as : “Application for Appointment of Law Clerk”.

      Details and Online Application Submission

      For more information and online application form for Bombay High Court Law Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2019, please visit

      Thursday, 26 September 2019

      Uttarakhand SSSC Assistants and Stenographers Vacancy 2019

      Uttarakhand SSSC Assistants and Stenographers Vacancy  2019

      • Junior Assistant: 288 vacancies (Civil Courts-268, Family Courts-20), Pay Scale: Level - 3 ₹21700-69100Qualification: Graduate Degree in any discipline from any recognised University or Institute., Age: 21-35 years as on 01/01/2019.
      • Stenographer/Personal Assistant: 30 vacancies (Civil Courts-30), Pay Scale: Level - 5 ₹29200-92300, Qualification: Graduate Degree in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agriculture) from any recognised University or Institute., Age: 21-42 years as on 01/01/2019.
      • Stenographer Grade-I/Personal Assistant: 11 vacancies (Family Courts-11), Pay Scale: Level - 7 ₹44900-142400, Qualification: Graduate Degree in Agriculture (B.Sc. Agriculture) from any recognised University or Institute., Age: 21-42 years as on 01/01/2019 

      Application Fee

      ₹300/- (₹150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates of Uttarakhand) to be paid online OR by payment challan in SBI only.

      Apply on prescribed format at Uttarakhand SSSC Recruitment website from 16/09/2019 to 15/10/2019 only for UKSSSC Junior/Personal Assistant and Stenographers Vacancy 2019.   

      Details and Online Application Form

      Kindly visit for detailed information, syllabus for UKSSSC Agriculture Officer Vacancy Recruitment 2019.

      Sub-Inspector Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI CISF Examination by SSC 2019

      Sub-Inspector Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI CISF Examination by SSC 2019

      Recruitment of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI)  in CISF Examination 2019


      Educational Qualification for all posts is a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent.

      Application Fee

      Rs. 100/- to be paid through BHIM UPI, Net Banking or by using Visa MasterCard, Maestro RuPay Credit, or Debit cards or in cash at SBI Branch by generating SBI Challan. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen and Women candidates.

        How to Apply SSC CAPF Delhi Police Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2019? 

        Apply Online on prescribed format at SSC Recruitment website from 17/09/2019 to 16/10/2019 only for SSC CAPF Delhi Police Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2019.

        Details and Online Submission of Application

        For further details like scheme of examination, syllabus, application form etc. SSC CAPF Delhi Police Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2019, visit SSC website at and apply online with details at

        Recruitment of Assistants' in LIC 2019

        Recruitment of Assistants' in LIC 2019 

        application are invited by Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) from eligible candidates who must be Indian Citizens for selection, appointment and empanelment for following 7871  Assistants' for performing the various duties of Clerical Staff including Cashier, Single Window Operator, Customer Service Executive etc. in the jurisdiction of following 8 Zonal offices of LIC and various Divisional Offices in its organisation in these zonal offices. 

        LIC Assistant Recruitment 2019 7871 Vacancies

        1. Central Zonal Office, Bhopal :  472 vacancies in 8 Divisional Offices
        2. South Central Zonal Office, Hyderabad : 632 vacancies in 17 Divisional Offices
        3. North Central Zonal Office, Kanpur : 1242 vacancies in 12 Divisional Offices
        4. East Central Zonal Office, Patna :  1497 vacancies in 11 Divisional Offices
        5. Southern Zonal Office, Chennai : 400 vacancies in 12 Divisional Offices
        6. Western Zonal Office, Mumbai : 1104 vacancies in 18 Divisional Offices
        7. Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata :  980 vacancies in 12 Divisional Offices
        8. Northern Zonal Office, Delhi : 1544 vacancies in 14 Divisional Offices

        Pay Scale and salary of LIC Assistant

        Regular pay scale will be Rs. 14435-40080 and the starting salary per month will approx. of Rs. 30000/- per month in 'A' class city.


        Bachelor’s Degree in any disciplines of a recognised Indian University/Institute. 

        Age: 18-30 years as on 01/09/2019. Relaxation in age as per rules.

        Selection Procedure of LIC Assistant 2019

        Selection for Recruitment of Assistants in LIC 2019 will be made on the basis of an Online Preliminary Recruitment Test on 21, 22 October 2019. The dates of online Mains exam will be announced later.

        Application Fee for LIC Assistant Application 2019

        Rs. 510/- (Rs. 85/- fee for SC/ST) to be paid Online only by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ Master Card/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.

        How to Apply for LIC Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2019?

        at LIC website only from 17/09/2019 to 01/10/2019 only for Recruitment of Assistants in LIC 2019.

        Details and Online Application

        Please visit   for detailed zonal wise information and Fee Payment voucher along with a link to the Online application form for Recruitment of Assistants in LIC 2019.

        Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

         Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...