Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Dy. Manager (Technical) vacancy in NHAI

The National Highways Authority of India was constituted by an act of Parliament under Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways.  NHAI is responsible for the development, maintenance and management of National Highways entrusted to it and for matters connected or incidental thereto. The Authority was operationalised in February, 1995 with the appointment of full time Chairman and other Members. National  Highways  Authority  of  India  (NHAI)  invites  applications  for  40  posts  of  Deputy Manager (Technical)   on Direct Recruitment basis through  GATE  scores  valid  in  the  discipline  of  Civil  Engineering.:

Vacancy :

  • Dy. Manager (Technical) : 40 posts (UR-23, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-03) (PWD-04), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-, Age : 30 years as on 31/07/2017, Qualification :  Degree in Civil Engineering   from   a   recognized University / Institute, Selection  on the basis of valid GATE scores in Civil Engineering discipline.
How to Apply :  Apply Online at NHAI website on or before 31/07/2017 only. Duly  filled  Application  /  Application   Acknowledgement along with   requisite documents may be sent by Registered/Speed Post at the following address: M.N.Ghei Deputy General Manager (HR/Admn. - II), National Highways Authority of India, G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka,  New Delhi-110075.

Details and Application Format : Please view http://nhai.org/RECRUITMENT_DY_%20MANAGER.pdf  for details and online/offline application format 

1 comment:

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