Saturday, 3 June 2017

Semi-Skilled Industrial Employees vacancy in IOF

Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), managing Indian Ordnance Factory (IOF), is a bicentenary Government of India organization under Ministry of Defence  spread  throughout India with State of Art defence production technology in diverse fields and  other establishments for Training, Safety, R&D, Recruitment etc. Ordnance Factory Recruitment Centre, on behalf of all the Ordnance Factories invites Online applications from eligible citizens of India for filling up vacancies/posts of Semi-Skilled grade Industrial Employees (IEs) Group 'C' in different trades and Labour Group 'C' in various Ordnance Factories located across India. Eligible and interested citizens of India, willing to contribute to National Defence Production and defence preparedness of the country are invited to apply Online :

Vacancies :

  • Industrial Employees (Semi-Skilled) & Labour Group 'C' : 5186 vacancies in various trades and skills, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 1800 (Rs. 18000 in Pay matrix of 7th Pay Commission), Age : 18-32 years as on 19/06/2017. , Qualification :  Matriculation + National Trade Certificate (NTC)/National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) issued by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT), For Labour : Matriculation only. 
Selection process shall comprise of a 2 stage process:
  • Written examination of 100 marks, objective type and OMR based
  • Trade Test (Practical) at respective factory along with document verification. On the basis of merit list based on marks obtained in written test, candidates 1.25 times the number of vacancies shall be called for Trade Test (Practical).

Application Fee : The candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs.50/-   (No fee for SC/ST/ Female/ Physically Handicapped candidates) either by payment gateway integrated in the website by using credit card, debit card or net banking or by depositing the money in any branch of SBI by cash (through challan downloaded from  IOF recruitment website).

Details and How to Apply : Apply Online at IOF recruitment  website and see detailed information at  and apply online from 29/05/2017 to 19/06/2017.

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