Saturday, 24 June 2017

Recruitment of Officers as Managers in NABARD

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) (Fully owned by Govt. of India and Reserve Bank of India) invites 
online applications  from Indian citizens for the recruitment of following  vacancy of Officers in Grade A and Grade B as Managers and Assistant Managers  :

Vacancies :

  1. Manager in Grade B : 17 posts (UR-8, OBC-5, SC-2, ST-2) (General-9, Agriculture-8)  in Rural Development Banking Service, Age : 21-35 years as on 01/06/2017, Pay Scale : Rs. 35150 - 62400, Apply from 16/06/2017 to 07/07/2017
  2. Assistant Manager in Grade A : 91 posts (UR-47, OBC-24, SC-14, ST-6)  in Rural Development Banking Service, Age : 21-30 years as on 01/06/2017, Pay Scale : Rs. Rs. 28150-55600, Apply from 19/06/2017 to 10/07/2017
    1. General 46 posts
    2. Economics 5 posts
    3. Agriculture 6 posts
    4. Agriculture Engineering 2 posts
    5. Plantation and Horticulture 4 posts
    6. Animal Husbandry 5 posts
    7. Fisheries 3 posts
    8. Food Processing 3 posts
    9. Forestry 3 posts
    10. Environmental Engineering 3 posts
    11. Water Resource Development & Management 4 posts
    12. Social Work 2 posts
    13. Chartered Accountant 3 posts
    14. Company Secretary 2 posts
  3. Assistant Manager in Grade A : 09 posts in Protocol & Security Service, Pay Scale : Rs. 28150 - 55600, Apply from 21/06/2017 to 12/07/2017
Relaxation in age as per rules. 

Application Fee : Rs. 900/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online for the posts of Manager (RDBS) and  Rs. 9800/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid online for the posts of Assistant Managers.

How to Apply : The candidates can apply on NABARD website  between the dates mentioned against the vacancies. 

Further Information and online submission of application

For further information, Payment challan and online submission of application, please visit

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