Wednesday, 3 January 2018


Online applications are invited for following Ayurved Faculty  posts in various disciplines in Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan (CBPACS), Najafgarh, Delhi, An Autonomous Institution under Govt. of NCT of Delhi (Advertisement No. 04/2017)  :

  1. Vaidya I/C OPD  : 04 posts 
  2. Casualty Medical Officer : 06 posts
  3. Resident Medical Officer : 01 post
  4. Panchkarma Vaidya : 04 posts
  5. Clinical Registrar : 14 posts on contract basis for 3 years

Application Fee : Rs. 5000/- (for General Category) and Rs. 1500/- (for Reserved Category) in form of demand draft in favour of  Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan payable at Delhi(Surprised to see so high fee? See our blog post on this topic here)

Application reach the office of the Director-Principal, Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan (CBPACS), Khera Dabur, near Najafgarh, New Delhi-110073 by within 15 days of publication of the advertisement.  

Detailed information and application format

Please visit Vacancies section of CBPCS website at for details and  application format.

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