Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Vacancy in ICHR Delhi

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), Delhi is an autonomous organization which was established under Societies Registration Act  in 1972. Its headquarter is in  New Delhi. Applications on prescribed format are invited for recruitment to the following posts :


  1. Editorial Assistant : 02 posts
  2. Assistant : 01 post 
  3. Xerox Operator : 01 post 
  4. Copy Holder : 01 post 
  5. Junior Hindi Translator : 01 post 
  6. Accounts Clerk : 01 post
  7. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) :  13 posts  
  8. Staff Car Driver : 01 post 

Apply Online at ICHR website on or before 22/01/2018 only.

Details and Application Format :

Please view for details and online application format.

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