Monday, 22 January 2018

Job Vacancy in Chenab Valley Power Projects

Chenab Valley Power Projects [P] Limited (CVPP), has been incorporated  as a Joint Venture  Company of NHPC Limited, JKSPDC and PTC (India) Limited for execution at Chenab River Basin in District Kishtwar of Jammu & Kashmir (Advt. No. CVPP/HR/Rectt/2017/01)  :


  1. Trainee Engineer (Civil) / E-1 : 17 posts
  2. Trainee Engineer (Electrical) / E-1 : 12 posts
  3. Trainee Engineer (Mechanical)/ E-1 : 11 posts
  4. Trainee Engineer (IT)/ E-1 : 04 posts
  5. Trainee Engineer (E&C)/ E-1 : 03 posts
  6. Trainee Officer (HR)/ E-1 : 03 posts
  7. Trainee Officer (Finance)/ E-1 : 05 posts
  8. Trainee Officer (Geology)/ E-1 : 02 posts
  9. Trainee Officer (Law)/ E-1 : 01 post
  10. Junior Engineer (Civil)/S1 : 16 posts
  11. Junior Engineer (Electrical)/ S1 : 09 posts
  12. Junior Engineer (Mechanical)/S1 : 08 posts

Rs. 500/- (SC/ST/PH/Female candidates are exempted)  to be paid online.

Pay Scales 

  1. E-1 : Rs. 16400-3%-40500
  2. E-2 : Rs. 20600-3%-46500
  3. S-1 : Rs. 13000-3%-41100

Eligible candidates are advised to apply Online only at CPVV website from from 18/11/2017 to 15/12/2017 now extended up to 15/01/2018 15/02/2018 only.

Please visit  CPVV website  at for detailed information and a link to Apply Online

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