Thursday, 29 March 2018

Recruitment for Scientist-B Vacancy in NTRO

National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), Government of India  invites Online application for the following  Govt. Job posts of Scientist-B  from eligible Engineers in various subject/disciplines having valid GATE Scores  :

Scientist-B Vacancy

  • Scientist-B : 62 posts (Electronics-21, Computer Science - 35, Geo-Informatics-06), Pay Scale : Level 10 of 7th CPC ₹ 56100-177500, Age : 30 years as on 14/04/2018 

Apply Online at  NTRO Recruitment website from 24/03/2018 to 14/04/2018 only.

Please  visit for details and online submission of application

Recruitment of Faculty Vacancy in DTU Delhi

Delhi Technological University (DTU) (formerly Delhi College of Engineering), a university of Government of NCT of Delhi. DTU  invites online applications from the talented individuals to fill up the following Govt. Job posts of Professors and Assistant Professors on regular basis in the disciplines of Design, Mathematics and Computing (M&C), Management (USME) by direct mode of recruitment:

Faculty Vacancies

  • Professor : 02 posts in  University  School  of  Management  and  Entrepreneurship (USME), East Delhi, Pay Scale : ₹ 37400-67000 AGP ₹ 10000/-, Age ; 50 years
  • Professor : 01 posts in  Design, Pay Scale : ₹ 37400-67000 AGP ₹ 10000/-, Age : 50 years
  • Associate Professors :  38 posts  (UR-17,  OBC-12, SC-06, ST-03)  in the disciplines of Applied ChemistryPolymer Science & Chemical Technology, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering PhysicsHumanities (English), Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering & Automobile Engineering, Pay Scale : ₹ 37400-67000 AGP ₹ 9000/-, Age : 45 years
  • Assistant Professor :  03 posts in Design  (UR-02,  SC-01), Pay Scale : ₹ 15600-39100  AGP ₹ 6000/-, Age : 35 years
  • Assistant Professor :  06 posts in Mathematics and Computing  (UR-01, OBC-01, SC-01, ST-01), Pay Scale : ₹ 15600-39100  AGP ₹ 6000/-, Age : 35 years
  • Assistant Professor :  01 post in Training & Placement  (UR-01), Pay Scale : ₹ 15600-39100  AGP ₹ 6000/-, Age : 35 years

Application Fee: Demand draft of ₹1000/- in case of General/OBC candidates and ₹500/- in case of SC/ST/PWD to be deposited online.

Apply Online at DTU website  only. The printout of the system generated application,  duly filled in along with all the desired documents and requisite fee receipt should be submitted in the University campus at the Reception Counter, Administrative Block on any working day OR sent by post, so as to reach the Registrar, Delhi Technological University, Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 latest by 11/05/2018  (21/05/2018 for the posts of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Training & Placement only) at 05.00 p.m.

Please visit Jobs Section at DTU Website at for details and onlineapplication  format.  (Kindly  HTTPS  and apply HTTP only the link is not working) 

Assistant Director Medical vacancy in National Board of Examinations (NBE)

The National board of Examination is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India to conduct Post Graduate Examinations of the National level. The Board invites application from eligible MBBS Graduates for filling up the following Govt. Job posts on regular basis :


  • Assistant Director (Medical) : 07 posts (UR-04, OBC-02, SC-01) (PH-1), Pay Scale : Level 10 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix + NPA Rs. 56100-177500,  Age Limit :  35 years, Qualification : A recognised medical qualification.

Application Fee: Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/PWD) in favour of National Board of Examinations payable at New Delhi.  Applicant must write their Name, Date of Birth and mobile number on the reverse side of the DD. No fees is applicable for SC/ST/PwD applicants.

The application with desired information along with attested copies of supporting testimonials should reach the Assistant Director (Admn.), National Board of Examinations, Medical Enclave, Mahatama Gandhi Marg (Ring-Road), Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029 on or before 21/04/2018 only.

For more information and application form, please visit

Faculty Vacancy in Gondwana University Gadchiroli

Gondwana University, Gadchiroli is a State University established by Government of Maharashtra, invites application for the following Govt. Jobs of Faculty vacancy for the post of Professor and Associate Professors in various disciplines and subjects   :

Faculty vacancy :

  1. Professor :  05 posts in various disciplines/subjects
  2. Associate Professor :  10 posts in various disciplines/subjects 

Application Fee: Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 700/- for reserved category candidates tn the form of bank demand draft in favour of Finance and Accounts Officer, Gondwana University, Gadchiroli payable at Gadchiroli.

Application in 11 copies in prescribed format should be send on or before 15/04/2018 only .

Details and Application Format: Please visit  for detailed information and online application format. (Please change URL from HTTPS to HTTP, if is not working) 

Recruitment for Teacher

Atomic Energy Education Society (AEES), Anushaktinagar, Mumbai is an Autonomous Body, under the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, which provides education for wards of the DAE employees up to junior college level. Atomic Energy Central Schools and Junior Colleges are spread all across the country and are affiliated to CBSE and other boards. Applications are invited for following  vacancy posts in 31 AEES schools in various subjects/disciplines (Advertisement No. AEES/01/2018) :


  1. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) : 08 posts (English-2, Math-1, Physics-2, Chemistry-1, Biology-2) (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1), Pay Scale : Level-8 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age : 40 years
  2. Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) : 17 posts (Hindi/Sanskrit-7, Mathematics/Physics-7, Chemistry/Biology-3) (UR-6, OBC-6, SC-2, ST-2), Pay Scale : Level-7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age :  35 years
  3. Primary  Teacher (TGT) : 25 posts  (UR-13, OBC-8, SC-1, ST-3), Pay Scale : Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, Age :  30 years

Application Fee:  of ₹750/- to be paid online by Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates.

Apply online on or before 07/04/2018 at AEES website only. 

This advertisement and application form is available at    (Please change URL from HTTPS to HTTP, if is not working)

Recruitment of Officers in AAI North-East

Airports Authority of India (AAI) is a Government of India Schedule 'A' Mini Ratna Category -1 Public Sector Enterprise invites online application from willing and eligible Engineering Graduates possessing GATE 2018 marks for the following Govt. Job posts of Junior Executives (Officers)  in various Engineering disciplines in the pay scale of  40000-140000 (E-1) through direct recruitment :


  • Junior Executives :  541 posts in various engineering disciplines,  Pay Scale : ₹ 40000-140000, Age : 27 years as on 30/04/2018. Relaxation in age as per rules.
    • Junior Executive (Civil Engineering) : 100 posts (UR-50, OBC-27, SC-15, ST-08)
    • Junior Executive (Electrical Engineering) : 100 posts (UR-50, OBC-27, SC-15, ST-08)
    • Junior Executive (Electronics Engineering) : 330 posts (UR-189, OBC-80, SC-39, ST-22)
    • Junior Executive (Architecture) : 12 posts (UR-09, OBC-02,  ST-01)

Application Fee: ₹ 300/‐  is to be paid by the candidates through Online mode only.  SC/ST/PWD/Female candidates are exempted from payment of fee.  

Apply Online at AAI website from 28/03/2018 to 27/04/2018 only. 

Please visit AAI Website > Careers =>i.e.  for the  details and online application format

UPSC Vacancy Advt. No. 06/2018

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi - 110069  invites Online application by  12/04/2018 for  following  Govt. jobs vacancy posts in various Government of India / Union Territories Ministries and Departments in the prescribed online format (Advt. No.  06/2018):

  1. Assistant Commissioner (Cooperation/Credit) : 01 post (UR-01) in  Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare 
  2. Deputy Drugs Controller (I) (Medical Devices: 01 post (UR-01) in Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 
  3. Assistant Drugs Controller (I) (Medical Devices) : 02 posts (UR-02) in Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 
  4. Assistant Professor (Electrical Engineering) : 01 post (UR-01) in National Fire Service College, Nagpur, Ministry of Home Affairs
  5. Additional Government Advocate : 02 posts (OBC-01, UR-01) in Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice 
  6. Joint Secretary and Legal Adviser : 06 posts (SC-01, OBC-02, UR-03) in Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice   

Application Fee: Rs. 25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates. 

How to Apply: Apply Online at UPSC Online website at on or before 12/04/2018 for advt. no. 06/2018. 

For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 06/2018  please view   (Kindly  HTTPS  and apply HTTP only the link is not working)

Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

 Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...