Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Vacancy in Atomic Energy Purchase and Stores Directorate

Directorate of Purchase and Stores (DPS),  Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India invites  Online applications are  for the following Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ sarkari naukri vacancy posts from eligible candidates for filling up the vacancies in DPS, Mumbai and other Regional Units of DPS all over India :


  1. Stenographer Gr. II : 01 post, Age : 18-27 years, Pay Scale :  Level 6 in the Pay Matrix. Initial pay ₹35400/-
  2. Stenographer Gr.III : 05 posts, Age : 18-27 years, Pay Scale :  Level 4 in the Pay Matrix. Initial pay ₹25500/-
  3. Junior Purchase Assistant / Junior Storekeeper : 04 posts for Ex.SM candidates only, Age : 18-27 years, Pay Scale :  Level 4 in the Pay Matrix. Initial pay ₹25500/-
  4. Junior Purchase Assistant / Junior Storekeeper : 01 post for PWD candidates only, Age : 18-27 years, Pay Scale :  Level 4 in the Pay Matrix. Initial pay ₹25500/-

Please submit Online Application at DAR / BARC recruitment website from 17/03/2018 to 16/04/2018 only.

Please visit for complete details and online submission of the application

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