Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Clerk Vacancy in National Council of Science Museums (NCSM)

National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) is the largest network of science centres/ museums under a single administrative umbrella in the world, 27 science centers/museums of NCSM located in different sites in India, an autonomous scientific organisation under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, invites application for the following naukri vacancy post:


  • Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : 03 posts  (UR-2, OBC-1),  Pay Scale :  pay Matrix Rs. 19900-63200/-, Age : 30 years as on 11/03/2018, Qualification :   12th Class pass or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University with typing speed @ 35 w.p.m./10500 KDPH in English or @ 30 w.p.m./9000 KDPH in Hindi on Computer. One year clerical experience is desirable.

Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 31/03/2018 only.

Please visit  http://ncsm.gov.in/recruitment-of-lower-division-clerk-adv-no-032018/ for further details and application format. (Kindly  remove HTTPS  and apply HTTP if  the link is not working)

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