Wednesday, 5 October 2016

National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC) Recruitment of Executive Trainees through GATE 2017

National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC)
NTPC Bhawan, Scope Complex, Core-7, Institutional Area 
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 

Maharatna NTPC is looking for promising, energetic young Graduate Engineers with brilliant academic record to join the organization as Executive Trainees in the following  disciplines  of  Engineering through GATE-2017 :

Executive Trainee vacancy :

  • Executive Trainees Engineer : in the disciplines of Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation,  Electronics, Civil, C.  Recruitment trough GATE-2017,  Age : 27 years, Qualification : Engineering  degree in the relevant branch with minimum 65% marks., Pay Scale : Rs. 24900 - 3% - 50500.
Candidates interested in joining NTPC  as Executive Trainee Engineers in 2016 - 17 are required to appear in GATE - 2017. Interested candidates who have passed the eligibilityqualification can apply online at NTPC website after obtaining the registration number for GATE-2017.

GATE 2017 : 

Candidates interested in joining NTP as Executive Trainee (ET) Engineers    must appear for GATE-2017 examination, which is being conducted by IIT, Roorkee in the month of February, 2017. The candidates are required to apply to IIT, Roorkee from 01/09/2016 to 04/10/2016 as per the information hosted on the website of IIT, Roorkee. Further details regarding GATE-2017 examination can be accessed from

How to Apply :  

Apply Online at NTPC website from 10/01/2017  to 31/01/2017 with GATE 2017 admission registration number only.  

Details and application form :

Please visit NTPC website for more details and online submission of application.

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