Wednesday, 26 October 2016

vacancy in General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) Border Raod Organisation (BRO)

Border Raod Organisation (BRO)
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways
General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF)

Job vacancy in GREF

Applications are invited for filling up the following 2176 posts of  in General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) of Border Road Organisation (BRO) from Indian Nationals (Male) only  (Advt. No. 01/2016) : 

Job Vacancies :

  1. Draughtsman : 52 posts
  2. Supervisor Stores : 06 posts
  3. Supervisor Nursing : 06 posts
  4. Hindi Typist : 08 posts
  5. Vehicle Mechanic : 133 posts
  6. Welder : 13 posts
  7. Multi Skilled Worker (Pioneer) : 203 posts
  8. Multi Skilled Worker (Mess Waiter) : 16 posts
  9. Multi Skilled Worker (Nursing Assistant) : 65 posts
  10. Multi Skilled Worker (Safaiwala) : 119 posts
  11. Multi Skilled Worker (Driver Engine Static) : 384 posts
  12. Multi Skilled Worker (Mason) : 154 posts
  13. Multi Skilled Worker (Cook) : 330 posts
  14. Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade) : 475 posts
  15. Driver Road Roller (Ordinary Grade) : 73 posts
  16. Operator Excavating Machinery (Ordinary Grade) : 139 posts

How to Apply : 

All applications quoting this advertisement number and post applied for should be submitted  to   Commandant, GREF Centre, Dighi Camp, Pune – 411015  so as to reach the within 45 days of publication (published on 22/10/2016).

Details and Application Format :

For more information like educational qualification, medical standards, fitness testselection procedureApplication Forminstruction to filling the form etc., please visit and Application Form is available at this webpage.

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