Saturday, 22 October 2016

Technical & Non Technical post in Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)
District Hamirpur - 177001 (HP)

Online applications  are invited for the following posts in various departments in Himachal Pradesh Government by HPSSC (Advertisement No. 32-3/2016)  : 

Vacancies : 

  1. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 168 vacancies in various Himachal Govt. Departments
  2. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 10 vacancies in various Himachal PWD
  3. Junior Engineer (Mechanical) : 01 vacancy in IPH
  4. Horticulture Extension Officer : 06 vacancies  
  5. Press Duftry : 02 vacancies
  6. Data Entry Operator : 02 vacancies
  7. Civil Defence Instructor/ Chief Instructor/ Platoon Commander/ Administrative Officer/ Assistant Store Officer : 06 vacancies
  8. Havildar Instructor/Quarter Master Havildar : 07 vacancies
  9. Pump Operator : 250 vacancies
  10. Marketing Assistant : 02 vacancies
  11. Junior Engineer (Civil) : 01 vacancy in HPMC
  12. Junior Accountant : 08 vacancies in HPMC
  13. Assistant Technical Officer : 04 vacancies in HPMC
  14. Assistant Programmer : 01 vacancy in HPMC
  15. Computer Operator : 02 vacancies in HPMC
  16. Boiler Operator/Attendant : 02 vacancies in HPMC
  17. Refrigeration Plant Operator : 05 vacancies in HPMC
  18. Jr. Scale Stenographer : 02 vacancies in HPMC
  19. Jr. Scale Stenographer : 02 vacancies in HPMC
  20. Steno Typist : 03 vacancies in HPMC
  21. Clerk : 04 vacancies in HPMC
  22. Senior Laboratory Technician : 63 vacancies in Himachal Health Services
  23. Laboratory Assistant : 58 vacancies in Himachal Health Services
  24. Dark Room Attendant : 01 vacancy  
  25. Mechanic : 01 vacancy  
  26. Salesman : 03 vacancies in HP State Handicrafts & Handloom Corporation Ltd. 
  27. Master Craftsman (Wood: 02 vacancies in HP State Handicrafts & HandloomCorporation Ltd. 
  28. Junior Office Assistant : 704 vacancies in various Himachal Government departments
  29. Inspector (Hotel) : 04 vacancies in Tourism and Civil Aviation
  30. Tourist Information Officer : 05 vacancies in Tourism and Civil Aviation
  31. Assistant Chemist : 01 vacancy in HPGIC
  32. Junior Engineer (IT) : 10 vacancies in HPSEBL
  33. Supervisor : 50 vacancies in HP Women and Child Development Department
  34. Marketing Assistant : 07 vacancies in Himfed
  35. Accountant : 03 vacancies in Himfed
  36. Manager (Industrial Estate / Area) : 02 vacancies in Industries Department
  37. Junior Scale Stenographer : 01 vacancy in Prosecution department
  38. Operation Theatre Assistant (Allopathy) : 02 vacancies in Health Services 
  39. Ayurvedic Pharmacist : 148 vacancies in Ayurveda Department
  40. Supervisor  : 37 vacancies in Women & Child Development
  41. Language Teacher : 123 vacancies in Elementary Education
  42. Drawing Master : 79 vacancies in Elementary Education
  43. Physical Education Teacher : 118 vacancies in Elementary Education
  44. Shastri : 236 vacancies in Elementary Education
  45. Field Assistant : 01 vacancy   
  46. Reeling Demonstrator : 01 vacancy
  47. Junior Analyst : 02 vacancies
  48. Junior Engineer (Horticulture) : 07 vacancies in HPPWD
  49. Clerk : 02 vacancies
  50. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 02 vacancies in HIMUDA
  51. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 240 vacancies in various Himachal Government Departments
  52. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 01 vacancy in HPTCL
  53. Junior Draughtsman (Civil) : 04 vacancies in HIMUDA
  54. Ophthalmic Officer (Allopathy) : 02 vacancies in Health Services
Age : 18-45 years as on 01/01/2016.

How to Apply 

Apply Online at HPSSSB website from 18/10/2016 to 17/11/2016 only 

Details and application format : 

Please visit for details and online submission of application.

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