Saturday, 19 May 2018

Recruitment for Faculty vacancy in Bastar University

Bastar University, Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh) invites application from eligible candidates  in the 

prescribed format for the following 56 vacant vacancy posts of  Teaching Faculty / Academic Staff  in various disciplines / subjects on regular basis :


  1. Professor : 10 posts, Pay Scale : ₹ 37400-67000 AGP ₹  10000/- 
  2. Associate Professor : 18 posts, Pay Scale : ₹ 37400-67000 AGP ₹ 9000/- 
  3. Assistant Professor : 24 posts, Pay Scale : ₹ 15600-39100 AGP ₹ 6000/-  
  4. Lecturer : 04 posts, Pay Scale : ₹ 15600-39100 AGP ₹ 6000/- 

Application Fee: Demand Draft of  ₹ 2000/- (₹ 500/- for SC/ST/OBC categories) drawn in favour of Registrar, Bastar Vishwavidyalaya, payble at Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh).

The application in the prescribed format in triplicate should be submitted by 11/06/2018 to the Registrar, Bastar University, Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh) by Speed/Registered Post only.

Details and application Format 

For detailed information and application format, please visit

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