Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Recruitment of Teaching and Non-Teaching Vacancy in NIFTEM

National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management  (NIFTEM) has been set up at Kundli, Sonepat (Harayana) as an apex world class institute of global standards in in Food Science and Technology under Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India  NIFTEM invites application in the prescribed format  for the following Non-Teaching and Teaching vacancy. :


  1. Teaching Vacancy
    1. Professor :  03 posts
    2. Associate Professor : 05 posts
    3. Assistant Professor : 05 posts
  2. Non-Teaching Vacancy
    1. Controller of Examination (CoE) : 01 post
    2. Deputy Librarian (DL) : 01 post
    3. Dy. General Manager (DGM) : 01 post
    4. Assistant Librarian : 01 post
    5. Assistant General Manager (AGM) : 01 post
    6. Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) for Food Testing Lab : 01 post
    7. Manager for Pilot Plant : 01 post
    8. Senior Analyst for FTL : 02 posts
    9. Junior Analyst for FTL : 01 post
    10. Private Secretary : 01 post
    11. Foreman for PP : 02 posts
    12. Personal Assistant : 02 posts
    13. Assistant : 02 posts
    14. Lab In-charge : 02 posts
    15. Laboratory Technician : 05 posts (UR-04, SC-01)
    16. Technician : 02 posts
    17. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) : 02 posts 

Interested candidates should send their complete CV with prescribed proforma in an envelope superscribing the cover " Application for the post of ......... " at the following address : Registrar, NIFTEM Plot No.97, Sector-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli - 131028, District Sonepat, Haryana  on or before 24/05/2018.  

Please visit http://niftem.ac.in/site/Current_Opening.aspx  for detailed information and application format desired.

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