Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Scientist Vacancy Recruitment in NEERI Nagpur

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR, Nagpur invites application for following Govt. jobs  vacancy positions of  Scientist in various disciplines and at various levels   (Advt. No. 02/2018) :


  1. Scientist : 06 posts, Age : 32 years. Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Level-11 Rs. 67700/- 
  2. Senior Scientist  : various posts, Age : 37 years. Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Level-12 Rs. 78800/- 
  3. Principal Scientist : various posts, Age : 45 years. Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Level-13 Rs. 123100/- 

Application Fee: Application fee of Rs.500/- to be paid online through NEFT/RTGS to NEERI Bank account for General/OBC candidates only.

Apply online at NEERI website on or before 15/06/2018 only.  This computer generatedapplication (Print-out) duly signed (by the candidate) together with two coloured recent passport size photograph and accompanied by self-attested copies of the certificates, mark-sheets, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications (including conversion formula from CGPA to percentage), experience certificate, re-prints of publications and caste certificate, if applicable , along with application Fee Transfer Receipt (If applicable) should be sent in an envelope (separate envelope for each post ) to the Director, CSIRNational Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur – 440020, super scribed as “Application for the Post of _____ (Vacancy Code No._____) Advertisement No. NEERI-2/2018” by Registered/Speed Post only on or before 29/06/2018 only.

Please visit http://www.neeri.res.in/content/recruitment-1 for details and Online ApplicationForm

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