Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Recruitment of Supervisory Technical & Non-Technical Vacancy in CIPET

Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET)   an Autonomous premier Institute under Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt of 

India – is fully devoted to the growth of Plastics & allied Industries with a clear focus on Skill Development, Technology Support Services, Academics & Research (STAR) – in all domain of Plastics.

CIPET invites applications from potential candidates with a consistent track record for the recruitment for following Supervisory Non-Technical vacancy  positions for its Centres across the country:

Vacancy Positions

  1. Non-Technical positions
    1. Chief Manager (Finance & Accounts)
    2. Manager (Finance & Accounts)
    3. Sr. Officer  (Finance & Accounts)
    4. Officer  (Finance & Accounts)
    5. Chief Manager (Admin./Personnel/HR)
    6. Manager (Admin./Personnel/HR)
    7. Sr. Officer  (Admin./Personnel/HR)
    8. Officer  (Admin./Personnel/HR)
  2. Technical positions
    1. Chief Manager (Technical)
    2. Manager (Technical)
    3. Sr. Technical Officer  
    4. Technical Officer  
    5. Principal Scientist
    6. Senior Scientist
    7. Scientist
    8. Junior Scientist

How to Apply? 

Applications strictly in the prescribed format along with necessary enclosures should be sent in an envelope by Speed/Registered Post to Director (Administrator), CIPET Head Office, T.V.K. Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600032 latest by 25/06/2018

Details and Application Format

Please visit https://www.cipet.gov.in/job-opportunities/permanent_positions.php for details and application form.

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