Tuesday, 28 February 2017


(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Core-V, Scope Complex, 7 - Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

Cement Corporation of India Ltd. (CCI)  invites  applications  from  eligible  candidates,  who are fulfilling  the  requisite  criteria  for  filling  up  the  following  below mentioned vacancies at Bokajan (Assam), Tandur (Telangana), Rajban (Himachal Pradesh) and Corporate Office   : 

Vacancies :

  1. Addl. General Manager (Technical) : 02 posts
  2. Dy. General Manager (Projects) : 02 posts
  3. Dy. General Manager (MM) : 01 post (Backlog vacancy)
  4. Sr. Manager (Marketing) : 01 post
  5. Sr. Manager (Fin.) : 01 post  (Backlog vacancy)
  6. Sr. Manager (Mechanical: 01 post
  7. Sr. Manager (Operations) : 03 posts
  8. Manager (MM) : 01 post
  9. Manager (Marketing) : 01 post
  10. Manager (Mines) : 02 posts (Backlog vacancy)
  11. Manager (Production) : 01 post
  12. Maager (Instrumentation: 02 posts
  13. Manager (Electrical) : 02 posts
  14. Dy. Manager (Finance) : 01 post
  15. Dy. Manager (Civil) : 01 post
  16. Dy. Manager (Legal) : 01 post
  17. Accounts Officer : 03 posts
  18. Officer (HR) : 03 posts
  19. Jr. Staff Officer Gr. 1 : 02 posts 

How to Apply :  Interested candidates may send their applications the prescribed format in duly completedin all respects on or before 20/03/20176 to Dy. General Manager (HR), Cement Corporation of India Limited, Post Box No. 3061, Lodhi Raod, Post Office, New Delhi - 110003.   

Detailed Information and Application Format : Complete advertisement and application format is  available at Career page at CCI website  http://www.cementcorporation.co.in/page.php?id=20 

Assistant Engineer vacancy in WBSEDCL

Assistant Engineer vacancy in WBSEDCL  

West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL), Kolkata is Government of West Bengal Enterprise,  announces recruitment to the post of  Assistant Engineer in the disciplines of Electrical, Civil, Information Technology & Communication (IT&C) through GATE 2017 registration and admit card. Online Applications are invited for the following posts of Assistant Engineers : 

Assistant Engineer vacancy through GATE 2017 : 

  1. Assistant Engineer (Electrical)  : 57 posts (UR-31, OBC-10, SC-12, ST-04)
  2. Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 38 posts (UR-20, OBC-06, SC-08, ST-03, PWD-01)
  3. Assistant Engineer (Information Technology & Communication)  : 17 posts (UR-10, OBC-03, SC-04)

Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100  grade pay Rs. 5400/-

    Age : 18-27 years as on 01/01/2016.

    Application Fee :  Rs. 400/- through payment challan in United Bank of India. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from fee. 

    How to Apply :   Apply Online at WBSEDCL website from 27/02/2017 to 24/03/2017  onward only

    Detailed Information and application format : Please visit Career @ WBSEDCL section at http://www.wbsedcl.in/irj/go/km/docs/internet/new_website/careers.html for more information and online submission of application

    Recruitment of Special Officers in WBSEDCL

    Recruitment of Special Officers in WBSEDCL  

    West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL), Kolkata is Government of West Bengal Enterprise,  announces recruitment to the following posts of special Officers on contracts  : 

    Vacancy : 

    1. Special Officer (S&LP) : 02 posts  
    2. Special Officer (Land) : 07 posts   

    Application Fee :  Rs. 400/- through payment challan in United Bank of India. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from fee. 

    How to Apply :  Application Forms in the prescribed format duly filled in along with all self-attested documents / testimonials, proof of age and proof of work experience should be submitted to The Addl. General Manager (HR&A),Recruitment & Manpower Planning Cell, WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, 7th Floor, ”C” Block, Sector-II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700091, West Bengal on or  before 20/03/2017.

    Detailed Information and application format : Please visit Career @ WBSEDCL section at http://www.wbsedcl.in/irj/go/km/docs/internet/new_website/careers.html for more information and online submission of application. 

    Recruitment for Teaching and Non-Teaching vacancy in AMU

    Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
    Aligarh , (UP)

    Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following Teaching and Non-Teaching job vacancy in various subjects/ disciplines in Aligarh Muslim University  (AMU)  (Advertisement No. 1/2017) :

    Vacancies  :

    1. Professor in various disciplines
    2. Associate Professor in various disciplines
    3. Assistant Professor in various disciplines
    4. Principal, AMU City Girls High School 
    5. Senior Research Assistant
    6. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) in various subjects
    7. Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) in various subjects
    8. Primary Teacher, AMU Girls School
    9. Assistant DirectorPhysical Education, Games Committee
    10. Medical Officer, Modern Trauma Centre, JNMCH (XII Plan)
    11. Social Worker, Modern Trauma Centre, JNMCH (XII Plan)
    12. Physiotherapist, Modern Trauma Centre, JNMCH (XII Plan)
    13. Pump Operator, Building Department
    14. Stock Verifier, Central Purchase Office
    15. Lekhpal, Property Department
    16. Karinda, Property Department
    17. Technical Assistant in various Departments 
    18. Technical Assistant (Store), Department of Electronics Engineering
    19. Lab Assistant, Department of Applied Physics
    20. Senior Technical Assistant in various Departments
    21. Programme Assistant, Centre of Continuing and Adult Education
    22. Wiremen, Department of Electricity (Works & Maintenance)
    23. Microphotographist, Sir Syed Academy
    24. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (Admin.) in various centre
    25. Auditorium Incharge-cum-Programme Director, Cultural Education Centre
    26. Assistant (Legal), Property Department
    27. Assistant Matron, J.N. Medical College Hospital
    28. Private Secretary in various centres
    29. Section Officer (Admin.) in various centres
    30. Assistants (Admin.) in various centres
    31. MTS (Line Attendants) in varios centres 

    Application Fee :  Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- payable to Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh at State Bank of India, AMU Branch Aligarh (05555),

    How to Apply :  Apply in the prescribed format may either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter of Administrative Block or sent by post, super-scribing on the top left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement number and date, to the Deputy Registrar (Selection Committee), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh - 202002 (UP), so as to reach him by 03/03/2017

    Details and application format : Kindly visit  http://amuregistrar.com/vacancies.html for complete details of the vacancies and application form is available at http://www.amuregistrar.com/app_form.pdf and also please visit http://www.amuregistrar.com/ for more information. 

    Recruitment of Assistant Director in SAI

    Recruitment of Assistant Director in SAI

    Sports  Authority  of  India  (SAI)  an  Autonomous  Organization  under  the  Ministry  of Youth  Affairs  and  Sports with its Head office at Jawaharlal Nehru Sports Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003,  invites applications  from  the  candidates  who  appeared  in  Civil  Service  (Main)  Examination  2015  (Written  &  Interview)  conducted  by  Union  Public Service Commission(UPSC), for appointment to posts of Assistant Director  on Regular basis with all India transfer liability :

    Vacancies : Assistant Director : 06 posts (UR-1, OBC-2, SC-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-, Age : 21-32 years as on , Qualification : Essential - Graduate from a recognized University, Desirable - MBA in Sports Management

    Application Fee :   Rs. 500/- by DD in favour of ‘SECRETARY, SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA’ payable at New Delhi. No fee is also required to be paid by SC/ST/Women.

    How to Apply :  The application form in prescribed format  along with testimonials may be sent on or before 10/03/2017  to The Regional Director (Personnel), Sports Authority of India (SAI), Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Complex (East Gate),  2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. 

    Details and application format : Please view http://www.sportsauthorityofindia.nic.in/index1.asp?ls_id=17 for details and application form.

    Various post in Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

    Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi - 69  invites Online application by 16/03/2017 for following  various naukri job posts in various Government of India / Union Territories Ministries and Departments in the prescribed online format :

    Job Vacancies :

    1. Company Prosecutors : 03 posts (SC-01, ST-01, OBC-01) in  Ministry of Corporate Affairs 
    2. Deputy Superintending Archaeological Chemist : 06 posts (ST-01, OBC-01, UR-04) in Archaeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture 
    3. Assistant Director (Systems) : 39 posts (SC-06, ST-03, OBC-08, UR-22) in Directorate of Income Tax (Systems), Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance 
    4. Director General : 01 post (UR) in Geological Survey of India, Kolkata, Ministry of Mines  
    5. Deputy Director (ER) : 01 post (UR) in  Union Public Service Commission
    6. Deputy Director (ER) : 01 post (SC) in Union Public Service Commission
    7. Medical Officer (Homeopathy) : 12 posts (SC-02, ST-01, UR-09)  in  Directorate of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy, Health & Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 
    Application Fee :  Rs. 25/- to be paid cash/online at SBI.  No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates.

    How to Apply :  Apply Online at UPSC Online website at http://upsconline.nic.in/ora/VacancyNoticePub.php on or before 16/03/2017 for advt. no. 04/2017. 

    Details and online submission of application : For Details of posts, qualification, instructions and application format relating to Advt. No. 04/2017  please view http://www.upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Advt_04-17_Emp_ORA.pdf

    Recruitment of Xth 10th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions

     Online applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 2065  Group-B and Group-C  Sel...