Friday, 24 February 2017

vacancy in Hindustan Salts

Hindustan Salts Limited (HSL) with its subsidiary Sambhar Salts Limited (SSL) is a Government of India Enterprise under the administrative control of the Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, New Delhi. It is the only PSU involved in the manufacture  and sale of Edible and Industrial Salt, Rock Salt and Liquid Bromine at its works at Kharaghoda, Distt. Surendranagar  (Gujarat), Mandi (HP), and Sambhar Lake  Disrict Jaipur (Rajasthan) having its Corporate Office at Jaipur. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for following posts :

Vacancies :

  1. General Manager (Works)  : 02 posts
  2. Additional General Manager (Mines) : 01 post
  3. Manager (Surveyor Mines) : 01 post
  4. Assistant Manager (P&A) : 02 posts
  5. Assistant Manager (Finance & Accounts) : 02 posts
  6. Assistant Manager (Commercial / Marketing) : 02 posts
  7. Junior Manager Technical (Chemical/ Mechanical/ Civil/ Electrical/ IT) : 05 post

How to Apply :  Apply online at Hindustan Sambhar Salts Limited website on or before 07/03/2017 only.  The hard copy together with copies of testimonials and required fee must reach M/s. Hindustan Salts Limited, G-229, Sitapura Industrial Area, Jaipur-302022 (Rajasthan) on or before 11th March, 2017. Please mention “Application for the Post of ………………… on the envelope.

Detailed information and application format : Please visi  for details and online online application form.

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