Tuesday, 28 February 2017

SPA Vijayawada Faculty and Non-Teaching Jobs

SPA Vijayawada Faculty and Non-Teaching Jobs

School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh) invites applications from Indian Nationals for the following Faculty and Non-Teaching posts on Direct Recruitment / Deputation basis:   
Faculty Vacancies  :

  1. Professor : 05 posts, Pay Scale : PB-4 ₹37400 – 67000 + AGP ₹10000/-
  2. Associate Professor : 11 posts, Pay Scale : PB-4 ₹37400 – 67000 + AGP ₹ 9000/-
  3. Assistant Professor : 17 posts, Pay Scale : PB-3 ₹15600-39100 + AGP  ₹6000/-
Non-Teaching Vacancies :

  1. Assistant Registrar  : 02 posts
  2. Section Officer  : 02 posts
  3. Private Secretary  :  01 post
  4. Graphic Designer / Senior Technical Assistant (publications) : 01 post
  5. Junior Superintendent  : 01 post
  6. Junior Engineer (Electrical)  : 01 post
  7. Accountant  : 01 post
  8. Personal Assistant  : 02 posts
  9. Multi Skill Assistant  : 03 posts

Application Fee :  ₹500/- for General and OBC candidates (SC/ST/PH are not required to submit any fee) by Demand Draft from any Nationalized Bank in favour of “School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada” payable at Vijayawada.

How to Apply :  Send duly filled application in the prescribed format with necessary supporting documents, super-scribing the name of the post applied for along with application fee  on or before 25/03/2017 to   The Registrar, School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, Sy.No.71/1, NH–5, Nidamanuru, Vijayawada – 521104, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Details and Application Format : Details and Application Forms can be viewed at http://spav.ac.in/recruitment.html 

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